The thirteen strong men, with a roar, used their own supernatural power one after another. They surrounded Longyan, and the powerful supernatural power suppressed Longyan invisibly.

"Do it, kill the boy!"

I don't know who yelled, but they attacked one after another.


At the same time, Long Yan rushes forward, showing his sharp edge, and confronts an old man's Taoist instrument in front of him, directly making his opponent's Taoist instrument tremble.

Other strong people are also flocking!


Long Yan waved and turned around, swept away the left edge, leaped forward, and pierced the old man's head.

"Don't be careless, this boy is very strange!"

Long Yan's speed is very fast. He can fight head-on with a few moves. He can use the sword to kill the gods and wave the halberd to keep them away.

He is very fast. The old man who is fighting head-on is holding a sharp sword to fight against Longyan.

Two people at the same time forward, no one back, near the limit, the old man finally back away, he even a sword fly out, hard stab into Longyan chest.

Long Yan just like that, holding his sword with his hand and not letting it pull out, he suddenly waved his halberd with his right hand and directly cut down his head and fell to the ground.

"The devil!"

Long Yan is so brave that he dares to fight so hard regardless of his injury.

"Well, you're close to killing yourself." Between speaking, his chest was penetrated injury, soon recovered.

After waiting for him to recover, Long Yan this time uses DUNSHI too empty, directly disappears in front of the public again.

"No, that's another move. Back to back!"

Now there are 12 old people left. They are all on guard. Longyan is not only fierce, but also fierce. His recovery ability is amazing.

He has the original dragon reverse power, plus his ancestor dragon body's strong, all these make him invincible.

Taixu dragon arrow has been so powerful, not to mention the light and shadow dragon arrow. When it is used, it will be more powerful and bring great threat to these old people. It makes them nervous and ugly. They use the supernatural power one after another to form a protective halo and envelop them.

Back to back, they all looked around with vigilance. Even with the protection of halo formed by supernatural power, they were still very nervous.

"Boy, get out of here."

They are looking around, suddenly from their back to back in the middle of the gap, seems to be crowded up, like an extra person.

"One, two, three..."

"Why 13 people, one more."

Yes, more out of this person is Long Yan, he and all so close, is strange with a smile, looking at them.

"What? Is that you

The crowd dispersed as if they had met the devil.

Long Yan is too weird to catch his figure. In the next moment, a furious sound of the dragon's voice rings out.


Long Yan was angry. He watched them react quickly and attack him one after another. This time, he used Fengshen chop to show his sword prison!

The sword prison is full of death evil spirits, and the heaven and earth form a huge rotating sword prison. In the sword prison, there is a fire baby like death evil spirits, which is the fire baby after becoming bigger. It's ferocious and terrifying, full of flames and with sharp teeth.

Xiaohuowa himself is evil spirit, but after such a long time, he has been influenced by Longyan.

Such a terrible side came, and then the sword of ten thousand swords came all over the world.

He trapped all the twelve people in the dead evil spirit of sword prison. When Long Yan saw that they were scared and silly, he was full of horror. He was not polite. He put away the Fengshen chop and used the light and shadow dragon arrow to go through the opponent madly, which caused great damage to them both psychologically and physically.

Under the crazy penetration, Long Yan's arrow penetrated the opponent's defense, from the front chest to the back, and even penetrated their armor.

No one can defend the Dragon arrow of light and shadow with 660 stripes. Where the purple arrow and shadow pass by, two people are suddenly pierced through their bodies, lose their fighting power and smash to the ground from the sky.


They screamed repeatedly, their bodies were pierced, although not fatal, but the painful feeling made them really difficult to support.

The main reason why Longyan is so strong is that he has got the Dragon arrow of time. If he is allowed to use Fengshen chop, it is impossible to achieve such an effect.

The combat effectiveness has indeed improved a lot. His strength and speed, plus his physical defense ability, are no better than the variance. He is very close to the peak strength in the late period of the seventh military rebellion.

This time, with the strength of light, shadow and dragon arrow, he really had the qualification to compete with them. Moreover, he was invincible. He played a great role in escaping from Taixu and Chu Yuan.

No matter how heavy the injury is, he can recover in an instant. How much strength he consumes also recovers as before. The strangest thing is that he can appear around these strong men unexpectedly, making them lose their fighting spirit and be constantly confused.

Longyan's terror, let them take no advantage.

The scream was terrifying.

"Who's next? Why don't you go away? Can't you see that you don't have the ability to do anything to me? If you go on, you'll all end up like them."

Long Yan looks at them, vicious way, he will light and shadow dragon arrow battle halberd, horizontal in his chest, who dare to come forward, he will immediately kill up.

He did frighten them.

The most powerful means have not been used yet.

Now there are only nine old people left, and they all look at each other.

"It's impossible for human form to control this boy. Let's turn into a dragon."

They nodded one after another, followed by the Nine Dragons roaring and galloping toward the higher sky.

Four of them are high-level dragon, and the other five are super dragon. They stare at Longyan below and surround him. The huge dragon body, like a real God, dominates the heaven and earth. The dragon power is mighty. The news has spread in the Dragon hall all the time, and they all look in this direction.

They saw the Nine Dragons roaring and roaring wildly, and burst out with an unprecedented roar of anger.

Awe the world!

This is the peak of the seventh stage of the armed rebellion, and the strong turn into dragons. They raise their combat effectiveness to the highest level, and show their strength. They are more powerful than the humanoid state!

You can imagine the power if you try your best.

The power of the dragon is suppressed. The majesty of the ancient dragon would have been suppressed by such a strong one. It would have been suppressed by this power and invisible pressure.

But, Long Yan arrogantly but stands among them, "after you transform the dragon, think can I how?"

One of the dragons roars and comes to fight against Longyan first. It is powerful and domineering. The dragon will open its mouth and burst out a huge phagocytic power from its mouth. The power is really too strong.

Yes, this is the phagocytosis dragon. It's a high level dragon.

Longyan can't support, this time he swallowed directly into the dragon's belly.

"What? You've devoured this kid. "

"Don't worry. He's in my stomach. I'll trap him and digest him slowly. He can't resist my digestive system until he's willing to hand over all the four treasures."

Did not expect after the dragon, so easy to control the Longyan, everyone is waiting, waiting for Longyan to admit defeat.

But is that really the case?

Longyan is the body of the ancestor dragon. When he was in the hell Hall of Xueyao dragon's tomb before, he came out of each other's stomach as if he had been swallowed by the gluttonous beast.

So next, it's the turn of the dragon to scream. At this time, the dragon's body really changed a lot!

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