Long Shuo continued to Long Yan, "don't care about my body. I've left. Use the power I left you, the town dragon bow and wild dragon arrow I left you, and... You now have the Dragon kingdom of the limitless new world. I'll contain the monster. You use the Dragon kingdom to concentrate the power of those people and kill the monster together."

"Father, didn't you leave me enough strength to kill the monster?"

Long Shuo nodded, "but those people don't understand so. Go and do as I say. The power of those people is also the power of all living beings."

With these words, soon Longyan was pushed down by him. He rushed out of the gaps of his tentacles and soon stood on the ground of the Dragon Hall of years. When everyone surrounded and looked at him.

Long Yan said to all humanity: "well, let's kill the monster now. I need to concentrate all your strength."

After Long Yan finished, he looked up at the huge monster in the sky. Countless long Shuo were roaring, and the gentle man had disappeared. Those long Shuo were all ferocious and terrible. Long Shuo seemed to have been in the future.

However, Long Yan knows that what his father said just now must be true, not an illusion.

"My most respected person, father..."

Long Yan clenched his fist. He bit his teeth. The demon swallowing beast was still struggling, but it seemed that it should have been less painful. It should have become a terrible monster before.

Death once again enveloped everyone.

Long Yan remembered his words in his heart.

Dragon bow and dragon arrow can kill this monster.

Finally, there's a way. The man still cares about the safety of the world, otherwise he won't fight against the monster. He may want to see the growth of Longyan. In short, Longyan's performance still didn't disappoint him. Maybe from now on, this man will appear less and less.

Like Long Yan, he cares about the world. Therefore, when Long Yan calls him, he really appears. He has been waiting for Long Yan to wake him up.

Unfortunately, he left and disappeared in this world long ago. He has no real power to kill this monster. He needs to rely on Long Yan's hand. Then at this moment, Long Yan is going to complete that mission!

Long Yan stood in front of everyone. He looked at the monster devouring beast that had completely recovered into a monster. It was disgusting, ferocious, ridiculed and despised people all over the world. It stretched out countless ancestral gods Taixu dragons and tried to make everyone old and die again with time and power.

Moreover, this monster will not be polite this time. It will destroy everyone and destroy other parts of the Terran. The Terran will bear the fate of despair.

Will Longyan let him succeed this time?

The shrouding of death numbs the people, and Long Yan has told them that it is better to resist than wait for death. He wants to concentrate all people's strength and destroy the monster.

At that moment, tens of thousands of people were shocked to see that Long Yan rushed towards the monster, and this time rushed into the air.

He is full of confidence and strong will this time. Long Shuo has brought him the most powerful power. Therefore, although he is small to pitiful compared with the devil devouring beast, he is still full of war spirit, blood boiling, and faces the monster with unyielding character and pride.

Fearless of death, he turned the Dragon bow and dragon arrow into his hands in front of everyone.

"What?" tens of thousands of people saw that Longyan wanted to use the Dragon bow to deal with the monster. Isn't this a senseless struggle? Does it work?

Everyone doesn't understand. Even with the help of the power of all living beings, the power of all living beings present is not as strong as that of a Dragon Emperor.

However, how can they understand Longyan? How can they understand that longshuo has left him a more powerful force. When longshuo disappears, the mysterious force has appeared in Longyan's Dragon kingdom.

After Long Yan realized this power, he was confident. He also seemed to understand his father's meaning. He wanted Long Yan to use the power of all sentient beings. In fact, it was also to let him establish a real image in the hearts of all people. This time, he didn't have to fear life and death. He used his body to bear all the strength to fight against the monster. It was to let him and the people all over the world kill the monster and complete the battle.

Even at the last moment, long Shuo is still paving the way for Long Yan and thinking of him.

Only father's love and mother's love are the most selfless love!

Even if the man disappeared, Long Yan didn't feel that he had left. It seemed that he was still with him, watching him and waiting for him to complete the final battle and win!

Long Yan calmed down. He began to stare at the monster with anger.

The Zhenlong bow turns into a golden supreme dragon with 780 Taoist patterns, and the Dragon arrow turns into a red supreme dragon. The two dragons roar and occupy each other to frighten the world.

Bow and shoot!

Devouring demons and swallowing beasts have roared wildly and destroyed everyone. Longyan quickly used the Dragon kingdom of Wuji new world, and hundreds of thousands of sentient beings roared.

"Give me strength!"

For a time, everyone burst out their own forces on the eve of death, and then these forces gathered together and rushed into Longyan's body.

No one believes that he can bear so much power. I'm afraid his body will be stormed. However, Longyan miraculously concentrated all the power.

The Dragon kingdom of Wuji new world comes from the evolution of the ancestor Wuji dragon, so Longyan can complete this move.

Then, he instilled all his strength into the Zhenlong bow and wild dragon arrow. He bent the bow and shot the devil. He was full of strength. It was impossible to open the bow and arrow with his own strength. However, after concentrating the strength of all sentient beings, Long Yan seemed to feel more relaxed. In this way, his face was very red.

Come on, come on, hold on!

While all people instill strength, they see that for the sake of Longyan's efforts, he has the right to be a dead horse and a living horse doctor.

"Can this succeed?"

Countless people don't understand. Even if Long Yan relies on these two weapons, it won't help at all. After all, the monster is so strong that the nine dragon emperors can't defeat him, but he uses the power of sentient beings and the Dragon bow and dragon arrow. Isn't that bullshit?

Everyone will be angry and cry. Is Long Yan joking about people's lives?

The child's courage is commendable, but why is he so naive? It's ridiculous. His desperate struggle is just in vain. He can't even count mole ants in front of this monster. How can he work hard.

The strength of all sentient beings is actually a supporting point of Longyan. It is stable. He can better control the divine power left by longshuo in his body!

People are naturally ignorant and don't understand. They only think that Long Yan is ridiculous. He moved them. Even if they die, they won't give up. They still hold a trace of fantasy.

Die, it doesn't matter. Anyway, everyone in the world will die and everyone will die, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

Long Yan doesn't go to see them, but focuses on bowing and archery!

He trembled and used all his strength. Under the struggle of death, he was about to complete the most shocking killing in the history of the human race. From then on, he went to the bright and glorious continent. No one was questioning him. He was about to complete that step soon.

It's just that everyone doesn't understand now!

"Open it for me!"

Longyan roared, his arms were about to be broken, his head was congested and would explode, his veins burst and his eyes protruded.

Long Yan is like crazy. With his efforts, Zhen Longgong begins to become more and more curved, and the golden light becomes more and more dazzling

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