Looking at Ren Feng who was wolfing down his food, Shen Yunxuan was stunned for a moment before becoming furious. When did she say that she wasn't going to eat?! She only ate slowly.

The reason she brought Ren Feng here today was purely because it had been a long time since she had eaten steak here, hence she was a little greedy. Most importantly, she was so angry that she didn't eat at noon today, and had already starved to the point that her chest was sticking to her back.

At this moment, Shen Yunxuan's stomach made a few gurgling sounds, and the strong sense of hunger made her feel even more irritable.

"Look, hungry? There's always a limit to losing weight. Don't lose weight blindly. " Ren Feng chewed on his steak and raised his head to look at Shen Yunxuan.

The latter was so angry that she almost picked up her knife and fork to stab him.

You're the one who's losing weight, your whole family is losing weight!

If it was possible, Shen Yunxuan wished that he could perish together with Ren Feng. His opinion of this man had lowered by a little.

[This scoundrel. It was in vain that I changed my opinion of him. He is really blind!]

Eat, eat properly, wait and see how I'll take care of you!

Shen Yunxuan gritted her teeth as they creaked, but she managed to hold it in.

After finishing the steak, Ren Feng wiped his mouth and raised his glass of water. Seeing this scene, Shen Yunxuan's heart jumped to her throat, she had sacrificed so much today, to keep this rogue company while starving, all for this moment in front of her.

As if he could feel Shen Yunxuan's fiery gaze, Ren Feng's cup was already close to his mouth, but he then put it down, raised his head and said: "Although I see handsome men do not need money, but at least you better pay attention to the effect."

Hearing this, Shen Yunxuan cursed in his heart.

However, at this time, she naturally would not refute Ren Feng;

"Let's go."

Ren Feng seemed to have forgotten to drink the water as he stood up.

Seeing this scene, Shen Yunxuan panicked, "You …. Weren't you drinking water just now? Why aren't you drinking anymore? "

Ren Feng lifted his leg, and said indifferently: "Earlier, I was thirsty, but now I'm not. What, is there any effect?"

Not thirsty anymore? How could this work!?

For a moment, Shen Yunxuan's heart burned with anxiety, he almost wanted to pour water into Ren Feng's mouth. Her eyes rolled back and forth, and suddenly, a thought flashed through her mind.

"I was in the wrong with what happened today. I shouldn't have come looking for trouble with you, so I'll treat you like tea and wine. I'll apologize to you."

Shen Yunxuan looked straight at Ren Feng, and prayed in his heart non-stop.

Seeing Shen Yunxuan's sincere face, Ren Feng nodded his head in satisfaction, as though he was very pleased.

"Hmm, your attitude is pretty good. Seeing that you're being so sincere, I'll reluctantly agree to your apology." Ren Feng looked at him magnanimously, causing Shen Yunxuan's teeth to itch with hatred. He almost poured water on's head.

"However, I cannot drink this cup of water, unless..."

Ren Feng paused for a moment, then asked anxiously: "Unless what?"

"Unless you call me Little Big Brother." Ren Feng said with an evil smile.

That wretched appearance, in Shen Yunxuan's eyes, was an indescribable lewdness.

Her charming face turned red, followed by a trace of killing intent. Her eyes turned cold.

"Ren Feng, don't go overboard!"

Call him little big brother?

Imagining himself calling out to his big brother, Shen Yunxuan felt goosebumps all over his body.

"Forget it if you don't call me that, I don't really care." Ren Feng curled his lips, and raised his leg back up again.

Shen Yunxuan panicked and blurted out, "Little big brother …"

Her voice was soft and weak, if not for the fact that Ren Feng's hearing was extraordinary, he would not have been able to hear her.

He stopped and curled his lips slightly. "What did you say? I didn't hear you. "

Shen Yunxuan's beautiful face was already as red as the sunset. Just now, calling out like that was already her limit, but seeing that Ren Feng was still unrelenting, she immediately became angry, and had guts.

"Ren Feng, I'll kill you!"

With that, Shen Yunxuan rushed forward.

"Hey, there are so many people here. If you don't want to be photographed, then go ahead." Ren Feng's face was calm, he had long seen that Shen Yunxuan was a woman who cared deeply about his image, thus, she would not attack him even if he were to beat him to death.

Sure enough, after hearing that, Shen Yunxuan hesitated for a moment, before withdrawing his hand and looking at Ren Feng angrily.

"Little big brother!" Shen Yunxuan said bitterly.

Her voice was extremely gentle and pleasant to the ear, and even though she had gritted her teeth to say it, it made half of Ren Feng's body go soft, as if it was bestowed with a soul color.

Despicable and shameless!

Shen Yunxuan felt embarrassed and angry in her heart as she clenched her tender little hands tightly.

Bastard, just you wait and see how I'll deal with you later!

Shen Yunxuan's anger turned into viciousness as he continued to plan how he would torture Ren Feng later.

No matter what, he couldn't let this bastard get away with it. He had to make him look bad.

This was the first time in his life that Shen Yunxuan was so angry at someone.

