Looking at Cheng Feiyan's reaction, Ren Feng was puzzled. Why is his cheap wife so abnormal?

He did not know that he had already been listed as the number one danger target.

Suppressing the confusion in his mind, Ren Feng grabbed onto Cheng Feiyan's wrist, the latter's heart was filled with rage.

This bastard was right!

"You bastard …"

Just as she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Ren Feng. The latter placed two fingers on her wrist, and muttered to himself: "The veins are tight, the lower abdomen is tight, belonging to the cold liver, the cold congealed energy..."

Ren Feng's expression was solemn and was completely different from the usual giggling and laughter. This made Cheng Feiyan's anger dissipate in an instant, and he subconsciously asked: "What are all these things you're talking about?"

"Even if I told you, you wouldn't know. In short, you're suffering from pain." Ren Feng heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. The dysmenorrhea was not a big problem for him.

This guy, what was he crazy about?!

Cheng Feiyan coldly snorted in his heart, but he did not become angry in the slightest. Instead, he relaxed his mind.

So this fellow had carried him from the car just to treat him?

What happened just now was due to him misunderstanding him.

Thinking about it this way, Cheng Feiyan's pain alleviated somewhat.

At this time, Ren Feng brought a cup of water and handed it over to Cheng Feiyan.

"Stop blanking out, drink some hot water first to ease yourself."

Taking the cup, Cheng Feiyan drank a few mouthfuls before saying: "Alright, now, lie on the sofa and rest well."

However, the moment Cheng Feiyan heard what he said, the latter exploded in rage.

"Ren Feng, you pervert! It was all in vain that I misunderstood you. Now, it seems that I have been blinded, you scoundrel! "

Cheng Feiyan was so angry that her lungs were about to burst, her beautiful eyes stared straight at Ren Feng, if not for her body feeling uncomfortable, she would have already rushed over to attack him.

Ren Feng never thought that Cheng Feiyan's reaction would be so intense. With an innocent face, he said, "I say, do you need to …"

Before he could even finish his words, he was interrupted by Cheng Feiyan. The latter said excitedly: "You're telling me to lie down on the sofa, shouldn't I be happy?! You despicable, shameless bastard! "

"Let me tell you, if you dare to scheme against me, I'll fight you to the death!"

Ren Feng finally regained his senses and promptly explained, "That was to treat your painful scriptures, don't let your imagination run wild!"

"My imagination?!" I'm afraid your imagination is running wild, a dirty guy with a full head?! " The more Cheng Feiyan spoke, the more excited he became, and he was so angry that his chest rose and fell.

Damn, even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to wash himself clean.

Ren Feng said helplessly: "Alright, I will be shameless and despicable, you can do whatever you want!"

With that, Ren Feng turned and left.

This guy, what kind of attitude does he have?! Did I say something wrong about him?!]

Cheng Feiyan was so angry that her cheeks started bulging, just as she was about to get up, the pain suddenly increased, and she collapsed onto the sofa, her beautiful face full of pain.

Hearing the soft cry of pain, Ren Feng's legs paused for a moment, he shook his head, and then turned back.

"I'm really afraid of you. If you don't want to take it off, then don't want to take it off." As Ren Feng spoke, he straightened Cheng Feiyan's body and then used his hand to cover her lower abdomen.

"What are you doing …"

Warm streams trickled down his abdomen, and the intense pain eased a lot.

The sudden comfort caused Cheng Feiyan to subconsciously let out a light cry.

Ren Feng could naturally hear it clearly, and his entire person felt as though it was going to turn bad in an instant.

It was not that his heart was dirty, it was just that Cheng Feiyan's reaction was too captivating, as if stirred to the depths of his soul. With her exquisite face, even if an esteemed monk was here, he probably wouldn't be able to hold it in.

Taking a deep breath, he forced out all of the random thoughts in his mind. Ren Feng immediately looked at his own nose and heart, the fire in his eyes gradually dispersed.

Cheng Feiyan's face was so red that it reached her neck. Just as she let out a cry, she realized that something was amiss.

She secretly sized up Ren Feng's expression from the corner of her eyes and found nothing abnormal about his expression.

It was fortunate that Ren Feng did not hear it, otherwise, he would not be able to remain as a human.

Thinking of this, her beautiful face blushed again.

The warm air current became stronger and stronger, rushing towards her four limbs. Not only did the pain in Cheng Feiyan's lower abdomen lessen, all the fatigue in her body disappeared, and she seemed to lighten by a lot.

However, after a while, the same scenario happened again.

