After Longyan successfully destroyed longhaonan Yuanshen, but his body was not completely dead. His dragon body twisted together, then exploded, and his body was directly supported by the space destruction force.

Explosive space power, start endless destruction, brush!

For a time, he completely lost everyone's sight, and Longyan was also in the scope of this destruction space. He was the nearest person and suffered the greatest destruction power.

On the one hand, he quickly recovered his blood color, killed the dragon body, lit the flame of life all over, completely shrouded, and played a role in protecting himself. On the other hand, he made the strongest resistance.

Long Haonan's spirit has disappeared, and he can't die. Unfortunately, he can't see that Long Yan retreats when he is dying. The dragon body that devours the demon dragon has completely turned into powder.

However, the death and emptiness he left behind, and the destructive power was completely beyond everyone's imagination.

All the Dragon emperors are looking at the direction of Longyan nervously. They can't even rush to protect Longyan, because the power is too strong.

The light of fate has also undergone violent turbulence, but it has no entity, just an illusory light, just like the lake, shaking after waves.

Then, the earth began to appear chasm, was blown out of countless pits, and the whole world was in a state of collapse.

Boom! Boom!

The explosion spread all over the Terran, resounding through the world!

Countless mountains have been razed to the ground, setting off countless waves and reversing the world.

The sense of crisis at the end of the day frightened everyone in the world, but they were far enough away. Even so, they could still feel how terrible the terrible turmoil happened there.

Now, the only problem that people are concerned about is whether Long Yan can support it and whether he will survive. People all over the world are worried about it.

Long Haonan died. The dead silence lasted for a long time. He died under Long Yan after all.

"Long Yan, Long Yan, you must survive."

Countless people prayed in their hearts, hoping for a miracle.

They stared at the light of fate, the kind of painful waiting, and they waited for the death and empty explosion to disappear.

Long Yan is the hope of the future of the Terran. Only he can become the strongest against the sky. Will miracles really happen?

People all over the world can't promise. They hold their breath and stare at the light of creation.

After all, Longyan has to bear the most intense death and destruction twice. People all over the world worry about him, but they want to change him long ago.

All the Dragon emperors are waiting for the residual power of the explosion to decline. They can't wait to rush towards the center of the battlefield, hoping to find Long Yan and see him.

Smoke filled the air, and the aftermath of the explosion continued. Long Yan's influence on the Terran is definitely the most key figure. Even he has the ability to control the world in the future.

Like long Shuo in those days, he became the strongest master of the Dragon empire.

"Don't die, Longyan, you child, but I've seen the most rebellious people, and we can't all be disappointed." Nianhua Longdi said, and she shouted Longyan's name loudly.

You dragon emperors, when searching, they still dare not get too close to the center, because the two explosions caused the space chaos and broke many space rules. If they rush in rashly, I'm afraid they will be directly killed by the force of space chaos.

Therefore, the Dragon emperors and people all over the world are anxious, waiting for the destructive power to disperse as soon as possible.

"Longyan, Longyan!"

Everyone shouted, but there was no response from Longyan.

In the past almost a hundred breath time, the continuous explosive force decreased slightly, and the spatial chaos began to stabilize.

Long Haonan has died without residue. People have long paid no attention to the damn man, but to the safety of Long Yan.

Even Aoshan and Manwu are extremely worried about the safety of Longyan. They also go to the battle center one after another.

What will happen? No one knows yet.

Everyone is praying and looking forward to the return of Longyan.

They really can't accept Long Yan's death. Long Shuo's death caused a huge sensation and made people feel sad. Will Long Yan have the same fate as his father?

They were worried and anxious. Originally, the Dragon emperors could easily kill long Haonan, but they had to do so. People all over the world also knew that Long Yan was not trying to be brave. He really needed to prove himself.

Suddenly, just at this time, when the diffuse space afterwaves had not really dissipated, the loudest and most domineering dragon chant came directly from the position of the battle center.


Long Yan finally responded to everyone. He didn't die, and he was still alive.

When people all over the world heard the familiar dragon chant, everyone was relieved. They completely relaxed, and their nervous heart could finally put down.

Countless people were excited, and they cheered even more.

The miracle appeared again on Longyan. With all the space forces dispersed, all the Dragon emperors rushed to the battle center. They saw the bloody killing dragon.

He hovered over the heads of the Dragon emperors, hovering high in the sky, so that everyone could see him clearly.

The whole body is burning with the flame of life, so vigorous vitality, and the strong will of the dragon. With indomitable will, courage and spirit, he defeated long Haonan, won the full applause and the respect of everyone.

He is so full of glory, that kind of domineering, full of arrogance towards all living beings.

That scene, let everyone deeply remember, just like a brand, in their hearts, feel his greatness, and his spirit is awed and admired.

He is such a perfect existence.

"That's Longyan. He's not dead. He's really not dead."

Countless people hugged each other and cried bitterly. Everything they paid for this young man deeply shocked their hearts. They not only recognized him, but also had a kind of dependence and trust in him.

The Dragon wanders and looks down upon all living beings. The king is domineering. All of them show that Longyan is a peerless arrogant.

However, under such a great destructive force, people thought that if Longyan didn't die, he should also be seriously injured. However, when they saw him, he was full of vitality and vitality.

Not only did he not suffer any damage, it seems that through this battle, he became more energetic, still in the initial perfect state, still full of strong fighting will, his arrogant eyes swept the world, and he did everything.

In this world, I'm afraid there is no one who can kill Longyan. Even such destructive power can't kill him, so I'm afraid the strongest in the world can't do it.

After wandering for several times, Long Yan recovered to his human body. He just stood in front of the Dragon emperors and looked at them.

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