Long Yan and Jin Xuanmeng were not shocked by the scene in front of them, because the scene they saw this time was completely different from the last time. At the beginning, the strength of 169 divine cities was gathered here.

The picture Long Yan saw at this time could not believe it, and even wondered if he had made a mistake. This is not the ancestral field of eternal gods at all.

What he saw last time was not like this. Once there were countless colorful divine fog around the platform. Not only that, there were fairy fog, tall walls and quiet palaces in the abyss. They were ancient and solemn, even awe inspiring. They had lofty divine symbols, just like entering the fairy palace.

The difference now is that although there are still colorful clouds overhead, what comes into view is not only a palace entrance, but countless fairy palaces and shrines. There are countless places that can hardly be seen in the rear. Moreover, these palaces show a very old feeling, which is the most important and the most frightening place for Longyan, It is these holy palaces that are actually built of human bones.

Countless white human bones, some of which have begun to decay, and countless vines have climbed all over the white bone wall, which looks very gloomy and terrible, without the original sacred and noble feeling.

No matter the walls, the palace, or the pillars supporting the palace, they are all made of white bones.

It gives people a very depressed feeling, gloomy.

The front is called the gate of hell. You can enter from there. However, the gate of hell is extremely tall and is also built with white bones. This is a white bone building group. I don't know how many human bones or the white bones of any living creature can be used to build such a magnificent building.

You know, people don't come here often. Only when it is opened every time, those people from the holy city will come to worship.

Like death hell, it is full of terrible and gloomy gas and ancient breath. Those white bones are no longer pure white, but some have become gray, white gray color and full of traces of years. Perhaps this is the real eternal God ancestral field. What Longyan saw last time, he doesn't know how to explain.

So it made him doubt that this is really the ancestral field of eternal gods?

There was no sound. Long Yan thought and put away the Cangshan shenzhou first.

At this time, Jin Xuanmeng stretched out his hand and pointed to the position directly in front of the hell gate. There were four big words made of dazzling white bones on it.

"The city of bones."

This place is not called the ancestral field of eternal gods, nor the gate of hell, but the city of ten thousand bones?

The dead and silent city of ten thousand bones emits a smell of decay from inside. It comes back in bursts. The ancient decay smell is very strong. It seems that there are no signs of life here, nor can there be any living creatures.

It's completely dead. It's a city of death!

Long Yan was completely stunned. He couldn't help getting cold on his back. The dark wind hit him. Jin Xuanmeng showed his shocked color and held Long Yan's arm tightly.

I don't know why. When Long Yan came here this time, he felt that this was the real immortal field, which was not what he saw last time.

This should be what it is, but why is there such a great difference?

No matter what's inside or what's dangerous, Long Yan will go in and find out. It also makes him more sure that there must be a problem. In order to unlock this mysterious veil, he let everyone know the ugly side here.

This is the holy land of the gods they worship. It's just a dead city.

"Xuanmeng, I now believe more and more that my father did that for a reason. Obviously, he also came to this place and tried to destroy it. This is the real appearance of the eternal God ancestral field. Even if there have been those gods here, the gods are immortal. They should remain until now, but everything we see here is like people Hell is more terrible than hell. "Long Yan couldn't help saying.

Jin Xuanmeng nodded: "well, I also believe your father, but it's too gloomy here. There must be very dangerous places. We should be careful. There may be great danger. How can things left over from the ancient times be ordinary."

"Don't worry, don't you forget that I basically have an immortal body now. Chuyuan longni gives me absolute confidence to find out all the secrets. In case of fatal danger, you must integrate into my body in time, and we will be fine."

Although Long Yan was frightened, he hung a confident smile on his face for the women around him.

In those years, when Long Yan was still very weak, he dared to enter Asura hell to fight against the leader of Youquan mansion, let alone now, he still had the courage.

"OK, let's go in."

Long Yan thought, "wait, why don't you turn into a demon of yin and cold now, so that my strength will be stronger, and I can ensure your safety, so that I don't have to be distracted."

Jin Xuanmeng nodded, which really killed two birds with one stone.

Along the way, from defeating the war emperor to meeting the ancient corpse of God skeleton, it is also thanks to Jin Xuanmeng. Otherwise, he can't get here at all.

Cooperation is the last word.

Long Yan was almost ready, Cangshan Shenzhou was also put away, and he began to step into the God of bones city.

Long Yan was not in a hurry, but carefully walked in and looked at the mottled white bone gate. Don't inlay the ancient traces left by those years, the thighs and heads of those people.

These people don't know how much pain and suffering they suffered when they experienced death, and who can destroy them and build so many, so huge bone God cities.

In short, Long Yan doesn't believe that the gods can do such cruel things.

Although he was under great pressure in his heart, which made him depressed very uncomfortable, he resolutely walked towards it. He would not shrink back, because the ancestral dragon soul enabled Longyan to overcome any fear.

In this way, Long Yan began to go deep, and soon he entered the ten thousand bones God City, where there were at least 100000 white bones palaces, rows and rows of gloomy and terrible, and the dark wind hit in bursts. After entering the God City, many skulls were scattered on the ground. As he walked forward, there were more and more skulls, almost covered with a thick layer of skulls, and the street was very desolate, The smell of death is everywhere.

Thousands of people, at least hundreds of millions, have died to build a city of ten thousand bones at such a cost.

The breath of death came, and Longyan could even step on one or two heads with one foot.

It was densely paved into the whole street, and there was no end at a glance.

It's gloomy and scary, making people feel suffocated.

There was no such terrible picture when I came to the eternal God ancestral field. It was really shocking and shocking.

In the same place, there is such a big difference between before and after, which is unimaginable!

Long Yan takes a deep breath and moves on

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