Two days later, Cheng Feiyan was discharged.

His heart had been injured, but he had been discharged from the hospital in less than a week. It was a miracle.

Those doctors looked at Ren Feng anxiously, the reason they wanted him to become their disciple was obvious, but Ren Feng pretended not to see it.

What kind of joke was this? How old was he? How could he have the mind to accept a disciple?

As workaholics, on the day they were released from the hospital, Cheng Feiyan and Shen Yunxuan went back to work, while the two women specially allowed them to rest at home.

He was lying on the sofa, bored out of his mind as he watched TV when his cell phone suddenly rang.

Seeing that the caller had Qing'er, Ren Feng's eyes lit up, and he picked up the phone.

"Are you Ren Feng?"

Hearing the man's voice from the other side of the phone, Ren Feng was startled, "I am, who are you?"

"Can't you tell who I am? Gu San! " The man on the other end of the line was in a foul mood.

Hearing that, Ren Feng tightened his grip on the phone, "Why is Qing'er's phone in your hand?! Where's Qing'er?! "

"There's no need for you to worry about where my daughter is. I'm just informing you that I lost my bet and was pursued by someone. They kidnapped my daughter and sent her to settle the gambling debt." Gu San shamelessly said.

Ren Feng squinted his eyes, releasing a burst of killing intent.

This beast! How could he speak in such a righteous manner?!

"Say it, how much do you want this time?"

"Hahaha!" Ren Feng, you are really a smart person, I just like dealing with smart people like you. I won't waste my breath on words, I only want a single price of one million, in the future, I promise that I will never disturb you guys again! " Gu San could not suppress the joy on his face.

These words, Ren Feng thought that he was spouting nonsense.

"A million. How dare you!" Ren Feng's voice carried a tinge of coldness.

With a father who treated his daughter like goods, Qing'er was truly pitiful!

"Look at what you're saying, I've raised my daughter with much difficulty, isn't it more than a million yuan?! If you don't take the money, she'll be sold to Southeast Asia by the casinos. " Gu San said fearlessly, obviously knowing that he had the final say on Ren Feng.

"Good!" "One million is one million!" Ren Feng promised helplessly, "However, if you don't see Qing'er, don't even think about taking the money away!"

Hearing Ren Feng's answer, Gu San was so happy that he almost jumped up in joy. He had originally wanted to ask for a sky-high price to pay back the money, but who would have thought that Ren Feng would actually agree to it so readily.

A daughter of a million yuan, this money was so f * cking easy to earn!

"Don't worry, you'll pay for it and I'll hand the person over. However, I advise you not to play any tricks. If you don't see the money, you can forget about meeting others!" Gu San resisted the joy in his heart and said.

Ren Feng never thought that Gu San would be so cunning. He had initially thought that he could use the name of giving money to others and directly barge in, but hearing Gu San's words, he could only give up.

"Send the address to my cell phone. I'll look for you in an hour." Ren Feng said with an expressionless face.

Ming Hai Hotel, an office on the top floor.

Behind him stood five or six muscular men in black suits. Not far away, Gu San was currently making a phone call.

After hanging up the phone, Gu San walked in front of Flat-headed Man and said with a flattering look on his face: "Brother Meng, what's done is done, that brat will come over in an hour. Don't worry, with my daughter here, he definitely won't dare to leave me alone.

He anxiously looked at Flat-headed Man, his face filled with fear, afraid that the other party would order him to throw himself into the river to feed the fishes.

Flat-headed Man was the owner of this hotel, his name was Wu Meng and his identity was the hall master of the Bamboo Sea Gang, the Wind Fire Hall. He operated several casinos under his command.

The last time he took the money, Gu San went to Wu Meng's place to gamble and wanted to make a profit. Not only did he lose everything, he even owed Wu Meng over a hundred thousand dollars.

How could Gu San have the money to return it? He was hiding all over the place and was blocked by Wu Meng's subordinates yesterday, and threatened to kill him if he didn't return the money.

Under his fear, Gu San had already thought of this move, and Qing'er had been grabbed by Wu Meng's subordinates since morning.

"There's no problem to wait, but my patience is limited. I can only wait for you for an hour!" Wu Meng said coldly.

"One hour is enough, Brother Meng. Smoke!" Gu San's face was filled with a fawning smile, he took out a cigarette and placed it beside Wu Meng's mouth, and quickly lit it up.

Wu Meng glanced at Gu San, "I say, you old thing, you're not bad. A single daughter selling a million, this time, not only will you pay me back, there's still a lot left!"

"Brother Meng, you must be joking. This little bit of money doesn't enter Brother Meng's eyes." Gu San flattered, but he could not suppress the pride on his face.

He was regretting that he did not have many more children back then. Just by sitting there and not moving, he had earned several million!

If Qing'er knew what Gu San was thinking, he would probably be extremely disappointed.

"But then again, that daughter of yours is so f * cking pretty!" A fiery passion flashed across Wu Meng's eyes.

