Hearing that, Shen Yunxuan's originally relaxed mood tensed up again, a look of fear flashed past her beautiful eyes, without thinking, she took out a anti-wolf electric baton from the carriage and stabbed it towards Ren Feng.

"You scoundrel, I'll kill you!"

The melodious voice was filled with hatred and rage.

Looking at the flashing blue colored sparks, Ren Feng was shocked.

Was he being too excessive, scaring this woman to such a state?

"Calm down, I'm joking." He grabbed Shen Yunxuan's wrist and advised.

However, Shen Yunxuan had already lost his cool, how could he listen to him, the hand holding the electric baton struggled, but was unable to break free.

"Let go of me!" Anxious, Shen Yunxuan roared out.

"Do you take me for an idiot to let go and let you hit me?" Ren Feng curled his lips, seeing that Shen Yunxuan had the intention to attack again, he hurriedly said: "Hey, more or less done. I was just scaring you just now, that's all.

Hearing that, Shen Yunxuan was startled.

This bastard's words seemed to make sense. If he really had some malicious intent towards me, then with the strength he displayed just now, I really wouldn't have been able to withstand it.

Thinking about it, Shen Yunxuan calmed down a little, but Ren Feng's following words almost made her go mad again.

"Besides, do you think I'd take a fancy to you?" Ren Feng curled his lips, his face full of disdain.

Her figure and appearance was definitely top-notch, but she didn't have a good temper. Whoever marries her would definitely cry in the future, and Ren Feng would mourn for Shen Yunxuan's future boyfriend.

"You …" Shen Yunxuan's face instantly darkened, the veins on her forehead popped out.

What did this bastard say? You don't like me?! It should be because she didn't think much of him!

Even if all the men in the world died, he wouldn't even look at a single one of them.

Anger struck his heart, Shen Yunxuan wanted to attack again, but thinking about Ren Feng's capabilities, he clenched his teeth and endured in the end. Her beautiful face was covered with a layer of frost, "Get off the carriage, I'm going home."

"I say, are you kidding me? You want me to get off in this wilderness?" Ren Feng glared, but acted like a scoundrel, "I don't care, you dragged me here, you have the duty to pull me back."

What a joke. If they wanted him to get off, there wouldn't even be a door, and even if he jumped out the window, it would be useless.

"You … "You scoundrel!" Shen Yunxuan was so angry that her face turned red, she was about to say something, but she was suddenly stunned, her beautiful eyes stared straight at Ren Feng, and said coldly: "Just now, were you not unconscious at all?!"

With the capsule's medicinal properties, it was impossible for Ren Feng to wake up. There was only one explanation, and that was that he wasn't unconscious at all, combining with the feeling of being watched from the shadows when he changed his clothes, she was almost certain that Ren Feng wasn't unconscious. If that was the case, wouldn't he have seen everything?

As she thought of this, a surge of killing intent burst out from her body and filled the air.

Looking at Shen Yunxuan's gloomy face, Ren Feng trembled. His strong desire to live made him quickly say: "I swear on my character, that I was indeed unconscious just now. It was just a gust of wind, and I woke up."

Personal guarantee?

Shen Yunxuan snorted, and said disdainfully: "Do you even have a personality?"

Even though she said that, she still believed in her heart a little. After all, she had watched Ren Feng drink that cup of water.

Hearing Shen Yunxuan's words, Ren Feng almost vomited a mouthful of blood. He did not expect that his impression of him in the other party's heart would be so bad.

Seeing that Shen Yunxuan's expression had slightly eased up, Ren Feng was afraid that the other party would still be entangled with this problem, so he hurriedly changed the topic: "When I woke up just now, why was I lying in the grass with my hands and feet tied up? Manager Shen, did you do this? "

After saying that, a look of panic flashed across Shen Yunxuan's face, as he stuttered: "This … I definitely didn't do it, I … "It was convenient for me to get off the car just now, so I didn't see you when I returned. I don't know what happened …"

Shen Yunxuan quickly calmed himself down, since he had no proof, even if he refused to admit to it, there was nothing he could do. After all, beauties had no logic to them, especially pretty girls.

"Is that so?" Ren Feng looked to be in disbelief.

"Or do you think I'm the one who did it?" Shen Yunxuan's eyes flashed.

"Alright, it's getting late. I'll send you back first." Shen Yunxuan was afraid that Ren Feng would continue to pester him, so he immediately started up the car.

"… …"

The next morning, in the Sales Department's office, Ren Feng experienced what was called gentleness.

He had only gone out to the toilet before he was surrounded by beauties.

"Ren Feng, does this suit of yours fit well? "I feel a little pain in my chest." A beauty dressed in a low-cut clothing twisted her body beside Ren Feng. As she spoke, she bent down, a touch of snow-white titanium dog eyes that were almost enough to blind Ren Feng.

