Terrans and demons are about to launch such a huge battle that has never happened in millions of years.

Moreover, the demon people were invaded by the ghost shadow of the ancient ancestor demon and controlled by the demon Kui.

However, this battle makes the Terran feel unacceptable. There are many children, women and other weak people in the demon clan, which makes them unable to start at all.

The other party doesn't rush over, and the number is more than twice that of the Terran side.

"What should we do? Are we going to die? They will soon break through our frontier defense."

In fact, many fighters stationed in the frontier have never experienced such a huge and shocking scene. Many of them are timid. The two ethnic groups have formed different situations, one is full of killing, the other is full of timidity and scruples.

If there is a war with the demon family because of this, I think the two families will be killed and injured very badly. If it weren't for the magic Kui, they would never start a war like this.

Those dragon emperors have sent many warriors, but it will take some time to catch up. Fortunately, there is Longyan guarding here. He can change the death of this battle to a great extent.

Longyan naturally doesn't want to kill those demon people.

After the 200000 demon orcs rushed in, Long Yan immediately put down the order and asked all the leaders stationed here to order their respective people to stand back. After the order, he had rushed to the demon clan alone and quickly. Facing the 200000 demon orcs alone, Long Ling would not worry about Long Yan, because he could test and decide such a thing alone, Most of these demon clansmen are strong people who fight against God and rob the territory. The more they are behind, their strength is only Mingwu realm, and their strength is simply too weak.

In the eyes of Long Yan, they are simply vulnerable.

"Look, that's our Terran's peerless genius, Long Yan."

"Yes, it's Long Yan. He is the hope of our Terran and has great strength. It seems that we don't have to worry. We must guard the final defense and can't let those demon clansmen break in. We will defend our region to the death."

"Yes, we will defend our homeland to the death!"

For a time, because of the emergence of Longyan, everyone saw the little figure and rushed there bravely. They just took this opportunity to inspire everyone and raise their morale.

The generals of various forces stationed here also conveyed all Longyan's orders.

Although Long Yan has no official status in the Terran, with his current name, these generals are willing to listen to him.

Here in the dragon god world, the Terrans have long regarded Longyan as their hope. It is a young genius that even the 13 dragon emperors attach great importance to. He has accomplished too many incredible and miraculous things. Moreover, the rumor that Longyan can become the master of the Dragon Emperor in the future has been spread in the Terrans for a long time. It can be said that he only owes an opportunity to make great achievements for the Terrans and master the Dragon Emperor, What a respectable identity it is. Even now, Longyan killed longhaonan and devoured the blood swallowing beast, and the Dragon emperors didn't let the dragon ball fall into the hands of the two evil women last time. These deeds have long begun to worship him in people's hearts.

Long Yan naturally didn't care about these. He didn't let anyone do it. He didn't mean to show himself, but today's situation is special, which is also to reduce more casualties.

First of all, Long Yan rushed to a distance close to the confrontation with the demon clan. He said in a loud voice, "what are you doing, all of you, demon clan? Are you going to break into our Terran? This is the frontier of our dragon divine world. Are you going to launch a large-scale battle between the two races?"

Before understanding the situation, Long Yan always wants to make sure whether they are really controlled by the magic Kui.

Longyan's voice is full of incomparably mighty momentum. The voice almost resounds through the whole world, making everyone hear it very clearly and deafening. Moreover, such a powerful sound wave, like a mountain toppling the sea, directly shocked tens of thousands of people in front, causing people to fall back and overturn. Only the strength of the voice, Immediately let those demon clansmen all stop.

They stared at the young man standing in front of them, full of arrogance and the wind of the king.

Many people feel that this young man is the kind of peerless strong man and the top existence.

Roar! Roar!

At least 100000 people of the demon family all roared angrily, their blood red eyes stared at the boy, full of great resentment.

Longyan now appears in human form and looks like a little bit. At this time, in order to make everyone see more clearly and give them a certain deterrent effect, Longyan chooses to directly turn into the body of lianqingzu god dragon, which is still the appearance of bloody killing god dragon before.

Such a huge dragon with a length of six or seven kilometers, full of blood fog, wandered in the air and blocked their way.

Even if these demons are humanized into the original body, some of them are about the same size as the dragon body, but that momentum can completely deter them.

Those demon people are roaring and roaring. They seem to hate Longyan very much, and there are more than 100000 kinds of demon clan alone. Longyan sees that the racial strong with higher soul veins are also in the demon clan team.

Sure enough, when Long Yan finished, the other party was blown away in those roaring roars, and then dozens of strong demons with high soul pulse level rushed out of the demon group.

They came close to Longyan, and they were all the original bodies displayed. Two of them came from TIANYAO Huang family and Youtian Kunpeng family respectively. These two came to the later stage of Wuni seven fold, and the strongest one came from Yanxing giant beast family, reaching the early stage of Wuni eight fold.

The rest of the strong men were at their peak in the later stage of Wuni Liuzhong.

At this time, the strong man of Yanxing giant beast family, who is the strongest in the demon family present, and has the largest original body, is bigger than Longyan. He looks like a huge star ape, red haired star ape, whose height is about to reach 10000 meters. There are 16 blood red eyes. Each of these blood red eyes looks like stars, but staring at Longyan is full of killing, It looks very ferocious, and this guy has four arms. The four palms have sharp claws. His whole body is full of explosive force. His flesh and blood are strong. The four fists collide, making the air explode.

It looks really terrible. He has the title of a terrible battle mad ape. He is very violent.


He roared incomparably, and the air was vibrated, which directly caused the explosion, Then he said in a very rough and crazy voice: "go away, little dragon, we want to kill the five dragon halls and let those dragon emperors hand over the five dragon beads. Otherwise, our demon family will level your Terrans, not only our demon family, but also the sea barbarians. Hundreds of millions of creatures will kill and besiege your Terrans. We will do what we say, completely kill your Terrans, hand over the Dragon beads and hand them over quickly!"

When he finished, countless demon orcs roared.

"Kill your Terrans, ruin your lives and hand over the five dragon beads."

The sound is very shocking.

At present, the "burning star giant beast ape" is that kind of super soul vein. It is a supreme existence in the demon family, and it should also have a high position in the demon family at ordinary times.

The burning star giant ape has the most terrible power. One punch can explode the stars, instantly destroy a mountain and flatten it, shake the earth and trigger the momentum of mountain torrents and tsunamis.

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