With every word that Ren Feng said, Cheng Feiyan's expression darkened even further, the fury in her beautiful eyes burned fiercely. When Ren Feng lit up the cigarette, she finally couldn't take it anymore!


"Extinguish the cigarette for me!" Cheng Feiyan said with a beautiful face, her tone full of anger.

Everyone in the company, everyone knew that she hated the smell of smoke the most, so no one had ever dared to smoke in the company, and this guy was actually smoking in front of her!

How preposterous!

"Yanyan, I have no choice but to say a few words to you. Why do women have such a bad temper, sit down and talk." Ren Feng acted as if he did not see the expression in Cheng Feiyan's eyes, he waved his hands, and then took a deep breath.

His actions caused Cheng Feiyan to become even more furious, and her chest to tremble.

[This guy, is he ignoring me?]

"I asked you to pinch out the cigarette, do you hear me?!"

The melodious voice was emotionless, and the surrounding air suddenly dropped.

If it was someone else from the company, they would be so scared that they would not be able to stand steadily, because they knew that this meant that Cheng Feiyan was already at the edge of going berserk.

However, Ren Feng did not take it to heart, he puffed out a puff of smoke, crossed his legs, and spoke in a deep voice: "Yanyan, what you are doing is not good, although we are very rich, but we have to focus on economy, this cigarette was bought cheaply, how can it be wasted?"

As he spoke, Ren Feng took another deep breath.

Seeing the green smoke in the air, as well as the choking smell, Cheng Feiyan instantly exploded!

Without thinking, she grabbed the piece on the table and was about to smash it onto Ren Feng.

"Stop, stop!" Ren Feng immediately tried to dissuade her.

"Extinguish the cigarette!" Cheng Feiyan held the piece up in the air, gnashing his teeth, as though he was going to attack the moment there was a disagreement.

If possible, she really wanted to kill him, even if it meant mutual destruction!

"Well, I'm afraid of you." Ren Feng curled his lips, with the thought of not fighting with girls anymore, he extinguished his cigarette and muttered.

"It's just a cigarette, what a tigress!"

Although her voice was soft, it clearly floated into Cheng Feiyan's ears. The latter clenched her teeth and her chest trembled.

A female tiger?!

Did this bastard even know how much damage the smog in the room had done to him?!

Anger raged in her heart, but she endured it in the end. She knew that she wasn't a match for this fellow. After all, she couldn't be as shameless as him!

Furthermore, she couldn't care less about all this with this bastard right now. She was filled with questions, such as why did this man sneak into the company to work, how did he manage to get his hands on a few foreign languages, and what was with his special knowledge about fashion …

A string of questions surfaced in Cheng Feiyan's mind. She suddenly felt that she did not understand the man in front of her, and the image of Ren Feng in her heart became more and more mysterious.

"Tell me yourself, why did you carry me to work at the company?" Cheng Feiyan looked at Ren Feng with a probing gaze. She had already made up her mind, if the other party didn't say something today, she would definitely not let this matter rest.

"Look at what you're saying, how can you say it's behind your back?" I was openly hired, okay? Besides, you never asked me. " Ren Feng said righteously.

"You …" Cheng Feiyan was rendered speechless, and not a single word of rebuttal came out of his mouth.

It was true that she didn't care enough about this man, but she didn't blame herself for that. How could she care about him when he was so angry that people wouldn't give up their lives!

"Alright, this is my mistake. Then let me ask you, why did you choose Gmeiyan? "With your ability, you should be able to go to other companies, right?"

"Is there still a need to ask that question?!" Of course it's the heart of a husband and wife, and it's as sharp as snapping gold! " Ren Feng said with a serious face.

Hearing that, Cheng Feiyan was startled, and then her face immediately flushed red.

She never thought that Ren Feng would suddenly say such a thing, and her heart had a sweet feeling.

After all, no matter how strong she was, she was still a woman. In the dead of night, she had once imagined that she could rely on her arm.

However, her emotions did not last long, she suddenly remembered that Shen Yunxuan had complained to her before, that the man in front of her was working with the female employees in the marketing department …

In an instant, her pretty face turned cold, and looked at Ren Feng with an unfriendly gaze: "I heard that you are very popular in the Sales Department, the employees all treat you very well..."

There was a different meaning behind her words, but Ren Feng did not feel it, he laughed and said proudly: "So you have heard of it too, but it cannot be said that it is very popular. Everyone is willing to be friends with me, and many people even insisted on treating me to a meal."

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Cheng Feiyan's gloomy expression and immediately turned the corner of his mouth, "However, a strange man like me who is mighty and unyielding, rich and unlewd, how could I buy them in one meal? At that time, I rejected them righteously with my words and warned them not to have any intentions towards me, I, Ren Feng, am not that kind of person!"