In just a few short minutes, both of them suffered from incomparable torture. Ren Feng loosened his grip, secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and looked at Cheng Feiyan: "Are you better, or are you still in pain?"

"Un, I'm done. Thank you so much …" With a weak voice, Cheng Feiyan lowered his head and did not dare to look at Ren Feng.

"Of course." Ren Feng slightly nodded, as he half-squatted on the ground.

It was not Ren Feng's fault, rather, this kind of ice beauty was extremely lethal to any man. If a man saw this scene, he would turn into a hungry wolf.

"Ren Feng, why are you squatting there?" Seeing Ren Feng squatting on the ground, Cheng Feiyan had a face full of suspicion.

If I could get up, I would have f * cking gotten up already!

"It's fine, it's quite comfortable for me to squat like this." Ren Feng laughed awkwardly.

"What kind of joke is this? How can squatting down make me feel comfortable?" Cheng Feiyan said as he pulled Ren Feng up.

The latter felt a burst of bitterness in her heart.

He had a lot of thoughts in his mind as he tried to come up with a plan to escape. But at this moment, there was a series of hurried knocks on the door.

Dong, dong, dong!

It was almost as if he had used his fist to smash it again.

Cheng Feiyan was startled for a moment. Taking this chance, he immediately stood up and jogged over.

"I'm going to open the door."

He secretly wiped off his cold sweat, took a deep breath, and opened the door. Five or six policemen rushed in.

The leader of the middle-aged police glanced at Ren Feng, and said expressionlessly: "You are Ren Feng right? Come with us! "

After which, he waved his hand.

"Take him away!"

A few policemen walked out from behind him and surrounded Ren Feng with handcuffs.


Cheng Feiyan walked over quickly, her beautiful face was covered with a layer of ice.

Seeing Cheng Feiyan, a few of the police officers' eyes lit up, the middle-aged police officer's eyes filled with greed, "You are?"

"I am the CEO of Gmeiyan, Cheng Feiyan. This is my home, I will now ask you all to leave!" Cheng Feiyan said coldly.

"Chairman Cheng, I am truly sorry. Forgive me for not being able to agree to your unreasonable request! This man has committed a serious crime, so we have to bring him back to investigate. If you have any complaints, you can go to our Chief at once! " The middle-aged man's attitude was very unyielding. After he finished speaking, he waved his hand.

A few policemen surrounded him again.

"Let's see who dares to attack!"

Cheng Feiyan blocked their path, his attitude equally unyielding.

Seeing Cheng Feiyan like that, the middle aged policeman was troubled. Although he did not know Cheng Feiyan, but he had heard of the other party's great name.

It was rumored that there were many suitors for her. Amongst them was no lack of young masters from wealthy families, and if he really offended her, he would not be able to get anything out of it.

Thinking up to here, his attitude became a bit more relaxed, "Chairman Cheng, this arrest was under the order of our bureau chief, we are only doing official business, I hope you don't make things difficult for us."

"Alright, I'll call your Chief right now." Cheng Feiyan said as he took out his phone.

Seeing her protective look, warmth flowed through Ren Feng's heart, and at the same time, he felt a trace of doubt.

Why did the director personally order him to be arrested?

He narrowed his eyes as thoughts raced through his mind.

"Chairman Cheng, I suggest you not to make any unnecessary struggles. I'm afraid our bureau chief's phone has already been shut down." The middle-aged policeman said in a deep voice.

Hearing that, Cheng Feiyan's small hands that was holding onto her phone tensed up.

Was the opponent determined to win?

She pressed down the button to make a call to the bureau chief, and very quickly the sound of a phone being turned off could be heard, causing Cheng Feiyan's face to instantly darken.

The influence of Cheng Family in Wanchuan City was not small, but the other party still insisted on doing this, it seemed like his scheme was not small!

"Chairman Cheng, I didn't lie to you right? Can I take him away now?" After the middle-aged policeman said this, he winked at his subordinates.

However, Cheng Feiyan still did not have any intentions of giving way. With a firm tone, he said: "It's fine if you want to bring him away, you guys can take me with you!"

He took Cheng Feiyan away, he did not have the guts to do so, let alone the other party being the CEO of Gmeiyan, even her suitors could skin him alive!

Just as he was in a difficult situation, Ren Feng said indifferently: "I'll go with you guys."

Everyone on the scene was stunned, while the middle-aged policeman's face lit up, "You can rest assured. We will definitely not wrongly accuse any good person, even if it's just an investigation!"

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