Dragon Talisman

Chapter 999: Be fooled


999 Chapter 999


The power of the Furnace of Earth cannot cope with this terrible will.

This terrible will directly smashed the furnace of the world, and slaughtered towards Zhang Ziran and Zhang Yiren.

"Hahaha, finally got the chance." At this moment, a force of devour appeared, and it was Fa Wuxian.

Although the cultivation of Wufa Wuxian is not as good as Zhang Ziran, in the past thousand years, he has improved his power of devour and has reached the extreme of cultivation. Many of his strengths have also been transformed into the "immortal eight-layer and immortal" characteristics.

I was just not as pure as Zhang Ziran.

"Zhang Ziran, you are the ancestor of the human world, the human world has expanded, and your cultivation has also risen. This is something I did not expect. I originally wanted to devour you, but as your cultivation progresses, I ca n’t help it, but now you die for yourself. ”Fa Wuxian yelled and laughed again and again:“ You are actually fighting this terrible will, then I seize this opportunity and take advantage of the fishermen. Devour There is no way to do it, there is no immortal! "


A huge swallowing force came in, the first thing that swallowed was Zhang Tianran's golden heaven.

"Fa Wuxian, swallow your ancestors, you have been fooled." Zhang Ziran was at risk at this time, but a weird smile appeared on his face: "This terrible will, you still devour it yourself, if you do not appear, I still This terrible will cannot be completely killed. "

Between these words, Zhang Ziran's body changed.

The celestial realm in his body violently evolved, and it actually began to collapse, and then evolved into the human world, just like the real world that collapsed into the human world.

The celestial realm inside the maggot was transformed into a "little world". Suddenly, Zhang Ziran's strength skyrocketed and swept Zhang Yiren directly away from the engulfment of Fa Wuxian and the erosion of the human head with that terrible will.

This change is extremely subtle.

The Heaven Realm turns into a small world, and it is combined with the real human realm. The power has increased thousands of times, and the realm is very mysterious, it is almost close to the realm of heaven.

After reaching the realm of heaven, Zhang naturally did not fear the erosion of this terrible will.

In this way, this terrible will began to erode the power of Fa Wuxian.


The terrible will collided with Fa Wuxian, and Fa Wuxian screamed screaming: "Zhang Ziran, hello, you still have such a means, it seems that I really underestimated you, but I was also a temptation just now, this is just an incarnation I prepared carefully, kill! Silence, chaos return, everything is swallowed up. "


The immortal body of the lawless flames burned, and in a flash, it turned into a fireball, colliding with the terrible will of the human head.

Click, click!

Wufa Wuxian's body was completely broken, but this desperate blow made the terrible will of the human head begin to collapse, after all, this is just a little will.

"good chance!"

As soon as Zhang Zhang grabbed it, the realm of the little world that day turned into a combination of the terrible willpower head and the residual energy after the fall of Fa Wuxian avatar, sealed it up, and began to refine.

"The world is invincible, the world is changing, it is completely decomposed, and it is immortal." Zhang naturally changed violently, and the operating frequency of the human world suddenly seemed to be combined with him, resulting in a high degree of fit.

Suddenly, the human head was no longer capable of acting.

"Thanks to the power of this human head, it is not the real nine-layer immortality, but it is only contaminated with some immortality. A little will is so difficult to deal with. If the true person is born, then what? The repair of ancient dust and sand is so important that this terrible thing appears in person. Basically, it can be wiped out with my fingers. "Zhang Ziran said.

"Congratulations to the emperor. By refining this terrible will, you can master the immortal power. In the future, you can get this way. You can even surpass the ancient dust and sand." Zhang Yiren recovered his body and began worship.

He was very uncomfortable deep inside, but there was nothing he could do.

"Beyond Guchen Sand, where is so easy, and I can't be promoted to the immortal realm for the time being, as long as I can step into the realm of Heaven and Earth." Zhang Ziran knew very well how big the gap between himself and Gu Chen It was only through the power of the human world that Fa Wuxian's engulfment was defeated, and then with the loss of the origin of Fa Wuxian, and finally by the power of the human world, the seal controlled the head of this terrible will.

"Now the human world is extremely powerful. Compared with the human world, it is not a drop in the ocean, but it is definitely just a giant whale in the ocean. Although the giant whale is large, it is still nothing compared to the entire ocean. "Zhang Ziran said:" The ancient dust and sand are giants and small puddles compared to the human world. The ancient dust and sand are giants. The human world is just a small puddle he stepped on.

