Chief of Police?

Ren Feng was startled for a moment, and then asked: "Who is your father?"

Sun Lei never thought that Ren Feng would have such a question, and subconsciously said: "Sun Hongjun, what, you know you're scared, don't blame me for not giving you the chance, now scram!" Otherwise, I'll show you! "

Hearing the three words Sun Hongjun, the surrounding people cried out in alarm.

"I thought it would be the Deputy Chief, but it's actually Chief Sun!"

"Yeah, although Chief Sun is about to retire, his ability is still beyond ordinary!"

"That's right, that's a grand character from a high-class Wanchuan City society!"

Everyone exclaimed, this made Sun Lei feel even more proud, the servants beside him also had proud expressions, looking down at Ren Feng from above.

"Kid, do you know how powerful you are now? Get lost already! "

"Exactly, if you don't scram now, I'll catch you right there!"

"Why don't you take a look at yourself? Do you think you're worthy of fighting with the Young Master Sun for women?!"

Sun Lei disdainfully glanced at Ren Feng, and turned to look at him.

"Yunxuan, you should know that you are not the same type of person as this poor bastard, but I am different. Our family backgrounds and experiences are similar as well.

Hearing Sun Lei belittling him, Ren Feng curled his lips and sneered in his heart.

How ridiculous!

If the other party knew that Sun Hongjun was flattering him and fawning on him yesterday, how would he feel?

"Sun Lei, aside from money, what else do you know?!" Shen Yunxuan's face was filled with disgust, "Ren Feng might not have any money, but he's ten thousand times stronger than you! You're not even worth a single hair on his head! "

Hearing this, Sun Lei's face instantly turned ugly, and two flames ignited in his eyes. However, Shen Yunxuan acted as if he did not see it, and continued, "Also, if all the men in the world died, it would be impossible for us to be together!"

Towards Sun Lei belittling Ren Feng, Shen Yunxuan was very angry. She could say that Ren Feng was not good, but others definitely could not!

"Good!" Good! Shen Yunxuan, it looks like this daddy has really given you face! " Sun Lei was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, a severe look flashed past his eyes, and his hand grabbed towards Shen Yunxuan.

Since he was unwilling, then he might as well use force!

Seeing Sun Lei's fierce look, Shen Yunxuan started to panic, but looking at Ren Feng beside her from the corner of her eyes, her heart calmed down.

"Wait until we reach the hotel, let's see how laozi will deal with you …"

Sun Lei laughed lewdly, and was about to grab Shen Yunxuan's wrist, but just then, a big hand grabbed his wrist.

"What, you still want to be stronger?" Ren Feng squinted his eyes, as a cold aura surrounded the area.

Hehe, this old man is just using force today, what can you do about it? "Let me go, otherwise I'll kill you …"

Sun Lei's eyes shone with ferocity, his face was filled with disdain.

But before he finished speaking, Ren Feng sneered and raised her other hand.


The sudden slap caused Sun Lei to be caught off guard, and he fell to the ground, his face instantly turning red and swollen.

The air suddenly became quiet, and everyone had a look of disbelief on their faces.

Are they seeing things? This guy actually beat up the police chief's son?

They raised their heads to look at Ren Feng, their eyes filled with sympathy.

Ai, this guy, he's dead for sure this time!

The words' police chief 'implied a monstrous amount of authority!

"You dare hit me?! I will definitely kill you today! " Sun Lei's eyes were filled with grievance, and his words carried endless hatred.

As the Chief of Police's son, he was the one who bullied others, but today, he was bullied?!

The raging flames of anger immediately engulfed Sun Lei. He did not even think about it, with a furious roar, he pounced towards Ren Feng, his eyes carrying a trace of madness.

That aggressive look caused Shen Yunxuan, who was at the side, to be shocked.

But in the next moment, with a bang, Sun Lei's body rubbed against the ground, sliding more than ten meters, leaving behind a long trail of blood.

Everyone's heart jumped, they looked at Sun Lei, unable to bear looking at him.

The other party's appearance was extremely miserable. His expensive suit was covered in dust, and his exposed skin was riddled with wounds. Blood flowed profusely from his wounds.


Everyone inhaled a breath of cold air and looked towards Ren Feng as if they were looking at a corpse.

The consequences of beating the son of the police chief into such a state were quite serious!

"Brat, you're courting death!"

"If you dare to hit the Young Master Sun, I will definitely kill you today!"

A few attendants supported Sun Lei up, and with a sinister look, they glared at Ren Feng.

"It hurts, it hurts so much …" Sun Lei's facial features scrunched together, the intense pain made his hatred grow even more intense. Both of his eyes looked at Ren Feng as he hysterically roared.

"A bunch of trash! What the f * ck are you all standing there for? Hurry up and call my dad!"

The way he ate made the lackeys shudder. One of the men took out his cell phone and made a call.

Seeing this scene, everyone's expression changed and they shook their heads.

Sigh, impulse is the devil, this guy is dead for sure!

