In the assistant's office, Ren Feng was playing games when a knock on the door came out of nowhere. He immediately changed the screen and acted as if he was working seriously, then shouted towards the door.

"Come in."

With that said, Qing'er walked in with a thick stack of documents that was around 10cm tall.

"Come, let me help you." Ren Feng immediately stood up and took the document from Qing'er.

Towards such a gentle and beautiful girl, Ren Feng would never be stingy with his passion. This was what a woman should be like.

Placing the document on the table, Ren Feng casually asked.

"Qing'er, are all these documents for the Manager Shen?"

Hearing that, Qing'er hesitated, "No, this was something Manager Shen asked me to give you. She said …. for you to translate them all today. "

With that, the scene in the manager's office appeared in Qing'er's mind.

When she just left the manager's office, she heard Shen Yunxuan talking to himself, saying that even if it was a professional translator, it would take at least two or three days to translate these documents.

Thinking of this, Qing'er looked at Ren Feng with eyes full of sympathy.

This man looked like a good person, how did he offend the Manager Shen?

If she knew what had happened, the odds were that she would change her mind.

When Ren Feng heard this, he almost vomited a mouthful of blood. With so many documents, he actually had to translate them in a single day.

Under his rage, Ren Feng started to make fun of her, "This malicious woman, it's no wonder that even though she looks like a good person, no man wants her! With such a temper, no one would be able to take it anymore! "If I had such a wife, I would have given up on her a long time ago …"

Although it had only been a day, Ren Feng had already understood most of Shen Yunxuan's situation from the ears of the crowd.

"Ren Feng, you..." Qing'er wanted to console Ren Feng, but out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed a gentle and graceful figure walking to the front of the door. She hurriedly shot Ren Feng a meaningful glance.

"Qing'er, are your eyes uncomfortable? Why do you keep blinking? " Ren Feng did not understand, but he continued to grumble, "Let me tell you, it would be best to stay far away from Shen Yunxuan, so as to not be lectured by her. At that time, like her, no man will …"

Ren Feng kept blabbering on, but suddenly realized that something was not right, and his fair forehead was covered in cold sweat.

"Why are you so hot? It seems that the air-conditioning in my room is a bit high, so I have to talk about Shen Yunxuan. As the general manager of the company, she can save a bit on electricity charges! "

Ren Feng said, he suddenly felt that something was amiss, a dense killing intent came from behind him.

He raised his head and glanced at Qing'er. Seeing the other party's respectful appearance, an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

Was he that unlucky?

"Hahaha, Qing'er, I am actually just joking with you, don't take what you just said seriously. If I were to say, the Manager Shen is a girl with a lot of courage, and is an example that all of us would like to follow … "

Ren Feng blurted out a string of praises, pretended to be unintentional as he turned his head and said in surprise.

Ah, Manager Shen, when did you arrive? Qing'er, didn't you say that there was a problem with the computer just now? "Come, I'll help you take a look."

With that said, Ren Feng pulled Qing'er and walked out.

However, Shen Yunxuan stopped him in his tracks, the latter's beautiful face was as if she was covered in a layer of frost, her beautiful eyes cold and without any emotions. Qing'er could not help but shiver, and grumpily greeted Shen Yunxuan, then she immediately ran out.

This girl was too dishonest. She sold him out just like that?

Looking at Qing'er's back, Ren Feng ridiculed him. Then, his expression changed as his face became filled with smiles.

"Manager Shen, are you here to inspect the work? "Don't worry, I promise to finish it seriously …"

"Shut up!" Shen Yunxuan roared angrily, interrupting Ren Feng's speech. The latter shut her mouth, not daring to speak another word.

What a joke, the female tiger was about to transform into a Super Saiyan.

Seeing the bowing and pleasing to the eye Ren Feng, Shen Yunxuan clenched her jade hands, her veins popping out.

A malicious woman? No man wanted it? Abandon me?

Recalling the words that had described her, she felt like buying out the murderer.

How could there be such a shameless person?

"At 5 PM in the afternoon, I want to see the translation of these documents. If you're missing one word, you can report to the cleaning department!" Suppressing the anger in his heart, Shen Yunxuan fiercely glared at Ren Feng and turned to leave.

Wait until 5 o'clock, for old and new hatred, she will settle it with this rascal!

"Tsk, who are you trying to scare? Do you think I'm scared?" Seeing that Shen Yunxuan had left, Ren Feng curled his lips, picked up the document, and started to translate it.

He was very clear about that woman's intentions. She was just waiting for the right reason to send him to the washroom. He couldn't give her any chance at all.

After casually sweeping a few glances, Ren Feng heaved a sigh of relief. These documents could not only contain information on some companies.