"Is there such a huge difference?" Zhang Yiren couldn't believe it: "Father Emperor, since then, both Tiandi and Guhuasha should not be the opponents of Guchensha, why does Guchensha not really dominate the world? It can unify people ’s hearts and inspire the great power of the great shore. "

"I don't know his thoughts. If I can guess his thoughts, my cultivation would have stepped into a higher level." Zhang Ziran said: "However, he may be in the layout, waiting for something. If this thing is done, I'm afraid that it will take the world to another level, but whether that level is good or bad, we do n’t know, and neither the emperor nor the ancient Warsaw. So they are afraid, and I am also very fear."

"I think it's better to keep the status quo. I seem to be threatened by Gu Chen's idea. He doesn't look evil on the surface, nor does Fa Wuxian and others continuously devour enemies and fight for power, but these All are in the normal category, and what Gu Chensha does is to pull everything in the whole world time and space into an unknown domain. This is indeed the most terrible. I am not afraid of the emperor, and I am not afraid of ancient Warsaw. , I am not afraid of law and immortality, not even all conspiracy calculations, nor the birth of that terrible thing, but I am afraid of the ideal of ancient dust and sand. "Zhang Yiren suddenly shuddered.

"You talked about my heart, and Gu Chen's dragon-free heart expressed his ideal. He wanted to bring the world of heaven and earth into an unknown realm. At that time, our state of existence, survival, Mode will change completely. I ca n’t imagine what the world would change at that time, or would we have only a little thought, or all of them become nothing? This is my most terrible, I can die , But I ca n’t let my living conditions subvert my imagination. Just like an ordinary person, how bad he is, at least he is personal, but if he is turned into an ant, even if he is the king of ants, he will absolutely Will not. "At this time, Zhang Ziran told his inner thoughts.

"Father Emperor, what should we do?" Zhang Yi humanely.

"Now I can only become stronger. This is the truth. I started to refine this terrible will, ascended to the realm of heaven, and then surrendered to the ancestors to form an immortal dynasty." The color of pure gold on Zhang Tianran More pure, and finally turned into a golden cocoon.

A place in the human world.

Gu Gusha looked at the sky. With a movement of his eyes, a long river of destiny appeared in front of himself again.

In the long river of destiny, many dragons appeared. These dragons are the "ancestors" of the realm of heaven. Even the giant spirit **** has become the **** ancestor.

In this millennium, the giant spirit **** has obtained many adventures, worked hard, and finally achieved the **** ancestor.

Of course, this is also intentional by Gu Chensha.

Now, among the long rivers of fate, the biggest is still the sphere which is all eyeballs and tentacles. This is the Qi of that terrible thing, this Qi is still expanding, it seems to be born.

"It seems that the brewing of these millennia has inspired the rapid birth of this terrible thing." Gu Chen said: "Once the terrible thing is born, it will bring a new pattern to the world. Zhang Ziran's qi is also keeping up Although Tian Di and Ancient Warsaw were together, Zhang Tian was not an opponent as long as Tian Di and Ancient Warsaw were together, but they could n’t be together at all. Zhang Tianran thought in his heart that he was afraid of me sublimating the world. It is said to change from man to ant. This is not to blame him, the unknown is the most terrible. "

"Dust, now the ancestors of the human world are fighting together to fight each other. That terrible thing will be born again. Many of the ancestors you created are not with us. Even the fourth child does not recognize our idea. If something suddenly happens, , Your painstaking business may be ruined once. "Lou Baiyue at this time, became" the ancestor ", her cultivation is getting higher and higher, many forces in the body gathered together, almost all in the heavens Transformed into the immortal eighth layer of immortal power ~ www.readwn.com ~ Yes, at the right time, I will come forward and unify the human world, so that everyone will temporarily surrender to me, and the Emperor will also become My courtier. Gu Chen said: "Of course, this is just an experiment. I don't plan to unify the world for a long time. "

"Interesting." Xinzu Wenhong said: "Dust, that emperor can never rule the universe, you can do it at any time, and you can dissolve at any time. I don't know how he felt after he became your courtier."

"I don't think he will become a courtier in his death."

"It's not necessarily. In the heavens and the earth, strength is the greatest. In front of the dust, the emperor can't play any tricks. Moreover, the emperor is no longer our enemy, he is just our experimental product." Wuzu Wushengdao .

Wu Wusheng has become the ancestor of Wu. In these millenniums, he has learned the true essence of Wu Zhi, transcended time, space and cause and effect, and practiced into martial arts.

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