Police station, captain's office.

Ye Weiying was sitting in front of his desk, looking at the case file, his brows knitted tightly.

She had only taken a few days off, yet there were already several kidnappings in succession. Furthermore, they were all against the descendants of those influential nobles.

This placed a great amount of pressure on the department head, and as the captain of the Criminal Police squad, Ye Weiying was naturally the one to bear the brunt.

However, it was impossible for a woman to make a meal out of it!

These rich people paid the ransom first before they came over to report the case. This made Ye Weiying have no clue at all as to how to solve the case.

"These kidnappers are really hateful!" Ye Weiying cursed in his heart.

At this moment, her cell phone suddenly rang.

Looking at Ren Feng's name on the screen of the phone, Ye Weiying's restless mood relaxed.

"Ren Feng, what's the matter?"

"Captain Ye, I would like to ask, do you have any clues regarding the recent kidnapping incident?"

Ye Weiying was startled, and asked doubtfully: "What happened? Why did you suddenly think of asking this? "

"The sister of a friend of mine, she might have been kidnapped. There has been no news from this morning until now. Her phone shows that her phone is turned off."

Hearing that, Ye Weiying's heart tensed up.

It can't be, these people are so outrageous! It had only been a day of peace and quiet, yet they attacked again?

He pressed the thought on his mind, and said: "I don't have any leads on the kidnapping case, your friend shouldn't be worried, maybe her sister's phone ran out of battery, or something."

Since he did not manage to get the information he wanted, Ren Feng was extremely disappointed. "Alright then, if you have any clues, inform me immediately."

"Alright." Just as Ye Weiying was about to hang up, he hesitated and said: "I suspect that the kidnapping was done by those people from the arms factory."

"Oh? "Why do you say that?"

"It's purely my intuition, I feel that these people have as much guts as the people from the weapons factory. Maybe there's a connection between them. Of course, this is just my guess." Ye Weiying explained.

Ren Feng was quiet for a moment, then said: "Alright, I understand."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

"How is it? Do you have any clues about the kidnappers in Captain Ye? " Shen Yunxuan and Cheng Feiyan came closer, and looked at Ren Feng with a nervous expression.

"She …" Ren Feng was about to speak the truth, but seeing the expressions of the two people, he could not say anything, and his tone changed.

"She gave me some clues, but I'm not sure. Okay, I'll go take a look. You guys can wait for me at home."

After consoling the two of them for a while, Ren Feng left the villa.

Looking at the pitch-black night sky, he took a deep breath as his brain worked at top speed.

Ye Weiying's guess was not without reason. Within the Wanchuan City, there were not many people who would have the guts to kidnap these rich and powerful children.

If he were them, where would he put the hostages?

Ren Feng closed his eyes and thought of all sorts of possibilities.

After about a minute, he opened his eyes. A bright light flashed and his body sped towards the western suburbs.

If it really was the people from the armory factory, then for them, the armory factory that had been sealed was the safest place!

"… …"

West district, inside the arms factory.

The smell of blood was everywhere, it was a masterpiece by Ren Feng.

Under the cover of night, a grey van entered the factory and stopped.

The door opened and several men got out. One of them seemed to be carrying a person on his shoulder.

"Brother Qiang, can we go somewhere else next time? The smell here is really too suffocating, it can kill us all!" One of the strong men complained in a low voice.

"Yeah, Brother Qiang, every time we stay here for two days, we won't even be able to eat."

"I think it's better to just find a secluded place. Since our Wanchuan City is so large, the police won't be able to find us anyway."

"That's right …"

Everyone echoed.

Brother Qiang looked at everyone and snorted: "You dare choke on people?! Just endure it! What the f * ck do you all know? The police would never have thought that we would choose to hide in the place they sealed us off, so this is the safest place! "

Looking at his underlings' low spirits, Brother Qiang scolded them, "Look at your listless expressions, do you know how much this ticket is worth?! "Let me tell you, everyone can get at least a few million!"

Several million?!

The eyes of the kidnappers bulged out as they cheered excitedly.

To these people, several million was a huge sum of money!

"Qiang-ge, don't even mention making our brothers stay here, even if they wanted us to stay in the fecal pit, we wouldn't even bat an eyelid!"

"Yeah, it's our honor to be able to work under Brother Qiang!"

"Enough, cut the crap. Look after him. This is the wealth of our brothers!" I'm going to take a piss over there! " After saying that, Brother Qiang walked towards the bathroom.

Everyone carried the woman on their shoulders and walked into the factory.

He placed the woman on the ground and turned on the lights. Everyone's eyes immediately stared at her.

