As the two of them were chatting, Shen Yunxuan's phone suddenly rang.

"Hello, Morning, what is it …" What, Wu Liangcai wants him to go and collect the Tianwu?! "Alright, I got it!" After hanging up the phone, Shen Yunxuan's beautiful face was filled with anger, the tall peaks of her chest trembling slightly.

"Yunxuan, what's going on?" Cheng Feiyan asked.

"Yan is the guy you were talking about. Wu Liangcai told him to go collect the Tianwu! What intentions does this Wu Liangcai have?! "

Although Shen Yunxuan had a huge opinion of Ren Feng, and sometimes she even wished for him to die, but she had always been one for business, and could not tolerate people using her work to retaliate.

After Cheng Feiyan heard this, her pretty face instantly darkened, her beautiful eyes flashed with a cold light: "This Wu Liangcai is too much!"

She was naturally clear about the debt that the Tianwu company had with her, but she was also helpless against it. Initially, she had sent many people to collect the debt, but they were all sent to the hospital in the end.

Over time, she had almost given up on the money and arranged for the finance department to stop sending people to collect money so they wouldn't get beaten up.

But now, Wu Liangcai had actually decided on his own and sent his own staff to collect his debts.

If something happened, she definitely wouldn't let him off!

"Yunxuan, call that guy and tell him to ignore Wu Liangcai and come back immediately!" Cheng Feiyan did not want to pay any more medical fees, but if she knew that the one going there was Ren Feng, she did not know whether she would think this way.

"… …"

Before long, the entire Gmeiyan was spread throughout, and some people were even sent to the Tianwu company to collect the debt.

Everyone's face was filled with sympathy.

Sigh, there was no need to think about it. This bro's fate was already decided. The biggest difference was whether he had lost an arm or two arms.

"… …"

A black car was moving steadily, with Ren Feng and Wu Liangcai sitting on the back seat.

Wu Liangcai's expression was calm, but the sneer on the corner of his mouth still betrayed his heart.

He didn't need to come along, but he decided to come in person.

He was afraid that Ren Feng would be afraid of the Tianwu company's reputation, so he casually strolled around for a bit, and then lied that he had gone there. Moreover, he also wanted to enjoy the scene of Ren Feng getting beaten up.

Imagining how the other party would be surrounded by a group of strong men, scared to the point of trembling and then getting beaten up, Wu Liangcai felt as if he had drank a cup of ice water from hell.

Brat, I told you to be crazy with laozi, yet you still dare to make laozi apologize. You'll know the consequences soon!

Very quickly, the car stopped in a secluded alley. Not far away, there were two large front rooms with a few worn-out words hanging on them — — Tianwu Corporation.

"We've arrived. You can leave now." Wu Liangcai looked at Ren Feng, his eyes filled with schadenfreude.

"Am I the only one to go?" Ren Feng said.

"What else do you think?!" Wu Liangcai raised his eyebrows, unless he was crazy, he would only go in with them, the entire company knew that he could not afford to offend Tianwu companies, and anyone who went to collect their debt, would just lie down.

"That's not appropriate, is it? You're the manager, aren't you supposed to take the lead as the leader? "

Ren Feng's words almost made him spit out a mouthful of blood.

You also know that I'm the leader! When you were unwilling to forgive me, why didn't I see you have this kind of mindset?!

"If I were to go, what would I need you for?!" This is the company's test for you. If you do not complete the mission, you will not be able to go back. Wu Liangcai said in a serious tone, a cold glint flashing past his eyes.

Originally, according to his plan, it was only to let Ren Feng get beaten up, but now, he had changed his mind. Not only would he let this brat get beaten up, he would also get him to scram from the company!

This was the result of offending him!

Ren Feng did not mind, he casually asked: "What if I complete the mission?"

"Completed the mission?" You should come back and discuss this with me after you're done! " Wu Liangcai curled his lips with a face full of disdain.

What kind of joke was this? For the sake of repaying this debt, the company had sent many people over, but they all ended up in failure.

If he could complete his mission, he would have to wait for the sun to rise from the west!

"Manager Wu, according to what you said, what else do I need to go?" Ren Feng seemed to be dissatisfied.

How could Wu Liangcai allow him to not go? He quickly said: "As long as you can complete the mission, I will apply to the company and give you a reward of 20,000!"

"Alright, it's a deal!" Ren Feng's eyes lit up. Twenty thousand! To the current him, it was simply a huge sum of money!

Thinking about it, Ren Feng felt his heart ache, the dignified dragon soul was also in such a miserable state!

Pushing the car door open, Ren Feng said a few words.

"Manager Wu, you can apply for a bonus from the company now."

Her voice was calm, but it was filled with confidence. Wu Liangcai was startled, and then he started laughing.

I really don't know where you got your confidence from, but later on, you will know what Tianwu means!

Looking at Ren Feng's back figure, a cold light flashed in Wu Liangcai's eyes, and a cold smile surfaced at the corner of his mouth.

Arriving at the door of the Tianwu company, just as Ren Feng was about to step in, his phone suddenly rang.

"Hey, Manager Shen, I'm collecting my debts at Tianwu Corporation. What business do you have?"

"You can come back now. The company has already given up on the accounts of Tianwu Corporation. Those people are not people you can mess with. Don't create trouble for yourself!"

heaved a sigh of relief after hearing that Ren Feng was alright, and tried to persuade him.

"Is that so? Are these people really that powerful? " Ren Feng was becoming more and more curious about this Tianwu company. To be able to cause the company's discussion of Tianwu to change, this Tianwu must not be simple.

"What do you think? "It's not that the company hasn't sent people before, about 10 people went to the back and forth of the company, but they were all beaten up in the end, at least for a week, or at least they were in the hospital for a few months. This group of people is not as cruel as you can imagine, come back quickly!"

Shen Yunxuan was afraid that Ren Feng did not know the severity of the matter, so he impulsively went in to collect the debt. Although his skills were not bad, but in front of the ruthless people from Tianwu, it was still not enough.

"Hehe, if you say it like that, I want to go and have a look. I don't believe that group of people can have three heads and six arms!"

"Ren Feng, don't be rash!" Shen Yunxuan bellowed, this guy truly did not know the immensity of heaven and earth!

"Hehe, Manager Shen, you are so concerned about me. You can't have fallen for me, right? Confess, how long have you been secretly in love with me? "

The narcissistic words almost made Shen Yunxuan spit out blood from anger. The jade hand holding the phone tightened.

This bastard, who gave him that confidence! Still secretly in love with him, pah!

Under his rage, Shen Yunxuan said in a cold voice, "Alright, go ahead. There's still time for you to cry!"

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