Ren Feng took the cup and drained it dry in one gulp. Then, he wiped his mouth and the two of them walked out together.

After getting on the carriage, Ren Feng seemed to be in a trance. He rubbed his temples and muttered to himself: "What's going on? You feel a little dizzy? "

After he finished speaking, he felt even more overwhelmed. His body swayed for a moment before he fainted.

Seeing this scene, Shen Yunxuan jumped in joy, happier than if he were ten years younger.

"Smelly hooligan, Smelly bastard!" You want to talk back to me? Little big brother, I spit on you! " Overjoyed, Shen Yunxuan no longer cared about his image, and continued to deride Ren Feng crazily. He did not have a single trace of his usual stern and cold appearance.

If a familiar person saw this scene, even his jaw would drop. Was this still the Shen Yunxuan that they knew?

After a while, Shen Yunxuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. She seemed to have smelled something, frowned, and then smelled something heavy on her clothes, causing her frown to deepen.

He smelled like steak!

When the steak was served, it was steaming hot and an unavoidable smell was stuck to his body. As a Shen Yunxuan who pursued perfection, naturally he could not tolerate it.

She opened the door and stepped into the backseat.

The parking lot was completely silent. The moonlight shone through the window and into the parking lot, allowing Shen Yunxuan's flawless upper body to be seen.

Her neck was like a swan's, her skin was suffused with a faint luster, and her chest was faintly discernible.

In the darkness, Ren Feng was in extreme pain.

He wasn't actually unconscious. The scene just now was completely an act. When he lifted the cup of water, he could smell the ether.

Indeed, as he had expected, today's meal was a Hong Gate banquet.

However, he was curious as to what Shen Yunxuan would do next, so he decided to play tricks and drank it up.

However, he had never imagined that the following scene would be so beautiful!

Although the light inside the car wasn't good, for Ren Feng, this was not a problem at all. His vision was much better than an ordinary person's, and from the rearview mirror, he could clearly see the beautiful scenery that he shouldn't have seen.

Your sister, this woman's figure is too good!

As Ren Feng travelled north and south, he had seen a lot of beautiful women, but he had to admit that among these women, Shen Yunxuan was ranked at the top.

If he didn't have the last bit of rationality left in his mind, he probably would have done something he shouldn't have.

The feeling of being unable to eat was simply too excruciating.

Ren Feng sighed with emotion in his heart, but his eyes were firmly fixed on the rearview mirror, afraid that he would miss any beautiful moment.

As if he had sensed something, Shen Yunxuan suddenly used his clothes to cover his chest. Raising his head to look, he realised that Ren Feng was still in a coma in the rearview mirror, and heaved a sigh of relief.

However, why did there seem to be traces of blood on his nose?

He must have seen wrongly because of his poor eyesight.

With this thought, Shen Yunxuan quickly changed his clothes and walked to the driver's seat.

Weng! *

The engine roared, and the red BMW sped off.

About half an hour later, Shen Yunxuan arrived at the southern suburbs. She stopped the car by the roadside, found a rope and tied up Ren Feng's hands and feet.

Damn, what is this woman trying to do? Did she have a different hobby?

Thinking about the scene of Shen Yunxuan raising the whip up high, Ren Feng shuddered. He hesitated in his heart, wondering if he should still pretend to be asleep.

In fact, Ren Feng was overthinking things. Shen Yunxuan's plan was simple, she just wanted to throw Ren Feng into the grass.

This was the outskirts of the city, and there were very few people here.

Want to walk back, or call someone? His hands and feet were tied. How could he use a phone to call someone?

To Shen Yunxuan, this was already the most vicious revenge she could think of.

Once he was done with everything, Shen Yunxuan clapped his hands and fiercely glared at Ren Feng. He muttered to himself, "Bastard, this is the result of provoking me! Let's see if you dare to disrespect me in the future! "

The anger in her heart disappeared, as she blocked Ren Feng's body and dragged him out of the carriage.

Although Ren Feng was not fat, he was still at least at a hundred and forty-five metres. With Shen Yunxuan's stamina, he was so exhausted that he was gasping for air. It took him more than ten minutes of work before he managed to drag Ren Feng to a nearby bush.

She wiped off her sweat, thought for a moment, and then fiercely kicked Ren Feng: "You made my opponent go against me, today you will sleep well here! When my mood gets better, I'll untie you again! "

As he imagined Ren Feng waking up with a stupefied face and then crying for help, Shen Yunxuan felt extremely comfortable. The corners of his mouth slightly raised upwards, but with a cold snort, he turned around and walked towards the car.

To dare to oppose me, this is the result!

Sigh, he had wasted his cooperation for so long, just like that?

Ren Feng was a little disappointed, but at the same time, felt that it was a little funny.

Just at this moment, a man's voice sounded.

"Beauty, is she alone?"

His voice carried a trace of frivolity.

Three bull-like men stood in front of Shen Yunxuan, greedily looking at her alluring body up and down, looking like they wanted to swallow her whole.

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