Long Yan's whole body began to grow those terrible tentacles, which made everyone full of horror. All of them were stunned for a time. They felt the terrible evil spirit creature and were frightened. Some martial artists with six levels of martial rebellion were frightened and quickly regressed and turned pale.

They as like as two peas do. They really shook the monster. It was just like the picture before. It was too horrible.

Moreover, as long Nanfeng described, Long Yan is indeed a monster. Now there is no doubt that people have to believe it.

Evil spirits and demons are the natural enemies of the human race. They are terrible and dangerous. So evil demons should be killed and must not stay.

The crowd became more noisy. Over the years, countless strong people over the sea were shouting madly.

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

The sea seems to be tumbling even more.

The nine dragon emperors at the top of the sky also changed their faces, especially Nianhua Dragon Emperor and Xueyao Dragon Emperor.

They still believed in Long Yan, but this time they were all speechless and couldn't believe their eyes.

However, among the nine dragon emperors at the scene, the only one who believes in Longyan is Nianhua Dragon Emperor. Although she was shocked, she was very calm in her heart, because he saw that Longyan's expression was clearly his hatred for these monsters, and she still held some hope for Longyan.

Everyone saw this terrible side. When the fire burned, those tentacles seemed very painful and were struggling to swing randomly.

"You see, we have not wronged this boy. Ha ha, ha ha, it is an indisputable fact that he is indeed a monster. Even those who do not believe it should believe it now. It is like a terrible evil creature that sneaks into our Terran territory. What a terrible thing and what a great threat to our Terran. Fortunately, it was found in time, otherwise In a few years, the consequences will be unimaginable. "

Said one of the Dragon Emperor strongmen.

"Nanfeng Dragon Emperor, burn this monster with the sky burning flame and kill this monster. We must not let it leave alive this time, or the world will be harmed by it again." someone suggested.

Those tentacles are really shocking.

When long Nanfeng saw this scene, he was so excited that he would jump up.

"Monster, monster, this time you and your father long Shuo don't have to explain anything. You are all monsters. You have occupied the name of the God of war for so many years. You really humiliate this name. What qualifications do monsters like you have to live? Hahaha, hahaha, this also shows that I won't be ashamed of losing to you that year. My face has finally been found. I am the genius, you dog Fart is not. Your appearance covered all my light. I envy you. But I didn't expect you to be a monster. Your father and son are monsters. What face are you alive? Today, I finally exposed your face. I long Nanfeng turned over one day and was suppressed by you for so long. "

He finally got the vent, and finally found the vent. These words told Longyan and longshuo, and wanted everyone in the world to understand how much pain he had in his heart.

The bitter water in his heart can finally be vomited out. In recent years, he has been depressed and can't sleep all night. Even if long Shuo has disappeared for 100000 years, his heart knot can't be solved. Today, all the answers and the truth are made public.

"Your father and son are evil demons that endanger common people."

Long Nanfeng could hardly suppress his inner excitement and shouted recklessly.

Then he was very angry and roared loudly: "Everybody, now the situation is clear. This monster has been placed in front of us. I will strengthen the flame to burn him and eliminate the harm in the name. Today, I represent not only the individual, but also the Dragon Hall of the whole years. I represent the whole Terran to get rid of this evil spirit and give our Terran a peaceful and stable world. Now please allow me to burn him and give me encouragement and strength. I need it You have more support! "

He not only made a momentum, but also killed Longyan with the help of everyone's hands.

Longnanfeng turns into a huge flame dragon again and hovers over Longyan's head. He wants to give Longyan the most fatal blow to kill him.

At the same time, the crowd was excited and supported him to kill Longyan.

This is to complete this action with supreme glory. He has been waiting for this opportunity for 100000 years. It can be seen that he has been waiting for this moment for too long. He can't help it and is extremely excited.

But is it possible to kill Longyan?

He has the evil power of Chuyuan dragon, which is his last means to protect his life.

For Long Yan, life and death are completely under his control. However, the killing of long Nanfeng will definitely make Long Yan immortal and suffer from the pain of death. I'm afraid it will exceed the time limit and make him unable to recover for ten or 100 years, which is also very cruel to him.

When his life was hanging on the line, Long Yan was still calm and calm. He really saw that those tentacles were not controlled by him at all. They seemed to occupy another part of his body. They opened their teeth and claws everywhere without any rules. It just occupied Long Yan's body and could not control long Yan's behavior.

"Damn devil, you finally appear. Since you appear, it's much easier to do."

All over Longyan's body, his limbs were covered with such disgusting things. Those blood holes were disgusting, as if there were heavy pus flowing out.

The disgusting pictures were so indescribable that everyone was going to vomit.

The burning flame is still burning wildly. Then Longyan sees those tentacles, which seem to be reducing resistance and being charred. However, even after being charred, they will continue to grow new tentacles.

He doesn't care about those angry roars and hate voices. What he has to do today is to pull the monster out of his body and really separate it from his body.

He finally waited for the opportunity.

"Now that you've appeared, get out of here. My body can't be occupied by your evil spirit."

However, in the face of the killing of long Nanfeng, the crisis is coming. Long Yan plans to use his strong dragon body to support him for a killing attack first. As long as he can't kill himself, it can naturally bring great trauma to the monster.

On the front line of life and death, he is also fully prepared.


The huge dragon body of longnanfeng directly shrinks from the tail of the dragon, and then turns into an extremely sharp sword.

Like Long Feng's blood butcher, he slammed on Long Yan's shoulder and separated half of his body.

The pain of death made him almost to the limit of his body.

When he quickly used Chuyuan dragon's counter divine power to recover his body.

Longyan also took this opportunity to successfully grasp the tentacles intertwined with his blood vessels and meridians.

Fengshen cut is a sword that penetrates the position of the meat ball in the core, making it unable to hide in its own body.

The process was bloody and cruel, and the picture was ugly.

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