In such a situation, Lai Er had no choice but to squeeze out a smile: "No problem, we will do as you say."

Ren Feng secretly nodded, he had a whole new level of respect for Cheng Feiyan.

This woman was indeed not ordinary. She would maximize the benefits of being a qualified businessman.

After deciding on the key point of their collaboration, Lai Er accompanied them as they walked out of the hotel. If no one knew, they would think that Lai Er was only a staff member of Gmeiyan, while Ren Feng and the others were Ou Shiya's employees.

After sending the few of them to the side of the car, Lai Er hurriedly helped them open the door. The way he acted was as if he was a servant.

"Mr Lyle, there's no need to be so polite. Although there was a misunderstanding between us just now, the result can be considered to be perfect. I hope that the following cooperation will be enjoyable." Cheng Feiyan said politely.

After all, she still had to leave a certain amount of face for Lai Er. After all, Ou Shiya was extremely famous.

Hearing that, Lai Er smiled merrily, "It's fine, Miss Cheng, don't worry, I will definitely be able to cooperate to your satisfaction!"

Ren Feng sat in the driver's seat and waved to Lai Er: "Alright, you can go now. We should also leave."

He was about to start the car.

Lai Er hesitated, "Mr Ren, please... "Just a moment."

"What's wrong?" Ren Feng raised his eyebrows.

"It's nothing. I just offended you today. Please forgive me for my first offense. If there's anything else you're still dissatisfied with, please tell me."

Lai Er looked eagerly at Ren Feng, and the latter waved his hand: "I am not dissatisfied in any way. As long as you manage the following cooperation well, I might be able to speak up for you in front of Ensco."

Hearing that, Lai Er was overjoyed, almost jumping in joy.

With Ren Feng's position in front of his master, if he were to speak a few beautiful words for him …

His breathing grew heavy and uncontrollable. Taking a deep breath, he spoke with even more respect than before: "Mr Ren, don't worry. I, Lai Er, will definitely guarantee that this collaboration will go smoothly!"

"Yes." Ren Feng nodded, started the car, and drove away.

Just a moment ago, because Shen Yunxuan had something to do, he got off the car in front. Inside the car, Ren Feng and Cheng Feiyan were maintaining their silence, both of them had no intention to speak.

Cheng Feiyan still had not recovered from her shock, but when she thought back to the scene just now, she felt that it was surreal.

How could he get Oshima's cooperation so easily?! It was unbelievable!

And all of this was because of that guy!

This caused her to feel even more shocked.

Seeing that Ren Feng was silent and focused on driving, Cheng Feiyan got angry for no reason.

In her opinion, no matter what, the two of them were still contracted husband and wife. After what happened just now, they had to give her an explanation.

Even if it was just a perfunctory reply, there should have been one. Yet the other side didn't have any intention of speaking, as if nothing had happened.

"Hey, don't you have anything to say?" Cheng Feiyan still could not hold it in, and said with her delicate lips.

"What are you saying?" "Oh, you dressed up beautifully today, especially that shirt of yours. It looks even prettier at a certain part …" Ren Feng said as he glanced at Cheng Feiyan's chest.

This bastard! His mind was filled with all sorts of thoughts!

Cheng Feiyan blushed, she covered her chest and said angrily, "You … If you continue to look around randomly, I'll pop your eyeballs out! "

The fierce words came out of her mouth, the deterrence level was greatly reduced. Ren Feng laughed out loud.

"Why didn't you tell me about Master Ensco before?" Cheng Feiyan asked directly.

"No, why would I mention him? I can't possibly yell all over the streets that I know him. " Ren Feng had an innocent expression.

Cheng Feiyan was stumped, Ren Feng's words seemed to be true, but it was even more so, there was no mistake. Her face turned cold as she said in a tender voice, "I don't care, it's your fault anyway, who asked you to not mention it! Otherwise, I wouldn't have been humiliated by Wu Yi today! "

Thinking about the scene of Wu Yi leaving with his tail between his legs, Cheng Feiyan felt a wave of relief.

Women truly do not have logic, especially beautiful women, Ren Feng deeply experienced this truth. He curled his lips and said: "Alright, it's all my fault, I apologize to you."

Cheng Feiyan was stunned. Ren Feng's reaction made her feel as if she had been punched in cotton.

She could not help but turn stern face and look out the window, ignoring Ren Feng.

After a while, Cheng Feiyan could not hold back the curiosity in his heart and asked: "How did you and Master Ensco get to know each other?"

"How could I get to know him? We just met in a small restaurant, and we became friends just by talking about him." Ren Feng casually made up.

"Do you think I would believe that?!" Do you think I'm an idiot?! " Cheng Feiyan frowned, this guy, the moment he was asked about the key issue, he started running around on the train with his mouth full of questions, did he really think he was an idiot?!

