"All of you stop right now!"

The voice was like a thunderclap, exploding in mid-air. The brawny men were stunned for a moment, before their expressions turned ferocious.

Who the hell had the guts to speak to them like that?

Everyone turned their heads around with an ominous glint in their eyes and was about to curse at the newcomer. However, when they saw who the owner of the voice was, they immediately swallowed their words and revealed flattering expressions on their faces.

"Power..." "Brother Li …"

"Brother Li, why have you come over? It's nothing more than someone who needs to be settled. We can deal with this kind of guy!"

"Yeah, Li-ge, you can go back and rest."

The originally arrogant and domineering men didn't even dare to breathe loudly in front of the man. They were extremely respectful, clearly showing their reverence towards the man.

"Hu Lee?!"

Inside the car, when Wu Liangcai saw Hu Lee's figure, his expression changed and a trace of reverence flashed across his eyes.

Hu Lee had a bit of fame in Wanchuan City, even though he was still young, he had completely submissive towards his subordinates, and was determined to kill them.

Relying on this group of people who dared to kill, Hu Lee had a place in the Wanchuan City.

"But why did he come out?" Wu Liangcai's eyes flashed a trace of doubt, and a thought flashed through his mind, "I must have heard that Ren Feng came to ask for revenge, pissed him off, and decided to personally come out to teach him a lesson!"

Thinking about it, Wu Liangcai laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, Ren Feng, this time you're finished! Hu Lee is reputed to be brutal, this time, it will not only be settled after being confined to the hospital for two months! "

[You dare to challenge your father? Just wait for your death!]

Wu Liangcai laughed sinisterly, his eyes full of fierceness.

"Brother Li, a mere nobody doesn't require your presence."

"That's right, Brother Li, you think too highly of him!"

Everyone began to flatter Hu Lee, but the latter did not listen to them at all. He stared intently at Ren Feng, his previously emotionless face now filled with emotion.

Hu Lee took a deep breath and walked over to Ren Feng. Even though he was trying his best to calm his mind, his complicated feelings were expressed clearly.

Everyone was stunned. Were they seeing things? Was this still that incomparable savage Brother Li from their memories?!

They were about to speak, but the next scene was something they would never forget for the rest of their lives.

"Mr Ren, is that really you?! Am I seeing things?! "

Looking at Ren Feng who was only few tens of centimeters away from him, Hu Lee's body trembled, his eyes were filled with complex emotions, excitement, joy, excitement and other mixed emotions, his appearance was respectful and respectful, as though he was a servant.

Mr Ren?!

The crowd was stunned for a moment. Looking at the scene in front of them, their eyes were as wide as copper bells and their mouths could not even close.

[What the hell is going on?]

How many people feared him like a tiger? In their eyes, Brother Li was like a god to them, yet he actually bowed and kneeled down before this fellow?!

And on Brother Li's face, there was an expression of worship, as if a little girl had seen her idol!

Everyone had a look of disbelief on their faces.

They had followed Hu Lee for a few years already, and from what they could remember, Hu Lee had always been a good man who did not change his expression, even when his blade was against his neck!

And now, he actually did this …

A silent shock spread across everyone's heart, they raised their heads to look at Ren Feng, a look of respect on their faces.

Just what kind of background did this guy have to actually make Brother Li to be so respectful and address him as' Mister '?!

Not far away, Wu Liangcai had a stupefied expression on his face as well.

He could never have imagined that such a scene would appear.

With Hu Lee's status, to have his waist bowed by Ren Feng, the latter …

Wu Liangcai's face instantly paled, his eyes filled with fear.

If he could, he really wanted to ruthlessly slap himself in the face. How could he be so blind!

Hu Lee was a person that she treated with care, but she had offended him!

His overflowing remorse had almost swallowed him up.

"… …"

"Alright, you can disperse now!" Mr Ren, if you don't mind the crude nature of this place, why don't you go up for a cup of tea? " After calming himself down, Hu Lee waved impatiently at everyone, and looked at Ren Feng with a respectful face.

Ren Feng nodded and followed Hu Lee to an office.

"Mr Ren, if it weren't for you, I would have been beaten to death by those people! The great kindness that you have shown me, I, Hu Lee, am unable to repay you … "

Looking at Ren Feng, Hu Lee said gratefully.

When he was young, he had once ventured out to the capital, and because of his fiery temper, he had offended a few sect members. Those people saw an opportunity to surround Hu Lee, and started beating him up.

In the end, their eyes turned red, and their murderous intent rose.

Just when Hu Lee was in despair, Ren Feng walked past and saved him.

With Hu Lee's temper, he naturally wanted to repay the kindness. However, Ren Feng did not bother with him for too long, and only said that he was surnamed Ren and left.

He had originally thought that they would never meet again in this life, but who would have thought that they would meet here today!

"Alright, I did it conveniently back then. You don't have to worry about that." Ren Feng waved his hands nonchalantly.