The woman on the ground had her eyes tightly shut, as if she was in a coma. Her beautiful face was as delicate as a doll's, and her short golden hair, under the contrast of her snow-white skin, gave her a charming appearance.

Even though he was lying down, the jacket over his chest was still propped up, causing people to be worried that his clothes would be torn at any moment.

Her slightly cute face was in stark contrast to her sexy figure!

Perfect match for a child's face …


All of a sudden, the sound of people swallowing their saliva echoed in the air. Everyone's blood was boiling and their eyes were burning.

"Phew!" This is so f * cking right! " One of the muscular men muttered to himself.

"I've lived for so long, but I've never seen such a woman. She has such a good body, and she even has a baby face. It can be said that she is of the highest quality …" A tattooed man scanned the woman with his vulgar eyes. That look made him want to swallow her whole.

"Brothers, why don't we start eating?" A the Tall And Thin suggested.

The eyes of the few muscular men immediately lit up when they heard his words.

At this moment, the woman on the ground let out a soft cry. She opened her hazy eyes and took a look at her surroundings.

When she saw the crowd standing in front of her, as well as the greed in her eyes, she immediately let out a scream.


The girl quickly got up from the ground and backed off. Her pretty face was full of fear.

"You … "Who are you people?!"

Her frightened appearance like a little deer caught the eyes of several people. Instead, it ignited the flames in their hearts, and they all smiled maliciously as they surrounded her.

"Hehe, little sister, don't be afraid. Big brother will love you very much!"

"Beautiful girl, let your big brother kiss you!"

Looking at this scene, the girl's pretty face turned pale, her small face maintained her composure, and waved her fist: "You … Don't come over, I … "I've trained in martial arts before …"

"Oh, he's even a practitioner. Come, let this brother have a look …" the Tall And Thin smiled maliciously as he walked to the front of the lady and opened his arms to hug her.

However, the next moment, he let out a miserable shriek and fell down while clutching his lower body. The intense pain made his facial features scrunch up.

"Damn, has this woman really trained before?!"

"Smelly bitch, you actually dare to hit my brother. Today, I will show you who's boss!"

The few strong men's eyes were full of viciousness as they charged towards the woman.

Crackle, crackle, crackle. The woman started to fight with the men.

It had to be said that the woman's skills were quite decent. Despite being surrounded by several strong men, she did not seem to be at a disadvantage. However, she was still a woman. As time passed, her stamina would no longer be able to keep up.

One of the strong men took advantage of the lady's weakness and shouted angrily. His big fist, which was as big as a sandbag, was swung towards her face.

Seeing the fist getting closer and closer, the girl's face changed. It was already too late to dodge. A trace of despair flashed through her beautiful eyes.

[Is my innocence going to be ruined here?]

Seeing that he was about to succeed, greed bloomed in the brawny man's eyes. He even considered in his heart what posture he should use to vent the anger in his heart.

However, just at this moment, there was a whoosh sound in the air. The strong man suddenly let out a miserable scream. He shot a trail of blood towards the girl's fist that was smashing towards his face, then powerlessly drooped down.

"It hurts, it hurts so much …"

The brawny man's facial features scrunched together as he let out a painful wail.

As for his wrist, a stone had been embedded in it. Fresh blood was gushing out, making him look extremely terrifying.

This... What was going on?

The rest of the brawny men immediately felt the hairs on their bodies stand on end as they vigilantly looked around their surroundings.

"Who, who is it? Get out here right now!"

"Stop f * cking playing tricks on laozi. Do you believe that laozi will kill you?!"

"I'm here!"

The sudden voice stunned several people. They subconsciously looked up and saw a figure jump down from the roof beam. It was Ren Feng!

They stared at each other, and just as they were about to make a move, Ren Feng had already arrived in front of two of them.


Their heads clashed together and two Blood Fog s sprayed out. Their bodies swayed for a moment before collapsing on the ground unconscious.


Just as they were about to reach for their waists, Ren Feng's body moved like a ghost and appeared in front of them in an instant. After that, he quickly threw three punches.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three muffled sounds could be heard as the three men's bodies flew into the air, leaving behind a soul-stirring trail of blood. Then, they fell heavily onto the ground, stirring up a large amount of dust.

Their chests were caved in, and their breathing gradually weakened. It was obvious that they weren't going to live much longer.

In the blink of an eye, the several robust men all fell to the ground. Seeing this scene, the woman's beautiful eyes widened, and her face was filled with shock.

This guy, how could he be so powerful?

"You are …"

Ren Feng was about to speak, but the lady suddenly rushed out.

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