Ten Sea Dragon Kings have no time to take care of these things. It can be said that all the martial artists with more than five levels of martial disobedience rushed into the restricted area.

There were a large number of people, although some people were frightened back by the strong people and threatened to stop more people from breaking in.

"Long Yan, if you need me, maybe I can help you." Chu FengChen sends a message to Long Yan. After that, he also catches up.

Long Yan just replied, "be careful, just disconnect!"

After Chu FengChen showed his speed, it was also quite fast. He had not kept a long distance from Longyan, but there were ten Sea Dragon Kings in front of Longyan, so he could also keep a certain distance.

Ten Poseidon Dragon Kings. At this time, the demon whale king looked at Longyan and said loudly: "nephew Longyan, this is our Poseidon forbidden area. Let's go and check the situation. Just go back and wait for us."

Long Yan said with a smile, "you Poseidon people are innocent and turbulent. There must be demons to make trouble. No, as a human race, how can I ignore difficulties when we have a good relationship?" Not only did he not retreat, but he also accelerated a lot.

Ten Sea Dragon Kings, seeing that Longyan is not obedient at all, naturally have no time to take care of him.

Even if there is really any treasure coming out, with the current strength of Longyan, they are sure not to let him get it.

So, naturally, no one goes to the hard tube inflammation.

With such a fast forward rush and no scruples, the people almost broke into the restricted area and soon reached the punishment god mountain and Poseidon stone mountain.

Moreover, the problem must be there. Long Yan felt that the vibration might be a great opportunity for him to get the dragon soul of jiudiezu God, and he should grasp it.

He was really surprised. He knew that the movement was probably caused by the empress Jiuyou touching the sea god stone mountain. He didn't expect to cause such a big movement.

Maybe the Poseidon Stone Mountain has an unexpected harvest.

If this is the case, then Longyan will not let go. He will naturally receive any benefits.

Moreover, Long Yan has seen the change of the sea god stone mountain. It is really different from the original, and there is no movement at all.

Moreover, the Poseidon stone mountain still shines with light, and those strange incense also emanates from the stone mountain.

Everyone also noticed the changes of Poseidon Stone Mountain and was curious, because there was a plant growing on the Poseidon stone mountain. The plant looked very dazzling and gave off colorful colors, and the aroma came from the plant.

The plant looks like a scattered flower. It has many bright flowers. It looks very beautiful, and it is shaking slightly with the turbulence of ripples.

It seems that it's too difficult for women. Plants like heaven and women scattered flowers are like a world, and those petals are small worlds. They have many complex lines, bright colorful lights, and those strange incense emit, which makes people intoxicated.

It's really amazing. Who would have thought that this Poseidon Stone Mountain, which has existed for thousands of years, has grown such a strange flower plant and can emit such a bright light.

Moreover, here, only the ten Sea Dragon Kings dare to get closer. All the others remain within a certain range, and everyone is very curious.

If you didn't see it with your own eyes, who would have thought that the light and strange aroma just now were related to this pearl plant.

Naturally, everyone was full of curiosity. No one even knew what the situation was, why such strange plants grew well, and what it meant.

No one knows what happened. At present, Longyan has not seen where the empress Jiuyou is or where she has gone.

At this time, the people found that the four characters of Shenhai Stone Mountain seemed to be cracked, and there were many cracks on them. Moreover, these cracked lines actually formed three skew fonts, "Shenshi territory!"

"What does this mean, sea stone territory? Is there anything in this stone?"

After they found out, they were all full of expectation and more curious.

"Brother Yan, the sea god stone mountain should convey a message that it should be a secret place. Someone destroyed it and let the secret place be revealed." The Dragon Spirit said in the Dragon kingdom.

Long Yan thought: "let's not worry first. Let's see the situation. These sea god dragon kings must also be full of shock. They must be curious about why the word God stone realm appears in the sea god stone mountain. What does this mean? If such changes happen, something unusual will happen."

Long Yan guessed that since there is the dragon soul of jiudiezu hidden in the punishment holy mountain, it is the most precious dragon soul in the world, which anyone in the world would madly want to get. Although they have no side inheritance and can't integrate at all, they also want to get it.

The sea god Stone Mountain and the punishment god mountain should also have a transcendent treasure. Now it seems that this is indeed the case.

In this way, the introduction of empress Jiuyou also contributed to the unintentional planting of willows.

"Poseidon stone territory, is there any channel here? Otherwise, how can it be a secret territory? Obviously, there are huge secrets. I'm afraid even aunt Yan doesn't know, otherwise she won't tell me."

Yan moye is used to calling aunt Yan, so long Yan still calls her that, although her birth has an important relationship with her.

However, Yan moye has been treated as his own mother in Long Yan's heart. One is Han Wei, who gave birth to his own mother, and the other is who created his own mother.

The crowd revolved around the Poseidon Stone Mountain and found that there was indeed a small sea vortex behind the stone mountain.

It seems to be a vortex channel, which should lead to the divine stone realm, and this corresponds to the right below the female scattered flowers that day.

Since empress Jiuyou is no longer here, she may have gone to the Shenshi secret place first.

Long Yan took another look at the punishment mountain. It still stood there.

Long Yan thought quickly. What he thought now was that the ten Sea Dragon Kings would soon find this invisible vortex secret passage, and they would enter.

If they go in, is Longyan going to follow them in, or stay outside and wait for an opportunity to capture the dragon soul of jiudiezu? Anyway, after these supreme and powerful people go in, basically no one can do anything about him.

He thought for a moment that there might be a chance to punish the holy mountain in the future, but the holy stone realm must not be delayed. Therefore, he chose to enter the secret realm of the holy stone and go to see the situation first.

Now everyone pays attention to the sea god Stone Mountain, and no one pays attention to punishing the god mountain. However, many people have found the vortex, which seems to be more obvious now. Obviously, this is the channel to the God stone realm, so what will be in it? People speculate one after another.

"Get back!" The demon whale king was furious and suddenly threatened the people

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