The changes brought by heaven and earth are hard to disobey, but how to change or keep those relatives.

Hundreds of thousands of years later, those relatives of Longyan may no longer exist.

Long Qianzhi continued: "the world is on the verge of collapse. I don't know whether it will be tens of thousands of years or hundreds of thousands of years. Even the Dragon empire will not be able to maintain its present state. It will collapse and disappear from now on. At that time, the whole world will disappear, and all our human race, demon race, alien race, spirit race and so on, all the inheritance and civilization of the seven races will also disappear, If there is a fault, maybe a new world will be formed one day, and a new round of world change will be achieved. "

"You're talking about world epoch change?"

Long Qianzhi looked at Longyan, "what era of change?"

Long Yan saw that she should have never heard of epoch-making change, and then shook her head.

"Why do you say the world is changing?"

Long Qianzhi shook her head: "I don't know. Maybe this is my perception of time. I have already sensed that the world is becoming more and more powerful and fragile."

Her voice is not big, but she is full of sadness. She looks down at the sky and earth anxiously. There is a trace of sadness on her face. She is really kind, and Longyan can really feel it.

Maybe there are few people in the world who can care about the world like her. People in the world are concerned about how to become strong, but they don't think about how long the world can last, whether it is near collapse.

Long Qianzhi perception of these, also more let Long Yan determined, he got those news.

Over a hundred years, the Dragon empire was destroyed.

Today's Dragon Kingdom has entered a state of collapse, and this is what Nianhua Dragon Emperor himself said, which is so consistent with the news he got, and the first marginal areas to be destroyed are naturally those lower boundary continents,

However, she did not know that the time of destruction, in fact, only a hundred years, if this is true, it is really terrible.

A hundred years will soon pass for those who practice martial arts. It's too short. There's no time for Long Yan to delay. He must seize the time to practice. Maybe if he can reach the stage of becoming a God in a hundred years, he can make some changes.

At that time, what will the world look like? Now for him, he is still too weak to do anything.

However, Long Yan set a goal for himself, with the speed of his growth, maybe ten years later, he will have strong strength, so, ten years later.

At least, ten years later, Long Yan is very confident in himself, and should be able to achieve the strength of the thirteen dragon emperors.

Starting from the Dragon Hall of Xueyao, heading southeast, there is endless territory below. In front of it, Longyan has seen a huge wilderness area, which is very vast. In the center of the wilderness, there is a central sea area.

It's called the sea area of years, which is similar to the scope of the sea of blood above Xueyao.

The Dragon Hall of time is built above the sea area of time.

Years of sea area, the same huge incomparable, let Longyan unimaginable.

The sea area of time is just as big as the dragon city of Xueyao, and the spirit city of Tianlong emperor is also inhabited by hundreds of millions of people.

"Boy, you can see that place. It's the sea area of time. The Dragon Hall of time is above, and the spirit city of Tianlong emperor is on the ground. When you get close to it, you can feel a special force of time. What you practice is also the time way. Naturally you can feel it."

"Well, that should be wonderful." Long Yan said.

Long Qianzhi said with a gentle smile: "well, the so-called time sea area is actually different in the intensity of time. It just seems that there is nothing strange there. When you enter, you will find that you are in a place where the intensity of time is high and the flow rate of time is fast. That time is faster than the outside time. For example, one day outside, you enter a place where the flow rate is fast, Maybe a few days later, the flow rate is slow. You feel that after two days, in fact, it's less than one day. The confusion of time will make you a little uncomfortable when you first step there. However, I believe you can quickly grasp the way of time that you understand, which will also be of great help to you. "

Years sea area, it seems that this is really some magic, you can feel it there.

Long Qianzhi introduced to Longyan.

"Well, I'll definitely experience it."

Looking at Longyan, long Qianzhi said helplessly: "if you step on the Dragon Emperor's domain and come directly to our years dragon hall, I'm afraid it won't be like this now. At least it will make you more proficient in the understanding of time."

Long Yan looked at her: "I want to come, but I was too weak at that time. When I came back from the God Star domain, you didn't say that you would pick me up. I'm a thin skinned person, so I won't come on my own initiative. Compared with Xueyao god dragon hall, it's also very suitable for me."

"The old man is a stubborn thought. I don't know what he thinks, and no one can change his decision. Even if I can't do it, the Dragon Temple has the final say," he said. "This old devil is used to hegemony."

She said this, let Long Yan almost laugh, it seems that she and years of dragon emperor also have a lot of disagreement, but she can't be the master.

After all, brother and sister, she also called each other old ghost, do not know what her mood is.

"Time is coming soon."

Long Qianzhi said, Longyan can't help looking forward to it, and her mood starts to be excited. The time dragon hall finally arrives, and you can see her father's body immediately to see what changes have taken place. Nianhua Longdi has always been mysterious and doesn't reveal a little bit. After Longyan sees it, will she know the truth she said?

In this way, she was brought into this seemingly ordinary sea area.

What's more, this is a real sea area. There are no waves and it's very calm. Even if they rush into the sea, they can't lift any waves.

It's just like a dead sea. That's the power of time.

Time, eternity, time and time represent time. Time and sea must have its magical side.

Moreover, even if you enter this area, even in the air, you can also feel the power of time and the fluctuations formed, which ordinary people can't feel at all.

Time is like a long river, converging into a sea of time.

In the sea area, the velocity of time will be aroused, and even there will be a strong disorder of time. It is very chaotic and agitating, but the sea is calm. How did such a surge change come into being, and where is the source of its formation?

Can we say that there is something in the sea area of he Nian that makes this place agitate and produce such changes?

"Let's go!"

Long Qianzhi let Long Yan feel a little, this just grabbed him to rush to the sky, toward the years of dragon temple.

Later, there was time to feel it. Long Yan had a great feeling for the sea area of this time, and he had a secret way in his heart.

After several twists and turns, he finally came to the Dragon Hall of time.

The huge city built above the sea area of time is also quite large, which is similar to the Dragon Hall of Xueyao, and the city around the sea area of time is the spirit city of Tianlong emperor.

The buildings here are not connected together, but are relatively simple. They look a little flashy, not very luxurious, and they feel pale and transparent. I don't know what materials they are made of.

Many palaces look old and full of vicissitudes. They have a long history. They look like ancient cities.

It should have existed for a long time, from which we can infer the hardness of these buildings.

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