With his position, he naturally did not lack beauties by his side, but it was still the first time he had seen a pure and pure woman like Qing'er, who was as clear as mountain spring water.

His heart felt as if it had been tickled by that pitiful temperament.

But now, this girl was still useful! Once he had the money …

"Hehe …" Wu Meng's eyes were blazing with fire, he excitedly rubbed his hands together.

"… …"

In front of a bar's entrance, Ren Feng looked at the signboard and walked straight in.

It looked to be a bar, but in reality, it was a casino. He had come here to collect Qing'er's ransom.

In fact, if he wanted a million points, it would be extremely easy. Forget about Yan Ruyu, even Cheng Feiyan and Shen Yunxuan, as long as he asked for it, it would absolutely not be a problem.

But Ren Feng was someone who wanted face after all. How could a dignified dragon soul keep asking a woman for money? Thus, he thought of this method.


To those gamblers, a casino was a place where they could go all out. However, to Ren Feng, this was a place where he could get rich.

After all, in his opinion, these things were child's play!

After passing through a secret passageway, the front suddenly opened up. The basement that was roughly a few thousand square meters was constructed into a huge casino.

The room was filled with voices, curses, and cheers, all kinds of people presenting the most realistic scenes at the table, while beauties in bikinis shuttled back and forth, looking around at the gold and handsome gamblers, trying to get a slice of the soup from their pockets.

This restless scene was stimulating a man's hormones to the greatest extent.

After changing the chips and ignoring the flirting eyes of the beauties, Ren Feng came to a gambling table.

This table was made from gambling dices, three dices, guessing their sizes. From 3 to 11, it was small, from 12 to 18, it was big, it was simple and clear.

The beautiful dealer shook the Dice Cup in her hands. The gamblers watched nervously, their minds trembling with the movement of her jade-like hands. They didn't even dare to breathe.

"The lowest is 500, the highest is 10,000. I will definitely leave you!" The dealer spoke with his red lips.

Ren Feng squeezed his way through the crowd and placed all of the chips in his hand onto the Triple!

When everyone saw this, their eyes were all wide open as they stared at Ren Feng.

"Is this kid crazy?!" They are actually betting on Triple?! "

"Hehe, I have been in this casino for so many years, but this is the first time I've seen someone who dares to bet on a Triple!"

"And he's still a 'ha-ha'. I really don't know who gave him the courage to do that!"

Everyone looked at Ren Feng like he was an idiot.

Triple s were one of the biggest combinations of dice rules. When three dice gave the same number, that would be Triple, but shaking out the same number of points was simply too difficult.

Some busybodies had calculated that the probability of shaking out the Triple was 1%!

With such a low probability, it would be impossible to place such a bet unless one's luck erupted. These gamblers were all sly veterans, so they naturally understood this point.

A trace of ridicule appeared on the face of the beautiful female dealer.

She had worked in casinos for so many years, but this was the first time she saw someone daring to bet Triple s. What an idiot!

Sensing everyone's gaze on him, Ren Feng curled his lips.

A bunch of frogs at the bottom of a well. Later, I will let you all know what a true expert is!

Just as the Dice Cup was about to land on the table, Ren Feng lightly tapped the table with his finger.

Under the soundless ripples, the Dice Cup seemed to sway slightly, and then steadied down.

"Big, big, big …"

"Xiao, Xiao, Xiao …"

Looking at the tightly shut Dice Cup, the gamblers shouted excitedly. The beautiful dealer glanced at Ren Feng and realized that he was calm, and in her heart, she felt even more disdainful.

What are you pretending for, I'll make you cry right now!

Thinking this, she opened the dice cup and was about to mock in her heart, but when she saw the number of points, her expression froze, and she even forgot to report the number.

333, Triple!

Upon seeing this scene, everyone's eyeballs nearly popped out of their sockets. Their faces were filled with disbelief.

"Am I seeing things?!"

"Is there a mistake?!"

Cries of shock rang out in all directions, and everyone had an expression of heartache.

Other than the people who bet on the Triple, the owner would eat all the other Triple that came out! This meant that their money had all gone down the drain!

Wait, there seems to be a brat just now who took the Triple …

Everyone looked at Ren Feng.

Did this brat step over here using dog shit?!

F * cking hell, that was a Triple, a 1: 50 bet!

This brat just bet ten thousand yuan just now, in the blink of an eye it turned into five hundred thousand yuan!

Seeing the small mountain of chips in front of Ren Feng, everyone's eyes went wide, and a look of jealousy and hate surfaced on their faces.

Scanning the crowd, Ren Feng curled his lips and flipped over a chip in his hand.

A bunch of ignorant bastards!

Seeing the contempt on Ren Feng's face, the gamblers felt that they had been humiliated.

"Brat, don't be too complacent, if you have the guts, you can still bet on the Triple this time!"

"That's right, it's just luck, what's there to be arrogant about?!"

Everyone looked unconvinced, under their shouts, Ren Feng took out ten thousand chips and placed his bet on Triple!

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