"You were too reckless just now, Sun Hongjun was the police chief after all, you crippled one of his son's legs, although he did not show it on the surface, I was afraid that he would take revenge on you." Looking at Ren Feng, Shen Yunxuan asked with a face full of worry.

"I'm fine." Ren Feng smiled indifferently, looked at Shen Yunxuan's anxious appearance, and explained unhurriedly: "Sun Hongjun, this person, is greedy for small gains and he cherishes his body. As long as I don't kill Sun Lei, he won't have the courage to turn hostile with me. Therefore, he crippled one of Sun Lei's legs and had just reached his bottom line. "

Hearing that, Shen Yunxuan's heart trembled.

So it turned out that this was all in Ren Feng's calculations!

No wonder why when he first threatened to kill Sun Lei, he would only cripple his opponent's leg in the end!

But Sun Hongjun was being toyed with by Ren Feng in the middle of the applause!

Her beautiful eyes suddenly shone with a strange light as she looked at Ren Feng in a daze.

Before today, Ren Feng had been the image of a boorish man in her heart. Even though he could escape from danger every single time, he was always at the edge of danger.

Only now did she realize how terrifying her mistake was. This man's wisdom was far beyond her imagination!

"How is it, did you fall for my charm? After all, there are not many men as outstanding as me. However, you no longer have the chance. " Ren Feng said with a face full of narcissism.

Hearing that, Shen Yunxuan's face changed, his mouth had a bitter taste.

Indeed, although the man in front of him was nice, it had nothing to do with him.

She admitted that she did have a good impression of Ren Feng. For the first time in more than twenty years, she had a different feeling about a man.

But, Ren Feng was already someone with an engagement!

If it was any other woman, Shen Yunxuan would not be courteous, and would try his best to snatch Ren Feng away. After all, love does not come in the first place.

However, when this woman was Cheng Feiyan, she could not use all of her plans. After all, the two of them were close friends!

With an indescribable depression and irritation in her heart, she beckoned the waiter over.

"Get me two bottles of red wine."

Ren Feng was startled, "What do you want red wine for? I don't drink. "

"I didn't say anything about letting you drink it!"

Taking the red wine from the waiter, Shen Yunxuan filled his cup and drank it all in one gulp.

Although the speed was not high, suddenly gulping down such a huge cup still made Shen Yunxuan's eyes turn red. Her irritation had been lifted a little, and without even thinking, she poured herself another cup.

"Are you crazy?!" Ren Feng grabbed Shen Yunxuan's wrist, and frowned, but at the same time, he was confused.

He was talking about laughter just now, why did he start using alcohol to dispel his worries now?

A woman's heart was truly a needle under the sea!

His caring appearance made Shen Yunxuan's heart warm up, and at the same time, it also hurt.

Even though Ren Feng was sitting right in front of her, it was as if an invisible natural moat separated the two of them!

"Don't worry about me!"

Shen Yunxuan tried her best to struggle free from Ren Feng's big hand, and drank it all in one gulp once again.

Seeing this scene, Ren Feng felt his heart ache, and said gently: "Are you alright?"

Even if he was an idiot, he could tell that Shen Yunxuan's teary face had nothing to do with the pungent smell of alcohol.

The more concerned Ren Feng got, the more Shen Yunxuan grew. She said coldly: "I said you don't need to care!"

After saying that, he downed another cup of wine.

Seeing this scene, Ren Feng became silent. He knew that saying anything now was useless, the only thing he could do was to accompany Shen Yunxuan and bring her back safely.

After drinking five or six cups of wine consecutively, Shen Yunxuan only felt light headed and lightheaded. The goblet in his hand fell onto the table as his body slid to the side.

Ren Feng immediately took a step forward and caught her.

"Sigh, what a silly woman. Why is she so bad? She must use the wine to dispel her worries." Ren Feng shook his head, called the waiter over to pay the bill, and then carried Shen Yunxuan's body and walked out.

"Release me … "I can still drink …"

Shen Yunxuan said hoarsely, his two arms swinging back and forth, trying to struggle free from Ren Feng's grasp.