Sensing the surrounding atmosphere, Ren Feng curled her lips, and pulled Shen Yunxuan's small hand as she walked into the dining hall.

Everyone's eyes immediately popped out.

This guy, is he crazy? He was actually still in the mood to eat?

Didn't he know that the police chief would be here soon?!

Everyone's faces were filled with disbelief. If it was them, they would run as far away as they could. To swagger into the restaurant for a meal like this was simply courting death!

What a reckless man!

Everyone commented for Ren Feng in their hearts.

Looking at Ren Feng's back, Sun Lei's eyes were sinister, his fists tightly clenched.

This fellow dared to ignore his existence?

"Come back here!"

Sun Lei bellowed, but Ren Feng acted as though he did not hear it, and continued to hold onto Shen Yunxuan's little hand, and walked inside.

Shen Yunxuan mechanically followed in Ren Feng's footsteps, her beautiful face was flushed red, and the warm feeling from her big hands made her feel as if she was riding on clouds and fog, making her feel dizzy.

This... This guy, how can he … Hold my hand!

Although Shen Yunxuan thought that in her heart, she did not have the intention to struggle free. Her beautiful eyes were filled with bashfulness, and her entire body revealed an enticing allure, like a ripe peach, making people want to take a bite out of it.

Seeing this, Sun Lei clenched his fists again, and his teeth chattered.

He had pursued Shen Yunxuan for almost half a year already, and had been extremely attentive to her, but she had never revealed a smile, let alone this kind of coy seduction!


was about to go crazy from jealousy. He grabbed a brick under his feet and smashed it towards the back of Ren Feng's head.

"Go to hell!"

Shen Yunxuan attacked hatefully as the brick sliced through the air, instantly arriving at the back of Ren Feng's head. Shen Yunxuan felt that something was wrong, and turned her head to look, only to realise that the brick was charging at her, causing her face to change.

"Be careful …"

The moment she said that, the back of Ren Feng's head looked like it had grown eyes, and directly extended behind him.

Ren Feng quickly turned his head and grabbed him.

Upon seeing this sight, everyone covered their mouths in shock.

They had clearly seen just now, the brick was about to smash the back of Ren Feng's head, how did it end up in his hands?!

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they would still find it hard to believe.

Sun Lei was stupefied, and was shocked by this scene as well.

"This …"

Just as he was about to shout out in alarm, he unconsciously took a step back because he saw Ren Feng turning around.

The latter's face was calm, but a cold light flashed in her eyes, "Hehe, you really do not know how to repent!"

Before his voice fell, Ren Feng's body had already appeared in front of Sun Lei.

"You … What are you trying to do?! You … "If you touch me, I'll give it a try …" Looking at Ren Feng who suddenly appeared in front of him, Sun Lei trembled as he tried to put on a brave front.

However, Ren Feng ignored his words, and kicked his chest.


Sun Lei's knee fiercely struck the cold concrete ground and intense pain made him cry. He had gone crazy in his heart and just as he was about to roar out, Ren Feng's ice-cold words rang in his ears.

"If you dare to move, I'll beat you to death!"

The voice did not contain a single trace of emotion, as if it came from the abyss. It caused Sun Lei's entire body to turn cold, and a hint of fear flashed through his eyes.

He had a premonition that if he did not do as Ren Feng said, the other party would really beat him to death!

The threat of death made Sun Lei kneel just like that, not daring to move an inch.

A deep sense of humiliation welled up in his heart and his eyes were filled with hatred.


As long as his father came over, he would make this fellow pay a hundred times over for all the pain and suffering he had suffered today!

Sun Lei clenched his fist tightly, even when his fingernail pierced into the flesh, he did not notice it.

In the dining hall, Ren Feng acted as if nothing had happened as he waved to the waiter who was not far away.

"Let's order."

Seeing him so relaxed, everyone in the restaurant looked at Sun Lei who was kneeling outside, and they were all shocked speechless.

This guy, he actually made Sun Lei kneel just like that?!

One could only imagine, how angry Sun Hongjun would be when he saw this scene!

The rage of a boss was not something he could endure!

Thinking about that, they shook their heads, as if they had already seen Ren Feng's ending.

That would be very miserable!

About ten minutes later, the alarm bell sounded and the sound of the engine of the car came closer and then stopped.

The car door opened, and about 10 policemen walked out to a black car. One of the policemen opened the door, and Sun Hongjun walked out.

His face was expressionless, and his eyes were as dark as water. A wild and violent aura emanated from him.

The things that had happened in the past few days had annoyed him. Just as he was about to climb up the Chen Family and increase his career, all of his efforts had gone down the drain!

This wasn't all, he had almost offended Ren Feng because of this. Although he had obtained the other party's forgiveness in the end, he had also paid the price of his dignity!

Thinking back to it later on, the regret in Sun Hongjun's heart was like overturning seas and rivers, and almost swallowed him whole.

He clearly had the chance to hug Ren Feng's leg!

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