Ren Feng looked at the documents as his fingers flipped and turned. The keyboard was pressing loudly, and a string of Chinese words appeared on his computer screen.

Roughly three hours later, Ren Feng was able to settle everything. During this time, he even went to the toilet and chatted with the beauties outside.

Rubbing his sore wrist, Ren Feng began his own gaming career. To him, that was the proper thing to do.

5 o'clock in the afternoon, a series of knocks sounded out in Ren Feng's office.

Bang! Bang! Bang …

His voice sounded urgent, indicating that he was not in a good mood.

"Ren Feng, what are you doing inside, hurry up and open the door!" Shen Yunxuan spoke with dissatisfaction.

Ren Feng immediately closed the game and walked over to open the door.

"What are you trying to reverse lock?!" Shen Yunxuan stared at Ren Feng and walked straight in. Seeing the scene inside the house, his face immediately darkened.

The room was filled with smoke. The strong smell of smoke could make a person faint. The desk was covered in ashes. This was not an office, this was an internet cafe!

"Who told you to smoke in the office?!" Shen Yunxuan looked like he was about to eat someone.

"No one said it couldn't be done?" Ren Feng said righteously.

"You …" Shen Yunxuan choked to the point where he was unable to say a single word. He glared fiercely at Ren Feng, and then sucked in a deep breath. You'd better not say that you haven't finished it. I won't accept any of the reasons why! "

The reason why she could work peacefully throughout the day, was so that she could wait until five o'clock and cause trouble for Ren Feng!

Imagining the other party busying herself in the toilet, she felt indescribably carefree, as if she had drunk a glass of ice water on a sunny day.

"Well, it's all over there." Ren Feng indicated towards the pile of printed information on the desk with his mouth.

"What I want is a translation of all the information. I can't miss a single word!" Shen Yunxuan didn't have any intention of looking through it. In her opinion, it was simply impossible for Ren Feng to complete the mission.

So, wait and clean the toilet!

"Right, those are all the translations of the information. If you don't believe me, just take a look yourself." Ren Feng put his hands in his pockets and raised his eyebrows.

What a joke, how could this be possible!

Shen Yunxuan still did not believe it, but when she saw Ren Feng's fearless look, her firm thoughts wavered a little.

This man couldn't have really completed it, could he?

With this thought, Shen Yunxuan quickly rejected it.

Although this man was fluent in the five languages, he was still a far cry from a professional translator. So, no matter what, it was impossible for him to accomplish it!

You dare to lie to me? Watch how I expose you!

The corner of Shen Yunxuan's mouth raised into a cold smile. He walked to the front of the desk and started flipping through it.

After a while, her beautiful face wrinkled, and an indescribable shock appeared in her heart.

This seems... Did he really finish translating?

However, Shen Yunxuan still couldn't believe it. She took out her phone, opened her translation software, and randomly picked out a few words from the data to translate and compare.

One, two … After selecting over 30 words, he realised that they were identical to Ren Feng's translations. Shen Yunxuan stood in place with a look of disbelief on his face.

This... How is this possible?!

The translation had been completed without any mistakes, and most importantly, it had only taken one day?!

The silent shock spread throughout Shen Yunxuan's heart. She suddenly raised her head and looked at Ren Feng with her beautiful eyes filled with suspicion, "How did you do that?"

"Is it hard? To me, it's too much of a belittlement. " Ren Feng shrugged his shoulders, and said casually, "Oh yes, the information you gave me had a few uses, but I have already modified it."

What? This guy actually still had time to think about whether the other party's words were appropriate or not?

Shen Yunxuan's was even more shocked in his heart, and subconsciously asked: "Which ones?"

"Here, and here …" Ren Feng pointed to the translation.

Looking at Ren Feng's well-defined face, Shen Yunxuan suddenly felt that this man didn't seem to be so hateful. On the contrary, he had a trace of charisma.

With this thought, she hurriedly shook her head.

What was wrong with him, how could he have such thoughts!? She admitted that this man was very talented. However, his talent was not equal to his character. The things he had done to her, they could not be tolerated!

This time, he was lucky. Sooner or later, he would have to vent this anger in his heart!

After taking in a deep breath, Shen Yunxuan said with an expressionless face: "Alright, I got it. It's getting late, you should get off work."

With that, Shen Yunxuan picked up the documents and turned to leave.

Looking at her slim back, breathing in the fragrance in the air, Ren Feng suddenly said: "Manager Shen, for this information, I have been busy the whole day, as the department manager, don't you want to reward me?"

To reward him? You're thinking too much!

Shen Yunxuan's beautiful face turned cold, she did not plan to bother with Ren Feng. Suddenly, as if she had thought of something, her beautiful eyes flashed with the light of a conspiracy, and she turned around.

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