The Terran is finally saved. Everyone is really afraid to bear such pressure and suffering continuously. They will not be able to hold on right away. At this time, Long Yan successfully crossed the robbery. He returned strong and fought back against the sky, allowing the Terran to see real hope. They show joy and cry.

It can be said that Longyan took the shortest time to control the bat blood soul beast. At most, in the past ten breath time, he successfully defeated the will power of the ancient ancestor demon in the sea and let him go.

Then, Long Yan began to heal him with the flame of life and let him recover completely. In this process, he said to all the Dragon emperors and Yan Mo evil family: "don't let any of the top strongmen of the three races run away. Now I have enough strength to wake them up quickly."

Long Yan reminds them that it is also to prevent the top strongmen from escaping at this time. They can't break the Terran, so they will fail. All the top strongmen should also be aware of this.

Everyone looked at Longyan and nodded one after another. The Dragon God Emperor and Yan moye were more crazy to contain their opponents. They were full of excitement and power. Before, they almost exhausted their power, and the emergence of Longyan soon changed the situation.

No matter how much it costs, we can't let them go and let them escape.

"War! War! War!"

All Terrans roared wildly, and they were cheering. The Terran was finally relieved.

The Dragon Emperor didn't have to worry at all. He tried his best to contain the manwang of Longyang. The morale of the Terran rose again and all cheered.

The vast voice resounded through the whole blood shining Dragon hall. At this time, the bat blood soul beast also completely woke up. He looked at Longyan.

"Thank you for waking you up. You make me admire you. I'll join in and contain more top leaders of the three races."

With his help, the hope of the Terran is greater. Moreover, he goes to help the fire dance Green Lion King and share the pressure for him. Longyan makes him fully awake. Moreover, he has two yuan gods himself, and his combat effectiveness is undoubtedly strong.

The Terran completely began to reverse.

Next, Long Yan looked over his head. The two witches, Ao Shan and man Wu, were also looking at Long Yan at this time. Their eyes were full of resentment, but some fear. The fear brought to them by this young man made them tremble in their hearts.

"Don't worry, wait for me!"

Long Yan looked at them and sneered.

The next target is the nine clawed demon king, and he is so fast that he arrives almost instantly.

Now the fire dancing lion king and the bat blood soul beast are fighting with them. When Longyan joined their battle group, he quickly wrapped the nine clawed ghost demon king with the dragon body in the same way and woke up almost instantaneously. He forced the ancient ancestor demon out with the roar of the dragon, and then directly tore it up with the dragon claw.

After fusing the power of Taigu zumo, let him wake up. Next is the sea god Malong king. When Longyan helped him recover, he asked, "what do you want to say about killing the demon whale king before?"

The sea god Malone King shook his head: "he deserved it. I have nothing to say. I believe all the sea god dragon kings have an idea with me. We won't blame you. Longyan, we believe in your character and won't retaliate against us in the future."

Long Yan said with a smile: "of course, join us first and stop this crisis together."


Then he went to help Nianhua Dragon Emperor.

Longyan began to wake up more and more top powers, and the speed was very fast. He killed the demon whale king without any worry. Everyone is not a fool. Even if the Poseidon family wants to trouble him, is it possible? I'm afraid they don't have the courage.

At first, the hope of the Terran was very slim, but now because of the change of Longyan, he finally completed the reversal and set foot on the seven levels of Wuni to change all this. The divine dragon empire will also be stabilized temporarily, and the ancient ancestor demon still can't come out of the seal.

Soon, Long Yan rushed to the Dragon Emperor of years. He wanted to awaken the manwang of Longyang.

The manwang of Longyang is also a descendant of the peerless beast in ancient times, so he is very arrogant and ferocious, but he still can't escape the control of Longyan.

"Good boy, you are indeed the hope of the human race..." the Dragon Emperor can finally relax over the years. Long Yan is so excellent that he feels very proud, and even makes the old man burst into tears and very excited.

In this way, Longyang manwang was awakened. Even he was not hurt, and he didn't need to use the flame of life to help him recover.

"Thank you, Longyan. And the Dragon Emperor of years. I was not under self-control before. I'm really sorry to kill you."

"Come on, hurry up and help other dragon emperors. We all have to continue our efforts. We can't let one go."

Years, the Dragon Emperor's voice is still very hard, but his heart is still very kind.

In this case, there are more and more helpers of the Terran. After they are awakened, they all join the battle of other dragon emperors. All the top strongmen of the three races have no resistance, and they are even completely suppressed.

Now wait for Long Yan to wake them all up. Long Yan is also very fast. He is as tireless as a machine.

The devil Kui's will was half dead every time he saw Long Yan, and even he began to retreat, because the general trend of the ancient ancestor devil was gone, he was frightened of Long Yan. Although this young man still had a big gap with his real strength, he deeply threatened the devil, and he realized that he might become his most terrible opponent in the future.

Every time Long Yan enters the sea of knowledge of a top strong man, he has no words, directly kills him madly, and then tears and devours his power.

This is a great tonic for Longyan.

In a short time, Longyan made at least half of the top strong recover, and he was selective. For example, the top strong was still active and wanted to escape, so he woke it up first.

The top ten barbarian kings, the Nine Sea Dragon Kings, and the six demon kings did not need their help when Longyan kept waking them up. Instead, they went to stop the powerful demons and barbarian kings of their race. The powerful people were still frantically attacking and destroying the blood shining array. With their participation, the blood shining array immediately reduced a lot of pressure, Let the Terran finally have a chance to breathe.

The victory or defeat was already obvious. Many demon emperors of the three races began to escape. They knew that the situation was gone and could not recover anything.

But is it possible that they want to escape?

The recovered top powers also have their own many magical means, or use arrays, or seal and prohibit them to stay temporarily.

Aoshan and Manwu knew that the operation was a complete failure. Even so, they didn't give up, and even let these top strongmen stop fighting. They seemed so stupid that they were only angry with Longyan.

These top strongmen have no use for Taigu zumo, so there is no need to let them escape.

"It's strange that the two female demons didn't escape, and there was a sad smile on their faces. Do they have any hindhands? Will they be the same as last time to show their ancestral demon's heavenly eye!"

In fact, Long Yan has been worried about them all the time, so he is observing them all the time. As long as they have any means, he will respond immediately, so he has to be on guard.

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