Long Yan quickly looked around, and then rushed to the direction where the Dragon Spirit disappeared. He was like crazy and worried. The Dragon Spirit was his inverse scale. The God who arranged the rules here couldn't imagine how deep their feelings were.

If there is any accident to the dragon spirit, he vowed to let the descendants of the God bury the dragon spirit. At that time, he can't even protect his favorite woman. What else can he talk about protecting the people in the world.

This girl is more important than his own life. He wants to guard forever. He really can't accept such a blow.

Therefore, Long Yan is very angry. This is the last stage, but if this last stage allows him to get the mysterious treasure and lose the dragon spirit, he will not accept it. Moreover, nothing can change his determination.

Thinking of the experience of the ancient god ancestral field, Longyan is close to collapse. Now Longyan is much more nervous than last time. Moreover, he will never allow Longling to make any mistakes. The most important thing is that she already has Longyan's flesh and bones in her stomach.

"There must be no accident. The gods here, if you still have perception, you'd better pray that my spirit is all right, otherwise you will regret it. You'd better send it back to me."

Long Yan can lose everything, but this woman is the one he uses his life to protect. They have lived and died together and experienced too many crises together. They have survived for so many years. If there is an accident at this time, how can he explain to himself.

Now, after his strength recovered, he shouted desperately and looked for the trace of the dragon spirit everywhere. In this smooth and calm world, only a blood red residual shadow was left. Brush, and the speed was brought into full play. In a short moment, he rushed out for a long distance.

The Dragon Spirit must be very frightened at this time. He is looking for Longyan everywhere.

She is also afraid that she will have any accident and make Longyan lose all her reason, because he knows this man.

"Xiao Ling..." Long Yan kept shouting.

"Brother Yan..."

Long Yan stopped directly. He seemed to hear the familiar voice in front of the right side. Yes, that was the cry of Long Ling.

"Great, it should be all right." Long Yan had no time to think more and rushed in that direction with the fastest speed. When he finally saw long Ling standing there alone, the girl was full of confusion and looked at a loss.

Longyan's great joy can't care about anything. When he saw that Longling was standing there, he quickly rushed forward and hugged the girl in his arms. Between heaven and earth, there are reflections full of their sweet embrace.

Before that, the strong wind and the rules that split them really made Long Yan sweat. Fortunately, he found the girl first. If she met the demon whale king, it would be really bad.

That guy has been coveting the beauty of Long Ling. If something happens to her, Long Yan will lose his courage to live.

Life will be meaningless.

When two people hug each other tightly, the familiar feeling comes from each other's body, which is very comfortable.

However, Longyan immediately had a great change on his face, because at this time, he saw a knife stabbing into his body, but Longyan still took a step ahead of time.

The Fengshen cut in his hand had to beat the other party first, so he broke the other party first.


Longyan sword changed tens of thousands of swords, tore the Dragon Spirit to life, and brutally hanged it into a paralyzed flesh and blood.

At this time, the hanged Dragon Spirit on the ground began to disappear, and finally turned into a transparent light and shadow, and then disappeared completely.

Long Yan put away his Fengshen chop and looked at the pain from his lower abdomen. The wound was healing quickly.

"Xiaoling... This transparent world is like this. This is not my Xiaoling at all. Is this the test here? Where has my Xiaoling gone?"

Long Yan was almost ready to cry without tears. He began to become confused and looked around. However, the vast world was full of smooth sea surface like a mirror. He was too excited and full of joy before. He thought it was really a dragon spirit, but it was just an illusion here.

"Even if the breath is very similar to everything, but there is no such feeling. It's ridiculous to want to be confused with me." After Long Yan just started hugging, he really thought it was true, but he reacted quickly. The familiar feeling was not her at all.

It was a sense of strangeness derived from the body. After the two people really combined, they had common blood essence and were familiar with each other's yuan god dragon soul, so the fake dragon spirit could not deceive him at all.

Moreover, Long Yan also thought about it roughly. If they should be separated more than so close after being dispersed, the Dragon Spirit will not appear here so soon to a great extent.

The rules here can't be so simple for them.

"Unfortunately, since I am facing such an encounter, Xiaoling is likely to encounter another fake me, but even if it is a fake me, will she be an opponent, in case..."

Under normal circumstances, the fake Longyan can't have the same strength as the real Longyan, but the breath is very similar. In case Longling recognizes it as fake, it will still be very dangerous to her.

Long Yan thought of this and became more nervous and urgent this time. He started all his speed again and went everywhere to look for the dragon spirit.

Moreover, this time he did not call, but observed everything around through his eyes. Soon, Longyan saw a channel in front. It seemed that the channel suddenly appeared on a smooth mirror, which seemed to guide Longyan through the channel.

"Did I pass the test just now?"

There is no other place now. Obviously, this channel is the way he will go next. He can only go and have a look here.

All this happened to him. Naturally, several other people have also experienced it. It depends on whether they can easily recognize that each other is false. Although it is false to face their lover, Long Yan can distinguish it in an instant. Others can do it differently.

The speed was so fast that when he first saw the fake dragon spirit, he felt something different, but he was more sure after approaching.

Just as long Yan was halfway through the passage, he thought clearly.

"If this is the passage for customs clearance, how can I break through and leave my Xiaoling here alone? It's too dangerous. I have to find her."

How could he pass by himself? He was worried about the dragon spirit, but when he turned back, the channel behind him had long disappeared. He could only choose to continue walking forward, come out of this half of the channel, and then go all the way to the end.

Here is full of any uncertain crisis. Long Yan is extremely worried. He doesn't even have a chance to regret. The channel behind him continues to disappear. He is like coming out of a space crack, and there are endless channels in front. It looks very long

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