103rd blade 6th hole

Seeing the cold complexion of the man in the middle mountain attire, Ren Feng slightly raised his eyelids.

He could feel a faint but powerful aura around the other party's body. This guy was a martial artist!

However, the other party's strength was only limited to ordinary people. To Ren Feng, it was far from enough!

However, the man dressed in the Chinese tunic suit was clearly not aware of this. He stopped his feet for a moment as a powerful aura emitted from his body. Then, his body shot out like lightning.

Seeing that, Wu Meng's mouth formed a sinister smile.

With Mr. Wang's help, this kid was dead for sure!

And at this time, the man dressed in the middle mountain suit had already arrived in front of Ren Feng, throwing out a heavy punch.

This punch did not have any fancy techniques. It had both speed and strength. It could be said to be perfect!

Seeing that Ren Feng did not react at all, a trace of disdain flashed across the man in the middle mountain suit. If Wu Meng did not say anything, this kind of fellow was not worth it for him to take action!

However, very quickly, the man's hand movements became sluggish as he felt a terrifying pressure that could topple mountains and overturn the seas, almost swallowing him up.

His face changed, just as he was about to retreat, it was too late, Ren Feng's hand had already grabbed his throat.

"Don't …"

Just as he said that, Ren Feng used a lot of strength in his hand, causing the man in the middle mountain suit to let out a groan, and his body fell limply to the ground.

All of these things happened extremely quickly, so fast that Wu Meng's complacent expression did not even have time to disappear, yet his eyes were filled with fear.

Mr. Wang was a guest elder of the Bamboo Sea Gang, and was ranked in the top ten of the gang, yet he was killed so easily?!

Wu Meng's hair immediately stood on end and his face was deathly white. He clenched his teeth, and subconsciously reached for his waist with his right hand.

"You'd better not take your life as a joke!" Ren Feng shot a cold glance at the cold light, causing Wu Meng to shiver. The hand he used to touch his waist stopped.

Thinking about Ren Feng's ghostly moves just now, he felt that even if he took out his spear, he would be at the mercy of the other party. A sense of defeat rose up in Wu Meng's heart.

As the hall master of the first hall of Bamboo Sea Gang, this was the first time he had been forced to such a state and he felt extremely aggrieved in his heart.

Damn it, I am just collecting my gambling debt, how did this happen to a god of pests?!

"You just said you're going to cripple my arm?"

Ren Feng raised his eyebrows, his words revealed a trace of cold Qi, causing the surrounding air to suddenly tense up.

Wu Meng's body trembled as cold sweat flowed down his back. He said while trembling, "I... "I …"

Seeing the expression on Ren Feng's face, Wu Meng was so scared that he couldn't finish his sentence. Under the immense fear, his legs went soft and he kneeled on the ground.

"Big brother, I was wrong. As long as you don't kill me, I can do whatever I want!"

He begged bitterly, just now, Ren Feng's sharp methods had already scared his guts out, and did not have any thoughts of resisting.

"What a weakling!" Ren Feng walked to the front of Wu Meng and patted his face. This action caused Wu Meng's eyes to darken and his fists to tighten.

Ever since he became the hall master, he had never suffered such humiliation!

However, the situation was better than others!

Wu Meng loosened his fist, his face was full of an obedient expression, completely unlike his previous arrogant and despotic attitude.

"I've always heard that gangs have three blades and six holes, but I've never seen them before. How about this? Today, you let me have a look!"

As the soft words fell into Wu Meng's ears, his expression suddenly changed, and became even more pale.

Three blades six holes, as the name implies, is to use the knife to pierce three holes through the body. Adding them up, there are six holes in total!

If a saber were to pierce through the body, it could be imagined just how much pain it would cause!

Wu Meng trembled and pleaded: "Big brother, I was really wrong..."

"Whether you are dead or alive, the path is already right in front of you. Choose for yourself!" Ren Feng interrupted Wu Meng and spoke with an unquestionable tone.

Hearing that, Wu Meng struggled in his heart. He retrieved a dagger from a black clothed man's body, gritted his teeth, and pierced it into his arm.

Puchi! Fresh blood spurted out, causing everyone watching to tremble in fear.

"Ah …"

A mournful and miserable scream resounded within the house. The immense pain made Wu Meng's facial features scrunch up, and cold sweat flowed down his forehead. If possible, he would rather the arm in his hands not belong to him!

Then, he pulled out the dagger and stabbed downwards once again.

Three consecutive slashes with three holes appeared on Wu Meng's arm, revealing dense white bones and red threads of flesh. Blood quickly flowed out, giving people goosebumps.

Qing'er felt a wave of disgust and hurriedly turned his head away. However, he did not have a trace of sympathy in his heart and instead, felt a wave of relief.

If it wasn't for Ren Feng, he definitely wouldn't have been able to escape from the man's demonic claws today, so, this was the result the other party deserved!

"Da …" "Brother, is it okay …" Suppressing the intense pain, Wu Meng asked weakly.

