Seeing the two of them chatting casually without putting them in their eyes, the group of muscular men felt that they had been looked down upon and were infuriated.

The leader of the strong man shouted angrily as he raised his fist that was the size of a sandbag and punched towards the back of Ren Feng's head.

This punch contained immense power, and the air produced a hissing sound.

Seeing this scene, the corner of Huang Tianhao's mouth curled into a sinister smile, as if he had already seen the scene of Ren Feng being blasted flying.

Zhou Fanng was also full of satisfaction, he had long disliked this bumpkin, and this time he knew that there were some people that he could not offend!

"Be careful!" Seeing the incoming fist, Cheng Feiyan's face changed, her cherry lips let out a scream.

Ren Feng curled his lips as he felt the strong wind assaulting him from behind, and his eyes were filled with disdain. He suddenly turned around and clenched his sandbag sized fist into his hand, then casually twisted it.

'Kacha! 'a loud, crisp sound was heard. At the same time, a heart-wrenching scream rang out.


The brawny man fell limply to the ground, rolling back and forth as he wailed incessantly. It was obvious that he was enduring unbearable pain for an ordinary person.

Looking at this scene, everyone else paused for a moment. Their faces were filled with disbelief.

The man on the ground was called Qingeye, their boss. In the Bamboo Sea Gang where experts were like trees, he was also famous for being able to fight, but now, he was crippled by a single move from the young man in front of them!

This guy, how terrifying must his strength be?

As they thought of this, a trace of fear flashed in everyone's eyes. They all took a step back.

Although a true hero wouldn't be able to handle so many people, and those who came out to mess around, being the first to survive, there was no need for them to risk their lives just because of that small amount of money.

"All of you come at me together, save me the trouble of making a move one at a time." Ren Feng pointed his fingers at the robust men.

But now, everyone looked at each other. Not a single one of them dared to move, not even a single one dared to step forward to support their green eyes, as they were afraid that if Ren Feng misunderstood them, they would fall down together with their boss.

Looking at this scene, Huang Tianhao's face turned green. So many people were scared by one person, were these people f * cking underworld people?!

Under his rage, he slapped Zhou Fanng and cursed: "Fuck, are these the people you found for this daddy?! What is the difference between being a bunch of trash?! "

Ren Feng could look down on them, after all, the one with the big fist was Master, and if the opponent had the qualifications to do so, then why would the rich second generation do such a thing?!

Seeing the furious Huang Tianhao, Zhou Fanng covered her red and swollen cheeks, continuously accompanying her: "Young Master Huang, it's all because of my incompetence, don't worry, just leave it to me."

With that, he walked in front of the robust men and said haughtily, "All of you stop for me, I spent money on it. If you don't settle the matter today, spit out everything you eat …"

His appearance was extremely arrogant, and all of the robust men had faces full of anger. Their brows were furrowed into the shape of a square, clearly showing that they were extremely dissatisfied.

"What, you have an objection?!" Your father will endure if you have any objections! "A piece of trash …"

Zhou Fanng scolded, he vented all of the anger in his heart onto the robust men.

A piece of trash?

Hearing this evaluation again, a sturdy man with a full beard could no longer hold it in and punched Zhou Fanng in the face.


A powerful and heavy punch directly knocked Zhou Fanng down to the ground. The bridge of his nose was broken as blood and snot splattered out, and his face looked as if it was dyed with blood.

The bearded man was still resentful as he punched and kicked Zhou Fanng.

His actions ignited the anger of the crowd, and the robust men all stepped forward, and began to beat Zhou Fanng up.

Seeing everyone's actions, Huang Tianhao was enraged.

His long sense of superiority made him feel deep disdain for these brawny men. They were just a bunch of hawks! And now, these eagles actually dared to attack Zhou Fanng?! To hit a dog and look at its owner, that was slapping him again, Huang Tianhao's face!

Was this group of people trying to rebel?

Unable to contain his anger, Huang Tianhao did not think much and began to curse at the strong men: "You bunch of trash, stop right now!"

With that said, all of the robust men stopped what they were doing and turned to look at Huang Tianhao, their eyes filled with a cold light.

However, the angry Huang Tianhao did not notice, on the contrary, his heart had a trace of complacency.

His words still had some weight to them!

He raised his head and said condescendingly: "You bunch of trash, why aren't you getting rid of that brat for me?!" Let me tell you this, none of you will be able to get it over with unless I handle this matter properly! "

The threatening words caused everyone's gaze to become even colder and colder. They looked at each other, moved their fingers and walked towards Huang Tianhao.

Their ferocious expressions, combined with their tall and sturdy stature, caused anyone who looked at them to feel their scalp go numb.

The anger in Huang Tianhao's heart dissipated in an instant, and a trace of fear flashed past his eyes.

"You … What do you want?! "I'm warning all of you, don't act recklessly. I'm from Tianhao Group …"

Before he could finish, the bearded man slapped him hard, causing Huang Tianhao's eyes to shine like stars, he almost fell down.

"F * ck you! SkyHao Group! Brothers, let's go! F * ck this idiot!"

The robust men all flocked forward and started beating Huang Tianhao up. Under their rage, they did not hold back at all.

"Ah …" Pain... Pain, big brothers, stop hitting, I … "I know I was wrong …"

Huang Tianhao finally understood the situation, and pleaded for mercy, but all the sturdy men's eyes were already red, no one bothered with his begging.

Is there even f * cking logic to this!? The person I paid for, he beat me up instead?

Huang Tianhao wanted to cry, but no tears came out.

What made him cough up blood the most was that the previous batch of hoodlums were too damn professional, they could not even buy it even with money. This batch of hoodlums had too much of a lack of professionalism, and they even beat up their employers!

Seeing everyone's fists flying, Ren Feng and Cheng Feiyan were also dumbfounded.

Ren Feng curled his lips, his face full of ridicule.

Cheng Feiyan, on the other hand, felt a wave of relief in his heart.

Serves him right!

If it wasn't for the fact that Ren Feng was proficient in martial arts, then the one who was lying on the ground today would most likely be Ren Feng.

Thinking to this point, Cheng Feiyan lifted her head to look at Ren Feng, her beautiful eyes filled with inexplicable emotions.

What was this guy's background?

He looked useless, but he was actually so skilled. Furthermore, no matter how dangerous the situation was, it didn't seem like he was scared. He always had a calm expression on his face. She really couldn't see through this man.

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