Long Yan was in a trance and his thoughts were confused.

The immortal fog filled the air, and the gods came all over the world. It was full of majesty and arrogance, with the spirit of fierce killing.

"It's not true. It's all an illusion!"

Long Yan warned himself, but that Wei was so terrible that he was more dignified than facing the nine dragon emperors.

Long Yan was about to retreat, but found that the white bone gate behind him had already disappeared. Now it's better. It's impossible to escape.

So are these gods real?

At this time, the clouds began to fall, so that Longyan could see the appearance of the gods on the clouds more clearly.

They were really angry, full of death, without any signs of life. At this time, Longyan also felt the mighty power of God.

"These gods are really not human beings or real gods, but..."

Long Yan opened his eyes and felt that after these gods approached him, they were not as terrible as expected. The dangerous smell brought to him seemed not so strong, but more terrible than those larvae of colorful fog.

Long Yan doesn't believe that these are real gods. If so, it's really terrible. However, the gods are the ancestors of the human race. They can't harm the human race, let alone be full of the spirit of death.

At that time, long Shuo wanted to destroy here. If he found that there were gods here, he would not dare, because he did not become a God from beginning to end, but he was already the strongest in the whole God empire.

With this judgment, these gods are not real gods.

When Long Yan saw those so-called gods, his expression was very stiff, and it was not much different from the appearance of the human race. However, he entered the second largest palace in the God of bones city. How could he meet these gods?

Long Yan didn't feel any signs of life from them. He judged that these should be gods and statues, just like the skeleton armor warrior puppets he met in the colorful temple.

Without the fire of life, Longyan will not be afraid of them.

Let Long Yan just didn't think that these statues were too B real, as if they were real, and they looked like they were staring at themselves. No matter how they moved their position, they were still staring at themselves.

It seems that they are staring at me, which always makes me feel shocked and my back is cold.

Longyan observed as like as two peas, but they still did not move. Finally, Longyan looked at the most tall god in the middle. Yes, the god statue was exactly the same as the battle God seen in the Cangshan ghost cave.

It's the first God of all bones. It looks very ordinary and wears very ordinary clothes. It just gives people a feeling and is full of mystery.

Long Yan saw Zhan cangxiong's statue staring at himself, as if he looked at him.

Human skin is like flesh and blood, but it doesn't move. The statue of cangshen mountain is carved from stone. This is the biggest difference between the two statues.

There are also the statues of Zhan cangxiong, the ancient spirit God, Xuanyuan God, Zhuge God, Duanmu God, and Longyan. They also see the God of Tianlong spirit vein. In short, many statues that can be named and are similar to the descendants of these gods exist here.

These statues of gods are lifelike, but none of them really exist, which makes Long Yan breathe a sigh of relief. Moreover, other gods seem to be very different from each other from wearing to dressing up. Some of them give people the feeling of immortality. Some gods dress themselves up as the youngest, full of divine power and various expressions.

These gods used to be ordinary people, but they eventually became gods because of their unique talents. Long Yan didn't know where they all went in the end.

Long Yan was lucky to see these statues of gods.

After all, gods are the most trusted gods of the human race.

The immortal fog around these gods filled Longyan with a doubt, that is, how can there be gods here?

What does this mean, or what does it mean.

Long Yan stabilized his mood and tried to calm himself down. He didn't intend to go up to check, because the sense of crisis seemed to exist all the time and hadn't been eliminated.

What if these gods are controlled and become puppets of some power to attack themselves.

Just as long Yan was thinking about whether to go out, suddenly a very strong voice came from high altitude, which almost knocked Long Yan to the ground, leaving him full of shock.

"You mortals dare to break into my God Temple and seek death!"

The sound came from above the gods and statues, and it was full of magnetism.

Long Yan was terrified. He didn't expect that there were others here. Obviously, the voice was full of killing gas.

He quickly looked in the direction of the clouds above. Sure enough, at this time, Long Yan saw that the statue on the far right actually began to move, as if it had come alive.

I feel that the statue has become a puppet. It is definitely not the resurrection of the gods, because the gods are immortal.

So where will you go if you don't die?

At this time, Longyan quickly retreated, and then looked at that direction. Maybe many of his doubts can be known through that voice.

But what is that guy? Will he bring himself a fatal crisis?

Long Yan saw that the statue on the right moved and moved. It seemed to be more and more flexible. It was full of charm color, and full of dignity and domineering. It seemed that the real God was resurrected. It was a statue full of gray skin, emitting a faint gray light, and holding a nine section whip in its hand.

Suddenly, the statue seemed to start to fall off a layer of skin bag, and a middle-aged man full of gray breath rushed out of it.

Is it human or divine? Unexpectedly, when I woke up at this time, I burst out the smell of gray death and killing from my eyes. Needless to think, this must be the possibility of the strong and even surpassing Longyan.

"ER and other curfews dare to break into my God Temple, defile the God and report their names."

The middle-aged man flew down towards the clouds and then fell to the ground. However, it seems that only he himself has been resurrected, and the rest of the gods are still the same without any action.

Long Yan was a little relieved. However, he looked at the other party. The killing atmosphere and the war intention were so strong that he didn't know how many times stronger than those skeleton armor puppets before.

In this way, Long Yan didn't move. He confronted the middle-aged man.

"The younger generation, Long Yan, comes to visit the ancestors and gods. Dare you ask the ancestors and gods what is sacred?" Long Yan is polite. He still doesn't know what the other party is like. What is this guy.

The man's eyes exuded a fierce killing opportunity, full of gray light, and his whole body was full of charm, shining with charm light. He pointed nine divine whips at Long Yan and said angrily: "I am the incarnation of the spirit will of Sima Wu and guard the temple of the gods. You break in without permission and defile the gods. You should die. You commit suicide and die. I will protect your whole body. If I kill you, you will be scared."

"The gods are the gods worshipped by the human race. I am the human race. Why do I violate the authority of the gods and defile the gods? Do you say I will listen to you if I kill myself?"

Long Yan will not get used to him. Even if he is the incarnation of the will of the gods, although he is extremely strong, it is full of the air of death and white bones everywhere. Why do these gods still sit and ignore him? It is obvious that the incarnation of the will of the God of Sima Wu does not have that ability.

Long Yan snorted coldly and turned Feng Shen out. The place here is limited. It seems that the fierce battle of turning dragon is not good for him.

Fengshen chop has now been promoted to more than 500 Taoist patterns, which can be regarded as the supreme Taoist weapon, and its power is more powerful.

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