Years, the Dragon Emperor wanted to kill the demon swallowing beast by hand, which frightened long Yanyu. She knew her father's temper.

And if you don't recognize her in public, you have to do it.

The people saw that the Dragon Emperor's hands began to condense the powerful force against the gods and demons. The light condensed out contained enormous power.

Long Yanyu was completely flustered and appalled. He looked at the powerful power that was about to kill. I'm afraid once it broke out, it could almost drain the whole sea area for years.

"You get away from me. Did I say I'm going to kill you?" the Dragon Emperor roared again.

Yes, he just wanted to kill the monster, not to say to Fu Long Yanyu, but why was she so frightened and said to kill her. On the contrary, Long Yan faced it very calmly without a trace of panic.

There has been a sharp contrast between the two, let alone now. More than 100000 strong people present are not fools.

At the last moment, when the Dragon Emperor was about to start, long Yanyu finally couldn't disguise. From her panic, she seemed to have changed into a person, and gave out the most crazy laughter. The laughter cut through the sky, the black lines on her face increased again, and all her hair stood up. It was terrible, She even started to grow countless thousand feet from herself, and the flesh began to change into a huge meat ball. Countless blood vessels were directly burst, and constantly began to spread out those arms. Not only that, after the body became a meat ball, it began to grow thousands of heads madly, and this is the appearance of dragon smoke rain after adulthood.

There are two as like as two peas. They all look like a dragon and misty rain. They are very scared.

That crazy scream made everyone completely shocked and quickly retreat.

"Do you want to kill me, ha ha, ha ha, OK, I won't pretend. I'll have a showdown. I'm the monster you think. So what? You all exist like ants, and you will be destroyed once, ha ha..."

Long Yanyu looks like a giant spider with thousands of feet, and grows rapidly. Those thousands of feet also grow madly to hundreds of meters in length, and all expand. There are almost thousands of huge monsters.

It shocked everyone to the extreme.

She continued to laugh wildly, and with a very arrogant attitude, she despised all the strong people, including the Dragon emperors above the sky.

"You can't help me at all. Even if you know my identity, so what, because you will die today, and our plan will come true. All of you can't escape death. Your disaster has just begun. Ha ha, you will soon beg for mercy on my knees, and this will become a human hell. I seem to have heard your screams You will feel extremely desperate because no one in this world can stop us. The world will be controlled by us. Now that you know, it can only show that you will be one step closer to death. "

Be careless with the dragon, as like as two peas.

Then, her huge thousand foot spider, all black, began to rush towards the small demon swallowing beast, and then directly tore the power of time prohibition with thousand foot claws, crazy and integrated with the previous monster.

After they saw it, they were in a complete uproar. Their frightened and shocked eyes were unbelievable. They really didn't expect that longyanyu was really a monster.

"I wanted to find the boy Longyan to be a ghost for the dead, but I didn't expect to be seen through by him. Hum, I want to avenge you today. I'll kill you slowly."

She roared more madly, and after the fusion of the two strange objects, her thousands of heads began to grow the upper body, two arms, and then sharp claws.

She looked at everyone with extremely cruel and vicious eyes.

The ferocious cry could not help laughing.

Nianhua dragon emperor once again regained control of her with super time power.

Although the monster longyanyu is very ferocious and terrible, it is still easily controlled in the face of the supreme powers at the level of the Dragon Emperor.

"Come on, you have the ability to kill me. Even if you kill me, you don't want to know everything that cares about us. I won't let you know anything. You are all low species."

The thousand heads all laughed cruelly.

At the moment, there is no dragon misty rain. No matter its body or these arrogant tone, she even humiliated the Dragon Emperor.

Long Yan's innocence has been proved. What people don't know now is why the Dragon misty rain has become like this, and where the monster comes from.

People don't know, including the nine dragon emperors. Years Dragon Emperor is the most prestigious Dragon Emperor present and the adoptive father of long Shuo, but even he hasn't heard any legend about this monster.

This matter makes everyone incredible, but I think if there are a large number of monsters, it may pose a great threat to the whole world and be a great disaster for the whole world.

Years ago, the Dragon Emperor was angry with long Shuo and thought he was born a monster, but when his real daughter became like this, he realized that he had wronged long Shuo from the beginning.

After all, this is his favorite daughter since childhood.

"Years, tell me about it. Should I kill it or not?"

Xueyao Dragon Emperor approached him and asked.

On the one hand, he is happy for Long Yan, because it has proved that he was framed and that he is innocent. In addition, now he has finally found a real monster, and the other party has admitted everything. However, long Yanyu is his daughter. This matter is still for him.

Years after the Dragon Emperor knew this result, his mood must be at the bottom of the valley, heartache, but he still has to face everything.

"We know nothing about this monster. I think we should imprison it first. We must find out all the secrets. Long Yanyu is no longer my daughter, but this monster is still useful to us!"

Several other dragon emperors also nodded one after another. Now they are killed. They really can't inquire about those secrets.

This is a huge hidden danger.

What is the truth behind that?

"Does the devil devouring beast have anything to do with the aliens on the reliefs I saw in the eternal God ancestral field? Do you want to publish the news to the world, but even if I say it, who will believe me?"

Long Yan thought about it in his heart. After thinking about it, he still didn't say it. This time, he was almost killed. When he said it in public, there must be a stronger one behind the monster. He was not enemy at all. Just keep a low profile. If he was watched, it would be really bad.

Long Yan now has that feeling more and more. If there are those alien races, I'm afraid they have always existed in the world, but they are still sleeping. They don't dare to make too much publicity. After all, the current Terrans are also very powerful.

Long Yan is very careful when doing anything now. In order to grow up, he must bear some things.

However, today's incident was framed by long Yanyu. He couldn't bear it. He waited first. If he killed the monster, Long Yan would be the first to stand up without hesitation.

The Dragon emperors planned to imprison the monster first and learn some clues from it.

However, long Yanyu laughed: "you are too naive. How can I tell you the truth? Ha ha, you are just mole ants. You don't need to know the truth, because you will be killed soon!"

The monster's sneer sounded very harsh. It couldn't move a penny. It could only roll in the imprisoned space. From those mouths, it sometimes secreted a lot of sticky and disgusting things.

It makes people feel sick

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