Seeing his miserable state, Ren Feng snorted as she pulled Qing'er's small hand and left.

Looking at Ren Feng's disappearing figure, Wu Meng let out a pitiful wail as he cried for his father and his mother.

"This is so painful …"

Gu San glanced at the door and crawled up from the ground. Seeing Wu Meng's miserable state, his heart tensed up, and he snuck towards the wall as he ran towards the door.

But Wu Meng still noticed his actions, the latter's face sank, her eyes filled with endless hatred.

It's all because of this old thing! If not for him, how could he have gotten into trouble with this god of pests? Furthermore, he wouldn't be able to withstand the pain of three blades and six holes!

"F * ck you, stop right there!"

Wu Meng bellowed, and upon hearing the voice, Gu San immediately stopped in his tracks. Looking at Wu Meng who looked like he was about to eat someone, his face changed and cold sweat trickled down his forehead. "Brother Meng …"

Although Gu San liked to gamble, he was not stupid at all. Wu Meng had suffered such humiliation today, and he was the main culprit, so he would definitely not let him off!

Thinking about Wu Meng's methods, Gu San shuddered. Without thinking, he ran towards the big gate.

"Old thing, you dare to run?!"

Wu Meng was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, he did not care about the pain in his arm, and pulled out his gun from his waist.

Bang! Bang!

Intense gunshots could be heard, causing two blossoms of blood to splash out on Gu San's back. With a blood-curdling scream, he fell onto the ground.

"… …"

In an apartment, the room was in complete chaos, everything was scattered all over, it was obviously the work of those hoodlums, Ren Feng placed Qing'er on the sofa and started getting busy.

Qing'er quietly sat on the sofa, looking at the busy Ren Feng, his mind was in a daze.

The scenes from the past appeared in her mind like a movie.

If it wasn't for Ren Feng, wouldn't he already be in a different state? Unknowingly, he owed this man so much!

A feeling of gratitude rose, mixed with strong feelings of love.

Unknowingly, Ren Feng had already been deeply imprinted into Qing'er's heart. When she was alone and helpless, she would always think of Ren Feng's face, as if the other party was looking at her with a smile. Whenever this happened, Qing'er's body would once again be filled with strength.

This was the first time in more than twenty years of life that Qing'er had been moved.

However, this man did not belong to him!

Thinking about what Shen Yunxuan said that day, Qing'er's heart was in pain, as though a knife had been twisted, she suddenly thought of something.

Don't meet people who are too stunning when you are young. Otherwise, your life in the future will be boring.

These words, Qing'er deeply agreed.

If he lost the man in front of him, he wouldn't fall in love with anyone else in this life, would he?!

Ren Feng did not know what Qing'er was thinking in his heart. After finishing his work, he wiped the sweat off his forehead and sat beside Qing'er.

Looking at the other party's absent-minded, weak and helpless appearance, Ren Feng felt a wave of pity in his heart, and said gently: "Qing'er, you're already fine."

The gentle voice interrupted Qing'er's thoughts. Seeing the softness between Ren Feng's brows, she had an indescribable feeling in her heart.

"Ren Feng, thank you so much for today, if not for you …" Qing'er paused for a moment, with a look of lingering fear.

It was not Ren Feng who arrived in time, but the two of them were already separated, right?

"There's no need for thanks. Between the two of us, there's no need to be so polite." Ren Feng faked an unhappy look, but the moment he said that, he regretted it. His words were too ambiguous and he quickly added.

"All this while, I've always felt that you're like my sister!"

Qing'er's heart was originally filled with sweetness, but after hearing this, his heart suddenly hurt.

Could it be … just his little sister?!

A flash of sadness appeared in her beautiful eyes and she subconsciously hugged Ren Feng.

This sudden action made Ren Feng at a loss of what to do. He was about to speak when Qing'er said: "Big brother Ren Feng, don't talk, just let me hug you for a while, okay?"

As if he felt the sorrow in Qing'er's heart, Ren Feng nodded his head and embraced the other party's back, and sighed in his heart.

Qing'er's feelings were already so obvious, how could Ren Feng not know about it? However, facing the strong feelings of the other party, he could only pretend that he did not understand. After all, he really only saw Qing'er as a little sister.

If he really refused, it would hurt her heart, right?

Shaking his head, Ren Feng pushed the thought out of his mind and gently caressed Qing'er's hair, comforting her.

For a time, a warm atmosphere permeated the room.

After a long while, Ren Feng looked at the time and broke the silence.

"I should go."

After all that work, it was already dark. If he did not return, his cheap wife would probably get angry, right?

But Qing'er did not have the intention to let go, she continued to hug Ren Feng tightly, and begged in a low voice: "Big brother Ren Feng, can you accompany me for the night? I'll be afraid alone. "

"This isn't appropriate, is it …?" Ren Feng was a little hesitant.

After all, it was unsuitable for a man and woman to stay in the same room alone. Ren Feng wanted to reject her offer, but seeing how pitiful Qing'er looked, he could only agree.

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