He had been in a bad mood that day, so he might have left it at that. After all, there was no right or wrong when it came to gangs fighting.

"Mr Ren, by saying that, you are looking down on me, Hu Lee!" Hu Lee's expression turned serious, his face full of anger.

Although he had a bad temper, he was always clear about his grievances and favors. Naturally, Ren Feng's words made him very unhappy.

"Fine, fine. Just pretend that I didn't say anything." Seeing Hu Lee's insistence, Ren Feng nodded his head and said: "Since you insist on repaying us, then return the money given by our company. Like this, we will be even."

Hearing that, Hu Lee rubbed his hands together in embarrassment: "Mr Ren, which company are you from?"

After he finished speaking, his old face turned red.

The Tianwu Group owed him more than just one, as a famous ruthless person, he was naturally unhappy to have Hu Lee obediently pay him back, since he knew that others wouldn't be able to do anything to him.

Just that, he did not expect that there was actually a company owned by the Mr Ren.

"Do you know about Gomayan?"

"Of course I know, back then I had some business dealings with them, their company is filled with beauties, especially CEO Cheng Feiyan, she is the number one beauty in Wanchuan City, the famous Ice Mountain Goddess, the target of countless people's secret crush …"

Hu Lee's eyes lit up, and the beautiful words came out of his mouth like it was free.

Ren Feng rubbed his nose, muttering in his heart.

Was that cheap wife of his really that outstanding? Why didn't he feel it at all?

Hu Lee said, he then suddenly thought of something and asked: "Mr Ren, don't tell me you are currently working for Ge Meiyan?"

"That's right, I'm the assistant manager now." Ren Feng nodded.

"What?" Assistant manager? How could this be possible!? Mr Ren, with your skills, you have to be a waste of your talent to work there. Why don't you come to my place, you will be the boss from now on, I will be your assistant! " Hu Lee said with righteous indignation.

In his heart, Ren Feng was an existence that was like a god. The opponent's skills could even be described as terrifying, and even if he saw it with his own eyes, he would still find it hard to believe.

If the other party went to the underworld, there was no chance for the other big shots of Wanchuan City.

Thinking to this point, Hu Lee started to get excited. He seemed to have already seen the scene of him killing everyone under Ren Feng's command, the gaze in which he looked at Ren Feng with was filled with anticipation.

"Forget it. I feel that the assistant manager is quite suitable for me." Ren Feng immediately refused.

"Mr Ren, you …" Hu Lee felt that he had failed to meet expectations. Just as he was about to persuade her, he suddenly thought of something and his eyes lit up.

"Mr Ren, I understand, you have your eyes on Cheng Feiyan right?! This woman is really not bad, she's worthy of you! "

With that, he said with a look of admiration: "As expected of the Mr Ren, truly brilliant! The water tower gets the moon first, this Cheng Feiyan will definitely not escape your grasp! "

Hearing that, Ren Feng rolled his eyes.

Why was he acting like a demon lord, unable to escape from his grasp, while he and that woman even got their marriage certificate, okay?

"Mr Ren, then I won't hold you back from your happiness. Please take Cheng Feiyan down as soon as possible, so that I can be proud of you!" Hu Lee said excitedly.

"Alright, it's getting late, I'll take my leave now."

Ren Feng stood up, and Hu Lee immediately and carefully stayed behind.

"… …"

In the black car, Wu Liangcai's eyes were dull and lifeless.

When he recalled the scene from before, he couldn't help but find it unbelievable.

Even the CEO couldn't do anything to such an infamous ruthless person like him, but just a moment ago, Hu Lee had bowed and bent his knees in front of Ren Feng, as though he was a servant!

Ren Feng was just a small employee of the company!

How was this possible?!

However, regardless of whether he was willing to accept it or not, the memories in his mind still reminded him that this was the truth!

Someone that even Hu Lee could not afford to offend, yet she had shouted at him in such a rude manner …

Thinking about his previous actions, Wu Liangcai's body started to uncontrollably tremble. His eyes were filled with fear as he paid his respects to Xu Fei and his family.

Just then, a burst of clamor sounded out, interrupting Wu Liangcai's train of thoughts. He raised his head and looked over.

Dozens of sturdy men walked out, all of them with serious expressions. When combined with their tall and sturdy bodies, it made Wu Liangcai gasp for breath.

After arriving at the gate, the muscular men automatically divided themselves into two rows and stood on both sides of the gate.

After a while, Ren Feng slowly walked out with Hu Lee following closely behind with a respectful face.

Ren Feng waved at Hu Lee, then walked towards the black car.

"We respectfully send you off, Mr Ren!"

Hu Lee shouted.

Following that, two rows of big sized men shouted in unison: "We respectfully send you off, Mr Ren!"

His voice was like thunder, echoing for a few hundred meters in the air, full of momentum.

This scene caused Wu Liangcai's heart to tremble, the last bit of luck he had was gone, his hands started to tremble.

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