After passing the assessment, Qing'er brought Ren Feng to the personnel department to complete the procedures. The process was rather smooth as it involved registering the relevant information.

When he heard that his salary was eight thousand, that he would receive a profit of five risks and one gold, Ren Feng was quite happy. Although Ren Feng had never worked in the Wanchuan City before, he knew that the average salary for those who worked in this city was only three to four thousand.

It could be seen that this Gmeiyan was indeed rich and imposing.

After completing the procedures, Qing'er and Ren Feng returned to the Sales Department's manager's office. Now that Ren Feng had officially become part of the Sales Department, Shen Yunxuan naturally wanted to introduce him to everyone.

Shen Yunxuan coughed lightly two times to attract everyone's attention, then pointed at Ren Feng and said: "This is a new colleague from the Sales Department, Ren Feng, and is also my new assistant. In the future, all of you should help each other more."

Seeing that there was actually a man coming to the marketing department, the ladies immediately broke into discussion.

"Hey, Nana, he really came. You won't be lonely from now on."

"What are you talking about? Disgusting!"

"Aiya, he is the Manager Shen's assistant, seems like you don't have a chance, Na Na."

This fervent attitude made Ren Feng a little uncomfortable for a moment. Although he was happy about it, it didn't mean that something was wrong for a man to be wrapped in a woman.

"Hee hee, I hope that everyone will take good care of me in the future …" Ren Feng laughed, good relations with these beauties were not at a disadvantage.

Shen Yunxuan silently watched on from the side and secretly sneered: Hmph, as expected, when you see a beautiful woman, your fox tail will be exposed, but don't think of harming our company's girls! If she were to know of this fellow's wicked thoughts, she would definitely not let him off lightly!

Thinking about that, Shen Yunxuan raised his hand to signal for everyone to quiet down, and said softly: "Alright, everyone get back to work. "Oh yeah, because he's the only male in our department right now, everyone should be more careful. Don't lose out."

For a moment, everyone quietly stared at Ren Feng, Manager Shen's words seemed to be a reminder to everyone, but it had a different meaning, it was obvious that he was already prepared to let Ren Feng wear his shoes, and a few of them couldn't help but feel pity for him. He already offended their boss on the first day of work, who knows how long he would be able to stay here.

Ren Feng naturally understood the meaning behind Shen Yunxuan's words. He had thought that Shen Yunxuan would at least care about the general manager's image, but he did not expect him to actually speak so brazenly.

Ren Feng had always been a rather free and easy person, so he wouldn't pay too much attention to small matters like this. After all, she was considered his boss, and as long as the other party wasn't too excessive, he wouldn't go against them.

At this time, Ren Feng suddenly heard Shen Yunxuan call out to him, "Follow me to his office."

What made Ren Feng feel at ease was that Shen Yunxuan wasn't going to overdo it. He knew that since he had only come to work on the first day, the main thing was to let him familiarize himself with the chores that he had to take care of normally.

Seeing that Ren Feng was working rather seriously and did not cheat, Shen Yunxuan did have a better impression of him. This man was not as bad as she thought, but she still hated him in her heart. He had nothing to do with work, she just hated Ren Feng.


In the evening, Shen Yunxuan sat on the leather office chair with Shen Yunxuan's beautiful buttocks leaning on the table.

"Wow, Yan, how can there be such a shameless person in this world? Even if he entered the wrong toilet, what would happen if he apologized? Heh, did you not see his confident and confident look back then, as if he did something wrong with me! "

Shen Yunxuan crossed his arms in front of his chest, as he scolded angrily.

Cheng Feiyan who was at the side pursed his lips and laughed softly. It had to be said that when these two beauties unloaded their jobs and moved their moves, every single movement and smile was extremely captivating.

Yunxuan, I have heard you say it for more than ten minutes, what is there to say, in the end didn't you let him pass the examination? Cheng Feiyan said with a light smile. Normally, she wouldn't be so relaxed, but since she had already finished dealing with this early in the morning, it was natural that she was in a good mood.

The two had been good friends since high school. Naturally, Shen Yunxuan had told her everything that had happened today.

"Hey, I seem to be selfish by saying that. I did it for the company!" Shen Yunxuan was immediately angered when she thought of Ren Feng, she pouted her small mouth and looked completely different from when she was using her department manager as an example.

"However, it is strange that such a sloppy person like you actually knows so much and knows the customs of many countries like the back of your hand. If you don't know, you would really think that he has lived in many countries. The most surprising thing is that he drank four Jin of white spirit in front of me." Shen Yunxuan said again.

