Article 115. Qing'er's choice

Chen Family, one study.

Chen Tianlai's face was livid, his eyes were gloomy like water.

He had just received news that the Housekeeper Xu had moved a hundred million from his account to escape, and the Mr Wu had already gone mad.

All of this was because of Ren Feng!

"Ren Feng..."

Chen Tianlai clenched his teeth, the hatred in his eyes was like the ocean, unfathomable.

Seeing the way he ate, the man in black who was standing next to him trembled and didn't even dare to breathe out.

"Send the order to capture Xu Liang, no matter the cost. If he's alive, I want to see him, and if he's dead, I want to see his corpse!" Chen Tianlai said with deep hatred.

"Yes, Young Master!" When the black clothed man saw the hatred in Chen Tianlai's eyes, he couldn't help but sweat for Housekeeper Xu and asked after hesitating for a moment.

"Young Master, what about Mr Wu?"

"This trash, chop him up for me and feed him to the dogs!" Chen Tianlai said with a sinister tone.

She had spent so much money to hire him, yet he was so easily defeated. There was no need for her to keep this kind of trash!

The expression on the man's face changed. It was a look of sorrow, but it didn't show it as he respectfully retreated.

Only Chen Tianlai was left in the house. He looked out the window with a sinister expression and said, "Ren Feng, just you wait. One day, I will repay this pain a hundred times over!"

"… …"

First People's Hospital of Wanchuan City, Chief Physician's Office.

Looking at the checklist in his hand, Qing'er's expression became extremely heavy, and facing her, sat a middle-aged doctor who seemed to be in his fifties.

"Miss Gu, your mother's condition is already getting worse. If you don't get an operation soon, she can only live for two more months." The middle-aged doctor pushed his glasses and said solemnly.

Two months?!

Qing'er's heart tensed up, and he quickly said: "Doctor, then let's start my mother's surgery tomorrow!"

The middle-aged doctor nodded with a troubled expression on his face. "Miss Gu, there's no problem with the operation, but the cost of the operation is not low …"

"How much, Doctor?"

"A conservative estimate of one million!"

1 million?!

Hearing this number, Qing'er was stunned.

1 million was an astronomical number for her!

Seeing Qing'er's reaction, the middle-aged doctor sighed: "Miss Gu, I don't know if you should say something …"

"What is it? Tell me." Suppressing the heaviness in his heart, Qing'er nodded.

"To be honest, your mother is already in the terminal stage of cancer. Even if you spent so much money, I would only let her live another two years. There are a lot of people like you, and they all choose to give up on treatment." The middle-aged doctor slowly said.

He had already understood Qing'er's family's situation after such a long time, the cost of the operation was definitely not something the other party could afford.

Qing'er knew that the doctor did this out of goodwill, but she rejected him immediately without thinking, "Doctor, you don't have to say anymore, the surgery must be done, I will think of a way to pay for it!"

With that, Qing'er got up and left.

Looking at her back, the middle-aged doctor shook his head and sighed.

Such a nice little girl, how did she end up with this sort of thing?

In the hallway, Qing'er leaned against the wall. She placed her hand on a number, but couldn't press it any further.

After standing there for half an hour, a sad and beautiful smile appeared on Qing'er's face as she dialed a number.

"Hehe, Miss Gu Qing'er, how is it, have you thought it through?" A man's laughter came from the other end of the phone, his voice full of malice.

"I want a million! "Immediately, immediately!" Qing'er said expressionlessly, her beautiful eyes lost its former luster, as though she was a zombie.

"No problem!" Huaji Hotel, Room 501! Come over right now, I can't wait! " With that, the man hung up the phone, his eyes burning with passion. He picked up the goblet beside him and downed it in one gulp.

None of the women I've taken a fancy to can escape!

"… …"

In the sales office, Ren Feng was packing up to get off work when his phone suddenly rang. Seeing that the caller ID was Qing'er, he was startled and immediately picked up.

"Hey, Qing'er, what's going on with you today? "Why didn't you come to work?"

Hearing Ren Feng's voice, as well as the concern in his words, Qing'er's heart warmed, and at the same time, flashed a trace of pain.

In the end, he and this man were not from the same world!

Qing'er forced out a smile: "Ren Feng, thank you for helping me for such a long time, thank you."

Hearing that, Ren Feng had a bad premonition, why did it feel like he was leaving behind his last words?

"Qing'er, what's wrong with you?!" Ren Feng's face became serious, "Where are you, I'll go over right now!"

"I'm fine, don't worry." With that, Qing'er hung up the phone. Her pretty face was filled with a sad and beautiful smile.

Ren Feng looked at the phone that was hung up, and a bad premonition filled his heart. He immediately called her, but the only thing that rang was the phone's notification sound, causing his heart to sink to the bottom.

Qing'er was in trouble!

His expression changed and he quickly made a call.

"Hey, Captain Ye, I need you to help me with something!" Ren Feng said hastily.

Hearing the anxiety in Ren Feng's words, Ye Weiying was startled, and subconsciously asked: "What?"