Ren Feng had a righteous look while Cheng Feiyan had a face full of contempt.

I'd rather believe you!

If there really was such a good thing, then this scoundrel would probably run even faster than a rabbit!

"You better be careful in the future. If I find out that you're harassing the female staff, immediately scram to the toilet!" Cheng Feiyan said with a cold expression.

"Hey, although the two of us are very familiar with each other, I still want to sue you for slander if you say such things …" Ren Feng said unhappily, but when he saw Cheng Feiyan's ice-cold expression, he swallowed the words that he was about to say.

"Alright, you can leave now. I need to work." Cheng Feiyan waved his hand and then lowered his head to handle the document.


It was over just like that? What about the promotion and reuse that was agreed upon?

Had this woman forgotten?

Ren Feng decided to remind Cheng Feiyan.

"Did you know that I took back the account from Tianwu company?" With that, Ren Feng straightened his back, his expression dark, and prepared to accept Cheng Feiyan's worshipful, excited, and unbelievable reaction.

However, the latter didn't even raise her head as she coldly replied, "I know. If there's nothing else, please leave now."

What kind of reaction was this?

Shouldn't she be looking at him with excitement? Showing an incomparable admiration for himself?!

This result was hard for Ren Feng to accept. He said unwillingly: "You really know?"

"Look, it's clearly written here." Cheng Feiyan picked up the reward application from the table and waved it towards Ren Feng, but in his heart, he snorted coldly.

She naturally knew what meant, even though she did admire him a lot. If this Ren Feng wasn't the same as her, she would even have to rely heavily on him.

However, she wouldn't show it. Otherwise, this rascal's tail would have perked up to the heavens.

To cook for him and wash his clothes, he could really say what he thought he was!

Thinking about how Ren Feng was so pleased with himself, Cheng Feiyan became furious.

"Then you're not going to say anything? Manager Shen said that you had something to talk to me about! " Ren Feng still refused to give up.

"I was busy just now, but now I'm suddenly fine. It's that simple." Looking at Ren Feng's stifled expression, she felt extremely happy in her heart, happier than if she knew that she had to pay her debt.

This scoundrel, you also have this day!

This woman was definitely doing it on purpose! However, she was underestimating him, thinking that he could make her angry just like that?!

Ren Feng consoled himself, but his ugly expression betrayed his heart.

"Sign the reward application. I'll take the money from the Finance Department later."

Thinking about how he could get his hands on the twenty thousand, Ren Feng's mood instantly became much better, and his face showed uncontrollable excitement.

The days when a single coin was enough to bring down a hero could finally leave him!

But in the next second, Cheng Feiyan raised his eyebrow: Why should I sign? I don't think it's appropriate to apply for this reward, so I won't sign it. "

Hearing that, Ren Feng was startled, but after that he became furious.

Breaking someone's money was akin to killing their parents. Now, this cheap wife wanted to take away the twenty thousand yuan that was supposed to belong to him. This was an irreconcilable enmity!

"Hey, don't go too far! But we already said it, and you're going to reward me with twenty thousand yuan! " Ren Feng's tone of voice had risen by several decibels as he glared at Cheng Feiyan.

"When did I say that I would reward you with money?" Cheng Feiyan's voice suddenly rose higher as well. Looking at Ren Feng's furious appearance, the corner of her mouth slightly curled. It was obvious that she was in a good mood.

"…" Ren Feng was rendered speechless by the question, only then did he remember that it was a promise from Wu Liangcai, "Alright, you really didn't say anything, but I want to collect the debt for the company, so the reward is 20,000 yuan, right?!"

"Of course!" Cheng Feiyan raised her eyebrows, "I asked you to go and ask for money? That is a matter between you and Wu Liangcai. Furthermore, who said that this is a dead debt? Do you have any proof?! "

A shameless person would be unrivalled in the world, Cheng Feiyan learned from his mistakes and sold out, causing Ren Feng to be so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood, he said emotionally: "You are taking revenge!"

"Yes, I am here for revenge, what about it? If you have any objections, please hold on! " Cheng Feiyan said leisurely. All the anger he had accumulated for such a long time was swept away, and his mood was extremely good.

Ren Feng heard her, and did not say anything for a long time. Since this woman had already said so, what else could he say.

Only women and villains are hard to raise!

Old Man Kong's words made sense.

Ren Feng groaned in his heart as he lifted his leg and walked out the door.

Looking at his back, the smile on Cheng Feiyan's lips widened, and then her beautiful eyes turned.


"What?!" Ren Feng stopped and said snappily.

Cheng Feiyan did not care about his attitude, and said with her red lips slightly parted: "After work, wait for me outside the company."

"Why are you waiting for me?" Ren Feng had a face of puzzlement.

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