Long Haonan screamed in great pain. His body exploded constantly, and even his hole was torn, but he could repair it immediately.

Crazy escape.

He looked back and saw the divine sword behind him, which was like the light of the day. His soul was broken.

"This is the power of those dragon emperors. It must be them, damn dragon emperors, who want to kill me..."

Long Haonan thought that these dragon emperors must have no way to take him, and thought that everything was played by him in applause. However, when he faced the Eternal Dragon sword, he could not escape. No matter heaven or earth, no matter where he hid, he could not avoid death.

He knew that he was really finished today. The penetrating power just now almost killed him. He was extremely embarrassed. He had never been seriously injured like this.

"You will regret it. If I die, my races will kill all your people. You will all die. They will avenge me, and they are very strong. The disaster of your people will come ahead of time. Your doomsday is coming."

"Get out, get out, you inferior creatures, you have no right to kill me. I am the existence of higher creatures. If you dare to kill me, all of you should die!"

Long Haonan roared wildly. His strange body method, incredibly moving speed, was also very detached. In an instant, he rushed out of the positive forest and rushed towards the sea of blood in the blood shining Dragon hall.

Long Yan told all the Dragon emperors what he heard. Although they collapsed, hearing the tragic words of long Haonan made them full of killing. This time, he decided to kill him.

Therefore, he quickly killed him with henggu dragon sword again.

"Kill me!"

The Dragon emperors' will to kill is still very strong!

At that moment, henggu dragon sword made a sharp sound of cutting through the sky again and galloped rapidly. Such a speed was 15 times that of long Haonan.

Therefore, he quickly killed him, almost without any hesitation, and directly penetrated into his demon swallowing animal body again, which made long Haonan suffer the pain of approaching death again.

"Ah ~"

The extremely fierce voice made him bear the most painful killing in the world. Moreover, the Eternal Dragon sword was more violent and full of killing and destruction power this time.

Boom! Boom!

Long Haonan is almost very close to death, but he still hasn't died. Long Yan is very shocked. His amazing immortal body is really difficult to die, but it's not far away. Long Yan can even be sure that this guy hid in the sea area of years, which is the evil spirit monster he planted for his heart.

"His life is incomparably strong, and he hasn't died yet!" said Long Yan.

He kept passing the news back to the Dragon Emperor.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Three of the thirteen dragon emperors have exhausted their strength, and the remaining ten dragon emperors also bite their teeth and finally insist.

They all stared angrily and became ferocious.

I'm afraid the whole Terran don't know about the killing here. The Terrans in the world are still afraid. They don't know that today is the death date of long Haonan.

"You dare to kill me like this, kill one me, and tens of thousands of me. You fools, cheap lower creatures, you will bear the disaster of destruction. Don't blame me. You treat me like this. You can't imagine that our strong world is about to be destroyed. All of you will die. Offending me will only accelerate your death "The deadline!"

Long Haonan angrily scolded and laughed wildly.

Long Yan knows all these words, but he can't let him go now. Long Yan must find out the rumors about the destruction of the Dragon empire in the future.

However, even if long Haonan knows anything, Long Yan doesn't intend to know the clues from him, because this guy basically acts alone. He is likely to be a single demon swallowing beast, or similar to those who devour the blood prison, gluttonous swallowing beasts, and those real chaos swallowing a family. All kinds of devouring evil spirits should be the main.

Long Haonan is a threat before his death. Long Yan and these dragon emperors are not frightened, so no matter how he yells, it won't help.

If he is really so powerful, in the face of such killing, why doesn't he summon his kind to rescue him.

Therefore, the Eternal Dragon Sword failed to kill him twice, but he couldn't escape, because his yuan gods were hurt the most deadly. He couldn't escape. He had to wait for death.

And these dragon emperors also consumed their power to the limit, roaring!

The third killing of henggu Dragon Sword came again.

The killing made the Dragon emperors almost concentrate their last strength together. The henggu Dragon Sword turned into a blood red killing dragon and tore it towards longhaonan.

The endless tearing of the dragon's claws brought him the final killing. It was so violent, bloody and cruel that it was unimaginable. It was really tragic.

All the tentacles of long Haonan were destroyed, leaving only half of the meat balls. The heads of long Haonan were crushed and exploded.


A piece of flesh and blood was blurred. After countless flesh and blood were torn, they were all changed into powder under the dragon's claws.

The whole 100 meter demon swallowing beast, only less than 56 meters of flesh and blood are still crawling, indicating that it is still alive. Moreover, there are only the last of thousands of heads.

Long Haonan is dying. There is only one last breath left from death.

Such a tragic situation is almost indescribable. I'm afraid any martial artist in the martial adversity world can kill, but I think he's fragile to what extent.

"Come on, this guy is dying. There's only the last breath of survival left. He's almost dead."

"Then kill again!"

Blood Yao dragon emperor, years Dragon Emperor, Hongmeng Dragon Emperor, nine fold Dragon Emperor and Wuji Dragon Emperor are left. Now the first Dragon Emperor can support the last henggu dragon sword.

The rest of the Dragon emperors were unable to continue to provide any power to the divine sword.

Even the first Dragon Emperor of the five dragon halls depended on the last will to complete the final killing.

Ready to go!

This time, the Eternal Dragon sword will play a more destructive killing opportunity and kill the Dragon Haonan monster.

"Come on, come on, ha ha ha, death is not terrible!" long Haonan did not report any hope. He still did not give up his heart. He still gave out his last arrogance and mocking laughter. It seemed that there was nothing to be afraid of before he died.

When the five dragon emperors heard the Dragon Haonan tragedy described by Long Yan, they trembled in their hearts. They were not afraid of him, but what kind of powerful beings existed behind this guy? Listen to him, these evil spirits exist more than these.

The last head faced the last death. At this time, he changed into the human shape of long Haonan.

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