Just as she was about to criticize him, Ren Feng suddenly stopped the car.

Being caught off guard, Cheng Feiyan's body suddenly leaned forward and looked at Ren Feng furiously: "Hey, what are you trying to say?!"

But Ren Feng did not care about her, pushed open the door of the car, and walked towards the apple stand by the side of the road.

This guy, he actually ditched the match?!

Cheng Feiyan squinted her beautiful eyes, the anger in her heart attacking.

He chased Ren Feng all the way to the front of the apple stand. Ren Feng picked two bright colored apples, took one out, and gave it to Cheng Feiyan.

"Here, take it."

Cheng Feiyan was startled, and subconsciously accepted it: "What do you mean?"

"What else could it mean? It's just inviting you to eat apples." Ren Feng wiped off the apple, took a bite, and paid his bill and left.

He was simply inviting her to eat apples?

Cheng Feiyan was in disbelief, staring at the apple in his hand, lost in thought.

Ren Feng took two steps forward, turned his head and looked at the dumbstruck Cheng Feiyan, then said with a slight smile: "I was wondering what happened to you today, why are you so stupid?"

"You're the fool! Your whole family is dumbfounded! " Cheng Feiyan regained his senses, and immediately burst out laughing at Ren Feng.

Her angry appearance, however, appeared extremely cute, giving Ren Feng the urge to go up and kiss her.

"Can you eat this apple?! "What if he was shot with pesticides?" Cheng Feiyan was born pampered, all kinds of food and fruits were imported, she would not even glance at this kind of roadside stall.

"Give it back to me if you don't want it." Ren Feng pretended to take it back.

Cheng Feiyan took a step back and glared at Ren Feng, "Why should I return it to you?! Eat your own! "

With that, Cheng Feiyan took out a tissue to wipe the apple, and then took a bite.

"Sometimes it's like this, sometimes it's like this. You women really serve each other." Ren Feng shook his head.

"Who did you say was hard to please?!" Cheng Feiyan glared at Ren Feng.

"Ah, did I say that? I said you were good-looking. " Ren Feng laughed and then walked towards the carriage.

Looking at his back, Cheng Feiyan angrily waved her fist, and followed along.

The car drove steadily, the two of them were eating the apple in their hands, Cheng Feiyan had already given up on asking, she knew she could not get any answers out of him.

She nibbled on the apple with a dazed look on her face.

Since young, she had a lot of pursuers. Next year, she would receive a large amount of gifts, including jewelry, jade, watches, etc. Each of them were all worth a lot of money, and Ren Feng was the first one to gift her an apple.

The apple on the stall was extremely sour, but when she ate it in her mouth, it was exceptionally delicious, causing her to feel an indescribable warmth in her heart.

Only the little boy in her heart could give her such a feeling.

For a moment, Ren Feng's figure and that little boy actually merged together...

"… …"

In the company's parking lot, just as Cheng Feiyan was about to get off, her phone suddenly rang. Seeing the number on the caller ID, she hesitated for a moment and eventually connected the call.

"Fei Yan, I heard that you and Ou Shiya have reached an agreement together. Congratulations." Chen Tianlai said with a smile, as if the person who was trying to stop him was not him.

"Hehe, Chen Tianlai, I thought you would be disappointed!" Cheng Feiyan sneered.

"Fei Yan, you are underestimating me too much. This time, the matter, is just to show you my Chen Family's strength, and let you know, marrying me, Chen Tianlai, will definitely be the wisest decision! Only I, will let you realize your dream, and make you the most eye-catching business prodigy in Wanchuan City! " Chen Tianlai said haughtily, her voice filled with enticement.

"Enough, Chen Tianlai, stop your arrogance! "Even if the sun rises in the west, I won't marry you!" Cheng Feiyan said coldly.

"Hahaha!" Fei Yan, I like your way of rejecting me. If you were like those other women outside and threw yourself into my arms, I would actually look down on you! Tomorrow night, I will hold a dinner at the Blue Devil Hotel and I hope to see your figure. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will do something that would make me lose my mind! " Chen Tianlai laughed out arrogantly, then hung up the phone.

Looking at the phone, Cheng Feiyan's charming face was as cold as frost. Her chest was moving up and down, her perfect curves trembling.

This Chen Tianlai, detestable!

"What's going on?" Ren Feng said softly, he had heard quite a bit of the conversation just now.

"This guy, he forced me to attend his dinner party. If I don't go, he'll cause trouble!" Cheng Feiyan said angrily.

After Ren Feng heard this, his eyes narrowed and his mouth curved into a smile.

"If he says so, why not? I can't wait to see who exactly Chen Tianlai is! "

Those light words contained a trace of domineering aura, causing Cheng Feiyan to be stunned for a moment. His originally angry mood had calmed down for no reason.

An uncontrollable thought arose in her heart.

With this man here, he was fearless!

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