"Young Master Chen, there's no need to look. Your two subordinates have already run away." Ren Feng looked at Chen Tianlai in ridicule.

Perception away?

Chen Tianlai scoffed coldly, his face full of disdain.

What a joke, Ah Da and Ah Er were experts sent by their families to protect themselves. The two of them were equally strong.

But where did these two run off to?

Annoyed, he took out his cell phone and made a call to Ah Da.

However, the sound of the phone being switched off made Chen Tianlai's heart sink.

The two of them had been following him for two to three years. His phone was always switched on 24 hours a day, so this was the first time it was turned off!

Could it be …

He suddenly looked at Ren Feng, and said with a dark expression: "What did you do to them?!"

"I didn't do anything. I used my moral sense to make them realize their lost path." Ren Feng said slowly.

Chen Tianlai naturally did not believe his words, the situation in front of him had already exceeded his control. He could not understand how Ren Feng had managed to finish off Ah Da and Ah Er.

Looking at the cup of red wine in his hand, Ren Feng's face turned cold, "I remember I already warned you, you better not try to pry yourself in the corner. It seems like you are ignoring my words!"

If it were not for his strong strength and the fact that he had taken care of Ah Da and Ah Er, his cheap wife would already be lying on Chen Tianlai's bed right now.

Thinking up to here, Ren Feng's eyes narrowed, and a terrifying cold light filled the air.

Anyone who was familiar with him would know that Ren Feng was already on the verge of going berserk. The calmness he displayed was only the calm before the storm!

The bone-piercing coldness caused Chen Tianlai to shiver. Feeling the cold aura from Ren Feng's body, he subconsciously took a step back and became angry from embarrassment.

He was actually frightened by this kind of trash? And it was in front of so many people!

His face darkened even more, as if he was trying to show off his courage. He took two steps forward, and said with disdain: "Your warning?! What a joke, who do you think you are?! This is a banquet organized by my Chen Family, and is not a place where you can behave atrociously! "

It was really laughable, he himself was a top family of Wanchuan City, a successor to their clan. Just who was this fellow in front of him, daring to speak to him in such a manner!

Everyone curled their lips, and looked at Ren Feng with eyes full of contempt.

This guy did not even look at how strong he was, he actually dared to speak to the Young Master Chen in such a manner!

But in the next moment, Ren Feng waved the goblet in his hand, and said expressionlessly: "I have said everything that needs to be said, looks like if I do not teach you a lesson, you do not know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is!"


Everyone's eyes bulged out of their sockets, their faces filled with disbelief.

Did they hear wrong? This fellow said that the Young Master Chen did not know his place?!

Subconsciously, everyone looked towards Chen Tianlai, the latter's eyes were blazing with fire, so angry that his handsome face became sinister.

"Men, deal with this arrogant fellow!"

He waved his hand and shouted to the security guards who were nearby.

However, before he could finish speaking, his vision blurred and his mouth was pinched open. A glass of red wine was directly poured into his mouth.

"Since you like to drink, I'll let you drink your fill!" Ren Feng poured a full cup of red wine into Chen Tianlai's mouth, causing the latter's snot and tears to splatter all over.


Seeing this scene, a few security guards smashed their electric batons towards Ren Feng's back.

Ren Feng sneered, grabbed Chen Tianlai's body, turned around in a hurry, and smashed the electric baton solidly onto Chen Tianlai's chest.


A few bolts of electricity flowed through Chen Tianlai's body, his body started to tremble violently, his hair stood up straight, he was in an extremely sorry state.

Ren Feng then circled Chen Tianlai's body a few times in the air, like a windmill, and then flung him towards the security guards.


A few of the security guards were smashed onto the ground, while Chen Tianlai rolled on the ground.

The air suddenly became quiet, and everyone felt that it wasn't real.

This guy in front of him, had actually beaten Young Master Chen up?!

Cheng Feiyan was also completely dumbfounded. Ren Feng beat him up just like that?! All of this happened so quickly that it was too late for her to stop it even if she wanted to.

"Let's go." Ren Feng walked to Cheng Feiyan's side and pulled her small hand, walking out.

Everyone regained their senses, and opened up a path, looking at Ren Feng with eyes full of fear.

No matter what, they were convinced that they had the guts to beat Chen Tianlai up.

"… …"

Bang! Bang! Bang …

The lively hall had already been cleared, and Chen Tianlai held onto a chair, frantically smashing it, venting the anger in his heart.

The food was mixed with soup and splattered all over the place.

The great Chen Family young master had actually been beaten up by a country bumpkin fellow. The humiliation in his heart could be imagined. When tomorrow arrived, he was afraid that he would become the laughingstock of the entire Wanchuan City!

Chen Tianlai's eyes turned red, the veins on his forehead started to bulge, and the strength in his hands became even stronger.