"You scoundrel …"

As she thought about this, she forgot how many times she had said those words, but every time, it was always her who got beaten up by Ren Feng …

At this time, Shen Yunxuan's body was unspeakably restless. The strong male Qi made her uncomfortable and a little distracted.

However, she was a little reluctant to leave Ren Feng's embrace.

Under the cover of the moonlight, the two of them embraced each other. With a 'kacha' sound, the perfect scene was frozen in place.

As the alcohol was boiling, Shen Yunxuan said in a daze.

"Ren Feng, let's go to the hotel …"

Her voice was soft and weak, if not for the fact that Ren Feng's hearing was above average, he would not have been able to hear what Shen Yunxuan was saying.


This is?!

Ren Feng was startled, and his entire being became gloomy.

Beast, or worse?!

Without even thinking, Ren Feng carried Shen Yunxuan onto the BMW s car and drove towards the hotel.

With the current situation, there was no way for Shen Yunxuan to return, otherwise, Fei Yan would definitely think about it more.

Ren Feng comforted himself.

Arriving at the hotel, Ren Feng opened the door to his room and put Shen Yunxuan down. Then, he discovered that Shen Yunxuan had fallen into a deep sleep.

She was as quiet as a sleeping beauty.

But Ren Feng did not have the mood to appreciate all these, he felt a burst of grief and indignation in his heart.

He had already taken off all his clothes, and now this was all he could show himself?!

Facing the slumbering Shen Yunxuan, Ren Feng naturally did not want to do it. Although his desire for martial arts was much stronger than that of ordinary people, Ren Feng did not bother to take advantage of someone in a dangerous situation.

Helplessly, he walked towards the bathroom. He wanted to take a shower so that he could suppress the anger in his heart.

The next morning, a sharp cry almost knocked over the roof.

Shen Yunxuan sat on the bed. Seeing that her body was only left with underwear, her pretty face instantly panicked.

Why was he in a hotel? Who took off their clothes?

A series of questions flashed past Shen Yunxuan's mind. A guess suddenly popped up in her mind, and her pretty face immediately turned pale white.

[Was I picked up yesterday?]

With that thought, Shen Yunxuan's entire body turned cold, and his heart sank.

Just then, the sound of the key twisting resounded, like a clap of thunder, it exploded in Shen Yunxuan's heart, causing her to quiver, her beautiful eyes filled with hatred.

This beast, he actually dared to come back!

Clenching her fist, Shen Yunxuan pulled over a pajamas and draped them over her body. She jumped down from the bed, picked up the lamp on the bedside table and walked to the door.

She was holding a lamp with both hands, and her beautiful eyes were filled with endless flames as she waited to take action.

She had to make this beast pay the price!

Just then, the door opened, and Ren Feng walked in with breakfast in hand.

He had just taken a step when the corner of his eye twitched.


A voice filled with hatred suddenly sounded out, and the table lamp fell, smashing ruthlessly towards Ren Feng.

His attack was full of hatred, and the force behind it was so great that it cut through the air.


Seeing such an imposing scene, even Ren Feng was shocked. When he saw Shen Yunxuan, who was standing behind the door, glaring at him with fire in her beautiful eyes, he was instantly stupefied.

Myself … He didn't do anything.

He thought to himself as he grabbed the lamp.

"Hey, I'll buy you breakfast early in the morning. I don't need you to give me a kiss or something, but don't use the lamp to greet me, okay?" Ren Feng had a look of displeasure on his face. Last night, he made such a huge sacrifice and then crawled up in the morning to buy breakfast.

Looking at Ren Feng, Shen Yunxuan let out a long sigh, feeling as if he had been reborn.

He had been overthinking it just now!

But soon after, she seemed to have thought of something, and her initially calm face tensed up once again, and killing intent filled her beautiful eyes.

The clothes he was wearing were all taken off by this fellow!

"I'll kill you!"

As he spoke, Shen Yunxuan was about to pounce on him.

"Stop, stop, why is it that you want to fight me to the death?!" He looked annoyed.

[Is there no justice?]

Even Dou Er wasn't wronged!

"You know it well!" Seeing how Ren Feng was not willing to admit his wrongs, Shen Yunxuan became even more furious.

"What did you do to me last night?!"

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