Nianhua Dragon Emperor then followed the analysis and said: "indeed, we don't put our hope on them. It's not easy for the alien to wait for such an opportunity to rise. Even the spirit family and the divine family are the same. If they don't do it, the strength of our four families will be weakened. It's good that they don't fall into the well."

"The different Emperor God is not a fool. This is a good opportunity, and he still has a little hatred. He was the strongest in those years, but because your father's appearance directly defeated him, he has always been bitter in his heart, so it is even more impossible for him to help the Terran. The Terran falls into the final extinction crisis. This is what a good opportunity for the three major ethnic groups, as well as the demon clan, the sea clan and the barbarian clan There will be countless deaths and injuries. It's too late for them to wait to see our jokes. "

According to this, they don't care whether the Taigu ancestral devil will get the five dragon beads or not, and whether they can break the seal. After all, it's difficult to predict. They may also stand up when the four races are dead and injured. It's not necessarily when they are almost at the end.

With their analysis, Long Yan knew it in his heart. It seems that it is almost impossible for them to help. After all, no one is a fool, and they don't care about the life and death of the Terran. They wanted to hurt the Terran for a long time, and then they were not as good as them.

Who doesn't want to have the strength to control the whole family? This is the wish of all the seven families.

After discussion, Xueyao and Nianhua dragon emperor also began to deploy themselves. Having them in charge can really improve everyone's fighting spirit, and Longyan can be much easier.

The hearts of the people were shrouded in a shadow, because they were worried about the situation of the 26 top strongmen, whether they were controlled, and if so, when they would kill them.

Long Yan can't flinch. He knows that the Dragon emperors are under great pressure. Everyone is adhering to the inner defense line, and no one can flinch. If everyone's inner defense line collapses and breaks through, the Terran will completely lose confidence. After that, the fruit is terrible.

Of course, Long Yan can understand. The two dragon emperors said so. How determined they were to say it and let Long Yan protect themselves. This is also why they really had no way to say such words.

However, Long Yan remembered that Xueyao Dragon Emperor told him that if there was really no way in the end, at the critical time of life and death, then their Dragon Emperor still had the last way. Although he didn't know what that method was, it should work.

After a few days, the demon clan did not attack on a large scale. Longyan's frontier was relatively quiet, but the killings in other places were more intense. The deaths and injuries of the two tribes were heavy, from millions to even tens of millions of people lost their lives. There were corpses everywhere and rivers of blood. Countless people lost their homes, relatives and lives. The world was crying, The air is full of blood, and this kind of killing, when the two races fight, there will be no winner for each other. This is a ruthless killing.

The Terran seems to have become a hell, a bloody world.

These dragon emperors are also helpless. Their faces are getting more and more ugly. They are suffering from a kind of torture and suffering in their hearts, but they all know that they can't retreat and compromise. They can't get the help of the other three races for the safety of the whole dragon Empire and billions of people in the world.

Moreover, even with their help, can the situation be changed? It will only make more people lose their lives.

The number of deaths is rising in a straight line. This number is like heavy shackles, which makes the 13 dragon emperors gasp for breath. The fighting spirit and courage of the Terran have gradually lost a lot, which makes them afraid, frightened, flustered and scared. Does the Terran really have no chance?

Even if more Terrans join the battle, the situation will not change. Death threatens everyone, including the demon clan. As long as they kill and kill the demon clan, they can save the Terran and kill one more person, so they can have more chances to survive.

The night wind is very cool. Long Yan stands in his border area. It seems that everything is very quiet. The quiet is terrible. Only the cold wind strikes. This is the quiet before the storm. A real large-scale killing is brewing and coming quietly. Everyone can't be spared and can't escape.

Long Yan can even hear many people crying. These days, no one's mood is calm. They spend their days in tension and fear, waiting for the eve of the war.

Many people have been holding the mentality of returning to death. Such a battle makes them feel no joy of victory even if they win.

"Brother Yan, why is the world so cruel? Why can't it be peaceful? Everyone can coexist peacefully without killing and competition. Everyone can live safely. I'm so afraid..."

Long Ling snuggled up in Long Yan's arms. Their hearts were tightly connected. Long Yan held her. They sat together and looked at the stars in the distance.

"Yes, the world needs someone to change. Someone needs to stand up and take control of the overall situation and become the strongest master here. Only in this way can we complete reunification, guard and unite the seven races. I don't know when this disaster will pass and the people can survive? But I only know I can't flinch."

Miracles, unless there can be miracles, but the people they really face are Taigu Zu demons and demons at the level of gods.

"Brother Yan, I believe you can. Do you forget that we had a meeting in the holy Dynasty mainland? When we faced the leader of Youquan mansion, the devil was also very strong at that time. It almost plunged the whole holy Dynasty mainland into an irreparable place. In the end, you made great efforts to turn the tide. The Terran has regarded you as the Savior, and you are everyone's hope."

Long Yan nodded and sighed.

"This time is different from last time. There are great differences. First of all, at that time, I already had some strength like the leader of Youquan mansion. Our final victory also depends on luck, but this time is different. There is a great difference between our current strength and that of Taigu zumo. It's too big."

Then he stood up and his eyes were still full of fortitude, unyielding and stubbornness.

"Even in difficulties, I will not shrink back. I will do my best. Even if I die in war, I will not regret it. Where I die, death is not so terrible, isn't it Xiaoling?"

Long Ling also stood up and nodded heavily: "well, what's the big deal of death? I'd like to follow your husband all my life. Xiao Ling will always accompany you. Let's work together. What's the fear of death!"

"Now I have inherited the Dragon spirits of the four ancestors, but the crisis came so suddenly that I haven't had time to become stronger. The world is really cruel and life is insignificant in the war."

The instability of the world, in the air at this time, when they speak, waves of bloody smell float over. I don't know how many people died there in the distance.

The fighting over there must be very fierce.

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