"It's very normal for people to not judge a book by its cover and the sea by its surface. Look at the many people with outstanding talent in a certain area, they are all extraordinary people in and of themselves." Cheng Feiyan casually replied as he played with the little toy in his hand.

Seeing Cheng Feiyan's appearance, Shen Yunxuan couldn't help but pay attention to the object in her hands.

It was a cat's eye stone, with jade-green lines in the middle that seemed to be formed from nature. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, it was particularly dazzling and beautiful.

"From what I see, you've been doing this since high school. I wonder what kind of history it has?" Shen Yunxuan asked curiously.

"It's just a pebble, didn't I tell you earlier?" Cheng Feiyan's gaze concentrated on the Cat's Eye Stone, eyes occasionally revealing the happy expression of a little girl, and occasionally revealing a hint of dejection.

Cheng Feiyan had never told anyone else about this cat's eye stone. It was a secret that only she knew, and even Shen Yunxuan, who had a very good relationship with her, did not know about it.

A long, long time ago, in a park on the outskirts of Wanchuan City City, a little girl was crying while squatting in the sand beside a slide. The beautiful princess dress had already been stained with a lot of dust, making it look somewhat pitiful.

The sky was overcast. It shouldn't be long before it rained, right?

The little girl looked at the sky from time to time, feeling a little scared.

Today, her father had originally planned to bring her to play in the park because it had been a long time since she had walked out of her big house. Furthermore, her father was very busy, so he finally found the time to accompany her today.

However, not long after he came to the park, his father received a phone call. His expression became very ugly, and then he said to the little girl: "Yan, you just stay here to play, I have some things to do so I'll leave first. Remember, you must not go anywhere, your father will come look for you later!"

The girl obediently nodded in agreement, but after her father left, she never appeared again. The little girl had already been sitting here waiting for a long time.

Could it be … Daddy doesn't want me anymore?

The little girl hugged her knees and curled up into a ball, feeling very scared.

At this moment, a group of boys walked over from a short distance away. They walked directly towards the little girl, causing her to feel even more terrified.

"Hey, where did you come from? Why have I never seen you before?" The leading boy asked childishly, but there was a condescending look in his eyes.

"Her clothes are so beautiful! It seemed like his family was very rich! You see, her purse is bulging. " a boy said.

"I have the final say here. You're a newcomer, so you have to listen to me in the future. Your things are mine. Do you understand?" The leading boy crossed his waist and pretended to be a small adult.

The little girl still had her head down, her body trembling in fear.

"I'm asking you a question! "Did you hear that!?" The leader, seeing that the girl had ignored him, angrily pushed her to the ground.

The girl was still crying. She wanted to find her father, but she didn't know where to go.

"Ta, Wang Erzi, you're bullying me again!"

Suddenly, a frail figure appeared out of nowhere and stood in front of the girl.

"Hmph, not only do I bully her, I also bully you!"

After saying that, the boy that appeared from behind began to fight with them …

After a long while, those people finally left. The boy got up from the ground and patted off the dust on his body as he laughed, "Haha, it's alright. They were all beaten away by me."

The one who was beaten black and blue is you, why are you laughing as if you won? The girl thought to herself, but she couldn't help laughing along with the boy.

"Alright, let's go home." The boy pulled the girl to her feet, ignoring his injuries.

After saying that, the boy ran away. Although his steps were a bit awkward, the girl still felt that he was very good-looking.

At this moment, the girl saw a small, emerald green ore at her feet. She picked it up, and the flowing patterns on it looked very beautiful.

Did he drop it? The girl thought to herself, but when she tried to call for the boy, she found that the boy had already run far away and had become a little black dot.

Where is he now? Cheng Feiyan looked at the cat's eye stone and thought, maybe he already could not remember when he had helped a little girl? He had appeared by her side when she was at her loneliest.

"Hey, Yan, I'm asking you a question? What are you thinking! "

Suddenly, Shen Yunxuan's voice roused her from her thoughts. She raised her head and answered in a daze, "Hmm?"

"I was wondering how your family member is doing." Shen Yunxuan asked, she did know that Grandpa Cheng Feiyan had arranged for her a fiance.

"Heh heh," Cheng Feiyan coldly snorted. When she mentioned Ren Feng, her head hurt. If it wasn't for Grandfather, how could she have agreed to live with this man.

"Don't mention it, I hate it when he wastes my family's utilities." Cheng Feiyan said.

"You're not really going to marry him, are you? There are so many young masters chasing after you, if they hear that you're married to such a guy, wouldn't they commit suicide by jumping off a building? " Shen Yunxuan joked.

"Can you stop talking? I'm having a headache right now." Cheng Feiyan rubbed his temples and carefully put the cat's eye stone back into the drawer.

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