Xia Hou Ruixue snorted coldly: "Is it important for such an important event? It seems that she has recovered so well. Obviously, it should be some time. But why don't you tell me, and you still stay with me? What's your intention? You don't have to follow in. You could have left here early, but tell me, is it for the sake of Longyan? No wonder you all trust each other so much , it seems that you have colluded long ago. Is this betrayal of me? Then you should know what punishment you will be punished. "

This woman is in trouble at this time. Obviously, she guessed that Long Yan helped him. Her intention is not only to threaten Chu FengChen, but also to target Long Yan. You know, now she has passed through one-third of the divine stone realm, and the heavy treasure is in the final stage, so she will do so. Even if she can, she can let the demon whale King kill Long Yan directly.

Chu FengChen didn't speak. He knew that the woman was cruel and ruthless. He wouldn't want to make friends at all. Moreover, the woman had been using him all the time, and there was no friendship.

"Well, now I have to punish you. I want to see your painful expression!"

She wants to do it, and then B forces Longyan to do it, so that the demon whale king can kill Longyan.

The situation seems to be in crisis, and it is very unfavorable to Longyan. No one can stop the demon whale king here.

However, just as Xia Ruixue was about to start, the accident happened again, because the space they were in actually began to collapse a lot, like a mountain collapse, and countless spaces were broken, as if they fell into an abyss. They flew quickly and let their bodies float in the air. It was dark below, but there seemed to be something, Rush up from the dark place below.

They were very nervous at the beginning. They didn't know what had happened, but they were stunned when it was completely displayed in front of them.

This made Xia Hou Ruixue have to stop for a while. Everyone looked at that thing. It was a huge statue, a fully carved dragon, lifelike, but I don't know what material it was carved from, as if it was a real dragon.

Even Long Yan was shocked, because the relief dragon gave people a feeling of extremely overbearing and mighty. It seemed that it had the momentum of suppressing everyone, which was more powerful than the three ancestors of Long Yan.

This is definitely the kind of top dragon, or even the ancestral dragon, which makes Longyan can't imagine that there should be such a magnificent dragon relief here.

However, this dragon looks very different from the ordinary dragon. It is special because its dragon body is similar to the ordinary dragon, but it has nine layers of huge meat wings. Moreover, the nine layers of meat wings are extremely sharp. At the leading position, there is a dragon horn, which is more sharp and incomparable, just like shaking the sky and bursting.

Long Yan doesn't know why such a majestic dragon relief suddenly appeared here. Is this to convey what he means? Maybe others can't feel the momentum of Zu Shenlong, but he can.

The terrible killing momentum frightened the demon whale king. They all had to kneel down and worship. Moreover, the sharp dragon horn of the dragon head could pierce the heaven and earth, smash everything in the world and be full of ancient flavor.

Moreover, the dragon scale of this dragon is quite thick and can be called the strongest defense. I'm afraid nothing in the world can pose a threat to it. Each dragon scale is full of powerful killing. Of course, this is not killing the dragon. The hardness can be called the top Taoist weapon.

Dragon claws are more like sharp knives, and there are only three dragon claws. The sharpness is unimaginable. The curved, sharp dragon claws and sharp claws full of crushing space bring fatal killing opportunities and gloomy terror. They can be called the murder weapon of the world.

There are also its dragon teeth, which can tear anything and destroy everything in the world. Like the blade, they are also very sharp, and there are 16 dragon teeth like the blade. I think if it were a real dragon, how powerful the bite force would be.

Even in the prosperous period of the dragon, it is probably the kind of top overlord, punishing any dragon and the Dragon above any rules.

The thicker the dragon's tail, the more sharp and slender it is in the end, like a long halberd, full of sharp barbs.

This dragon is so ferocious, domineering, powerful and destructive no matter where it is seen. The relief alone frightens everyone. The terror that frightens people's hearts is simply indescribable.

People really can't imagine why there is such a dragon relief here. The most important thing is that Long Yan is inexplicably excited at this time. He doesn't know why he has such emotions. With the mighty momentum of Long Wei, the strongest overlord of the dragon, even the bloody killing ancestor dragon, which is famous for killing, is willing to bow down.

Xia Hou Ruixue and others have knelt there. Their hearts are trembling and completely frightened. They even have a mentality of trying to retreat.

Dare not move on.

The demon whale king was the same. He held his breath and was deeply afraid that the Dragon relief would come alive at once.

Is this the biggest secret of Shenshi secret territory? Isn't there any treasure here? Is this the ancient tomb of the dragon? If not, then why does it appear here.

It's powerful and domineering. It's almost indescribable. There's no comparable dragon in the world. If such a dragon really exists in the world, it's definitely the master and releases a terrible killing opportunity. No one dares to make a mistake in front of it.

Its momentum is the absolute master. It is completely bloody with lianqingzu dragon. Taixuzu dragon controls time. Years travelers and the way of life, destruction and creation of wujizu dragon have different characteristics.

The dragon's horn is so sharp, just like the divine sword. The dragon's scale and armor is the defense, which can be called the strongest shield and can withstand any destructive power. The dragon's claw is a sharp knife, which can destroy all things. The dragon's tail can be called a halberd and sweep everything.

Domineering, dominating, gloomy and clawing. No matter how you look at it, this dragon can definitely make anyone bow their heads and tremble for it. The kind of killing and powerful dragon power shows incisively and vividly and perfectly.

When the demon whale King relaxed for a long time, they dared to look up and look at the overlord dragon, the ten thousand meter dragon body, which was frightening and impressed them deeply, and even they dared not make any action.

However, they soon found a strange phenomenon, because on the dragon body relief, there was still a ferocious giant Jiao wrapped around it, not around it. To be exact, it should be wrapped around half of the dragon's tail. The giant Jiao seemed to try to extend his head to the front, and they stuck together tightly. I don't know why.

Although the giant dragon is also very ferocious, compared with the dragon, it is just a gap between heaven and earth, which is really too insignificant. If the dragon is not too dignified and just the relief doesn't move, I'm afraid they won't notice the existence of the giant dragon at all.

The giant dragon relief is only about 5000, but it is also the most terrible existence in front of Long Yan and others. It's just how powerful and domineering dragon, why is there such a giant dragon around? One dragon and one dragon seem out of place.

"What does this mean? Why are there such dragons and Jiaos here?"

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