Qiao Shan stood behind Chen Tianlai with a cautious appearance, but he was extremely happy in his heart.

That idiot, did he eat the heart of a cheetah? How dare he attack Chen Tianlai! Does he not know what the word Chen Family means?!

That was power and power!

Even if he was the noble Young Clan Master of Cyan Forest Gang, wouldn't he be like a dog in front of Chen Tianlai?

But this was also good. Only with his acting, would Chen Tianlai realize the importance of his own Cyan Forest Gang!

Thinking of this, Qiao Shan became even more excited.

After a while, Chen Tianlai threw away the chair in his hand and gasped for breath. He hatefully said: "Bastard, I will make him die!"

Seeing this scene, Qiao Shan took two steps forward, and bowed while saying, "Young Master Chen, why don't I go and arrange for you to kill this brat!"

Chen Tianlai thought for a while, "Are you confident? That guy's kung fu skills are not ordinary. "

How could a bunch of hoodlums deal with characters that could deal with Ah Da and Ah Er!

"Don't worry, no matter how strong he is, he's just a bullet. To tell you the truth, our Cyan Forest Gang has trained a group of gunners in private, so it's very suitable to deal with him."

Qiao Shan secretly praised his cleverness. Not only was he able to show the strength of his Cyan Forest Gang, he was also able to curry favor with Chen Tianlai and even spew out resentment on his behalf.

He simply wanted to hug Ren Feng and kiss him.

Chen Tianlai nodded in satisfaction, his expression slightly relaxed, and patted Qiao Shan's shoulder.

"You're not bad, as long as I handle this matter well, your Cyan Forest Gang will bring you benefits!"

Hearing this, Qiao Shan was ecstatic. His body trembled from excitement, and even his speech became a little sloppy: "Chen … Young Master Chen, don't worry, I, Qiao Shan will risk my life to settle this matter! "

"… …"

The night wind blew gently, and the Porsche sped steadily along the highway.

Holding the steering wheel, Ren Feng glanced at the slumbering Cheng Feiyan and felt a wave of pity in his heart.

In the eyes of the bystanders, Cheng Feiyan was undoubtedly the object of everyone's envy. She was beautiful, and was the CEO of a company when she was young.

For example, today, if it wasn't for him, the other party's fate would have been miserable.

Seeing the hair on the other party's temples, he subconsciously reached out and pulled, and just at that moment, he suddenly had a sense of danger, without thinking, he pulled Cheng Feiyan's body over and pressed him down.


The sound of gunfire broke the tranquility of the night sky. The window of the car behind the Porsche shattered and the passenger seat exploded. The interior of the car was a mess.

Ren Feng glanced at the rearview mirror and saw four black sedans rapidly approaching from the back. One of the sedans had a gun barrel sticking out of its rear window.

Damn, are these people crazy? He actually used a gun in the city?

Just then, Cheng Feiyan was woken up by the noise, she opened her sleepy eyes and looked around, her face suddenly flushed red, feeling embarrassed and annoyed.

She was actually facing right between Ren Feng's legs, this posture looked extremely similar to some kind of movement.

This bastard, he … You actually took the opportunity to do such a dirty thing to me?

Cheng Feiyan's face instantly turned gloomy and cold, "You damn hooligan, you're shameless!"

The sudden voice caused Ren Feng to be stunned. He saw that Cheng Feiyan wanted to struggle up and push her down.

"Hurry up and let go, I'll kill you!"

Cheng Feiyan was so angry that both her eyes were red, her heart was filled with disappointment. She did not think that Ren Feng would actually do such a despicable and shameless thing, she had truly misjudged him!

"Stop messing around!"

Ren Feng bellowed, he did not have time to explain, he stepped on the throttle, causing the Porsche to shoot out like a cannonball.

Seeing that Ren Feng was different from the usual stern look, Cheng Feiyan was stunned. Just as he was about to get angry, he suddenly realized that something was amiss.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"There are people chasing us from behind, they have guns in their hands." As Ren Feng said this, he glanced in the rearview mirror and his heart slightly sank when he saw the four black sedans chasing after them.

These two cars were obviously modified, and this place was a straight road, so it was impossible for them to escape by relying on their speed.

After Cheng Feiyan heard this, his heart tensed up.

This was the first time she had encountered such a situation, and she couldn't help but panic.

The enemy had a gun in his hand, what should he do?

In the black car, a gun-wielding man looked at the Tang suit wearing middle-aged man, "Brother Bao, I'm afraid this guy has already noticed us. What should we do?"

Li Bao was recuperating with his eyes closed, but when he heard that, he opened his eyes and said solemnly: "So what if we find out! Shoot them and stop them! "

The muscular man nodded and instructed the walkie-talkie.

Then, four black sedan windows opened at the same time and eight barrels appeared.

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