"It's too fitting a body." Ren Feng wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, his face looking solemn.

"Really? I'll show you that from now on, okay? " The big-chested beauty immediately beamed with happiness as she hugged Ren Feng's arm and held it in front of her chest.

After saying that, she looked around with a provocative gaze.

Did you see that? This is my charm!

"Brother Ren, these are the jeans I bought today. Are you looking skinny?" A beautiful woman stood up unwillingly as she said with charming eyes.

Ren Feng looked over, and his eyes immediately lit up.

The woman was extremely tall, and when compared to her jeans, she had long, straight, and beautiful legs.

"Not thin, that's good." Ren Feng answered without even thinking.

"Is that so? But I feel, this pair of pants is not very comfortable to wear, is the fabric not good? Why don't you help me feel it, Brother Ren? " The long-legged beauty's voice became more coquettish and full of charm.

Upon hearing these words, the others immediately looked displeased.

This was cheating! Unfair!

"This... "Isn't that a bit inappropriate?" Although Ren Feng said that, his hand unconsciously extended towards the woman.

"What's wrong with that? Elder brother Ren is not an outsider." The long-legged beauty unquestionably pulled Ren Feng's hand and placed it on her thigh.

Although there was a cloth between them, Ren Feng could still clearly feel the strength behind her thighs. The long-legged beauty's face turned red, and her eyes became incomparably bashful and bashful.

"Brother Ren, you can't be biased. The zipper at the back is open, can you help pull it?" A beautiful woman in a V-neck dress said, her skin as smooth and white as milk.

"No problem." Ren Feng agreed to it immediately. For matters like helping others, he would never decline. Just as Ren Feng took a step forward, a sweet smell came from behind him.

"Brother Ren, I feel a bit dizzy. Can I borrow your back for a bit? Just for a little while. " A sweet-looking beauty hugged Ren Feng tightly.

"Brother Ren …"

The rest of the beauties also stepped forward to show Ren Feng their proud capabilities. The office was instantly filled with endless spring light.

This was life!

Ren Feng was intoxicated.

"… …"

In the hallway, Shen Yunxuan twisted her slim figure and headed towards the sales office. She rubbed her temples as she walked, she did not sleep well last night, but had been angered by Ren Feng.

He had spent money to treat that bastard's meals, not only did he not speak of his hunger, he had also failed in his plan in the end. On the other hand, he had been scared, and it could be said that he had lost both his husband and his army.

Could it be that he and that scoundrel were going against each other? Ever since she met him, she had never had a good thing with him!

The thing that she found the most difficult to accept was that even though she had made things difficult for him several times, he had always easily resolved it.

After complaining in his heart for a while, Shen Yunxuan felt a little better. She pushed open the door to the marketing department, but was stunned.

Ren Feng was surrounded by many beauties, his hands moving back and forth, his face full of infatuation.

"This bastard, what does he think of this place?!" Does he think this is his imperial harem?! " Shen Yunxuan's face turned cold, her eyes filled with killing intent.

"Go back to work!"

The voice was like a clap of thunder, resonating beside everyone's ears. When the group of beauties saw Shen Yunxuan's figure, their expressions changed, and they instantly scattered like birds, leaving Ren Feng alone.

The latter had an awkward look on his face as if he was caught in an adultery situation. He slapped his forehead and muttered to himself, "Look at my brain, there are still documents that have yet to be processed …"

With that, Ren Feng acted as if he did not see Shen Yunxuan and headed back to his own office.

"Ren Feng, you stop right there!" Shen Yunxuan suppressed the anger in her heart and shouted softly. If she did not want to get back at him, she would have immediately expelled this bastard.

Hearing that, Ren Feng stopped in his tracks, raised his head and looked over, with a surprised look on his face, "Yah, Manager Shen, when did you arrive? What business do you have with me? "

Seeing that he was so fake, Shen Yunxuan wanted to slap him. But luckily, she controlled herself, took a deep breath and coldly said: "Come to my office!"

After saying that, she walked towards her office.

This time, she definitely wouldn't let this guy off. She must make him suffer!

In the manager's office, Shen Yunxuan had just sat down. When she raised her head and saw that Ren Feng had very consciously sat down, and even leisurely lit up a cigarette, her emotions exploded yet again.

Who allowed you to sit? "Also, you're not allowed to smoke in the office. Didn't I tell you yesterday?!" Shen Yunxuan clenched her teeth and said with a murderous look on her face.

"Don't you want me to lie down? As for smoking, that's a long story. " Ren Feng replied indifferently. After he finished speaking, he took another drag of the cigarette, with no intention of extinguishing it.

"You …" Shen Yunxuan was so angry that his face was flushed red, and just as he was about to get angry, Ren Feng spoke again.

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