"Help me locate a mobile phone!"

"Isn't that a little inappropriate? "If the other party isn't a suspect, we can't …" Ye Weiying was puzzled.

However, just as she was about to speak, she was interrupted by Ren Feng, who impatiently said: "What's suitable! Let me ask you, will you help me with this or not?! "

These words made Ye Weiying's heart extremely uncomfortable. Part of the reason was because of Ren Feng's attitude, while the other part was because of the anxiousness displayed by Ren Feng.

For a man to locate his phone and act so anxiously, it was obvious that his opponent was a woman.

Suppressing the unhappiness in his heart, Ye Weiying said in a low voice: "Alright, I will make an exception for you, but we have agreed that we will not do it again, as for the location information, I will send it to you with a text message."

After hanging up the phone, Ren Feng left his room in a hurry. He ran into Cheng Feiyan and Shen Yunxuan at the same time.

"Ren Feng, let's eat together tonight. Yan said that he will treat you to a big meal." Shen Yunxuan said as he held Cheng Feiyan's arm.

"I've already booked a room. Let's go now." Cheng Feiyan looked at Ren Feng, and the corner of his mouth slightly rose.

The matter of the funds had already been resolved, and she was in an unprecedented good mood, hence she wanted to reward Ren Feng a bit.

"I don't have time!"

Ren Feng said anxiously, he did not care about the two's reaction, and rushed to the stairs.

"Ren Feng, come back here..." Looking at Ren Feng's back figure, Shen Yunxuan was just about to call out to him, but he was stopped by Cheng Feiyan.

"Yunxuan, stop shouting, it's fine if he doesn't want to go!" Cheng Feiyan's face looked as if it was covered with a layer of frost.

Seeing this, Shen Yunxuan shut her cherry lips.

She knew that Yan was angry.

Based on her understanding, this should be the first time Yan took the initiative to invite a man for a meal, yet Ren Feng actually rejected the invitation, let alone such a cold attitude!

If it was Ren Feng, even a girl would not tolerate this!

This guy, what was he doing?!

"… …"

Outside Room 501 of the Hua Chi Hotel, Qing'er raised his hand, but couldn't knock on the door no matter how hard he tried.

She knew that once she knocked on the door, her life would experience an earth-shattering change.

After ten minutes passed like this, Qing'er let out a sad smile, and lightly knocked on the door.

She had no choice at all!

Very quickly, the large door opened, and a strong man in his fifties stood at the door. Seeing Qing'er's figure, he laughed complacently and used a perverted gaze to scan his opponent's alluring body.

"Darling, you finally came. I was about to die from waiting for you!"

Laughing obscenely, the man grabbed Qing'er's wrist and pulled him towards the house.

Entering the room, Qing'er broke free from the man's big hands, retreated a few steps, and asked vigilantly: "Where's the money?!"

"Don't worry, I won't miss a single cent of the money!" No matter what, I am still the Clan Master of the Bamboo Sea Gang, a mere one million is nothing at all! " The man sat on the bed, his eyes staring straight at Qing'er, his breathing became heavier.

The man was the Clan Master of the Bamboo Sea Gang, Cao Fei. The last time Wu Meng was injured by him, he found out about the ins and outs of the situation.

As one of the top three clans in Wanchuan City, the hall master was actually beaten to such a state. This was simply a slap in the face!

However, he was still the leader of a gang, and was not a reckless man. He arranged for people to investigate Ren Feng's background, and when he saw the pictures of Qing'er in the documents, Cao Fei was greatly shocked.

As the Sect Master, he naturally did not lack beauties by his side, but the seductive b * tches that Qing'er knew were all different. That appearance that was as pure as water made him unable to stop, and he even threw his revenge on Ren Feng to the back of his head.

He definitely wouldn't let go of this woman!

However, Cao Fei did not choose to use force. He knew, for a pure beauty like Qing'er, she looked weak and could be bullied, but in fact, she was extremely unyielding, if she used any illegal means to take him, the other party would definitely seek death. This was not what he wanted, but he wanted to possess her for a long period of time, and make her into his forbidden womb!

He sent people to investigate Qing'er's background. When he found out that the other party had a mother who was sick in bed, he sent people to find Qing'er and promised that as long as he became his mistress, he would pay for all the medical expenses of her mother.

And so, the scene in front of them happened.

Seeing that Cao Fei looked as if he wanted to swallow her whole, Qing'er's beautiful face turned deathly white. She could only imagine the scene later on, and her beautiful eyes flashed with a trace of despair.

This was his life! She had wanted to fight back, but now it seemed that she had been too naive!

Suppressing the grief in her heart, she nodded and said, "Fine, I believe you. However, I won't be your lover. We only have this one time!"

"Alright, I'll listen to you." Cao Fei readily agreed, but the corner of his mouth raised into a cold smile.

As long as she was able to take this step, she would no longer have the power to control the rest of her life!

According to his knowledge, a million years simply wasn't enough to pay for Qing'er's mother's treatment. So, he wasn't afraid that Qing'er wouldn't submit to him!

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