Dragon Talisman

Chapter 1001: Ancestor

1001 Chapter 1

The ancient dust and sand finally successfully condensed a trace of "immortal" power.

This is truly "no immortality".

As soon as this "no immortality" was born, whether it was to worship the ancestral moon or other people, they all retreated in unison, which was the fear and fear they felt from their instincts.

Even if the cultivation has reached their realm of such fear, they can't control their panic.

Because there is no immortal power, you can create and destroy creation, sever the cause, annihilate qi, burn all things, and unite heaven and earth. No scruples, no changes from ancient to modern.

Seeing this trace of "immortal" power, everyone couldn't help feeling panic in their hearts, and couldn't help but want to destroy this power. This is a terrible power that does not belong to the world and does not belong to the past or the future.

"Why do I feel this way?" Xinzu Wenhong said: "Dust, after you have given this immortal power to you, we all instinctively fear you and treat you as an enemy. What is going on? ? "

"This is not unusual." Gu Chen said: "Because the power of immortality is terrible, once it is born, it will change the structure of the entire world, and if it is radiated at will, it can destroy all existence, and no force can resist it. Hold it. "Between the words, Gu Chensha converged this immortal power:" After the terrible thing was born, the immortal power can be hundreds of millions of times larger than my one. In an instant , The whole human world will change for it, so you have to be psychologically prepared, this terrible thing is definitely not that simple, only a trace of immortality has made you so panic. "

"How do you prepare for that?" Zhizulou worshiped and said: "This immortal power is too terrible, even if there are so many immortal powers, in front of this immortal, it seems to be vulnerable. This is the essence Difference. "

"Yes, this is the power of immortality." Gu Chen said: "Any immortal force that encounters immortality will not only have no effect, but will be absorbed, making this immortal force more powerful, just like fire. Adding oil, not only can't extinguish the fire, but it makes the flames more fierce. In fact, all matter in the world encounters immortality. Originally, the heavens and the earth revolve, and everything is in harmony with each other. It ’s something that transcends the heaven, so the idea that everything is in harmony with each other is not suitable for immortality. But you are not in a hurry. As long as you run the highest state of the dragon-free mind, you will maintain the original spiritual knowledge and will not be immortal. It ’s infringed by the power. I have built the tenth layer of immortality, which is also immortal. This is also the enlightenment of the dragonless mind, and I will teach it to you now. "

Between the words, Gu Chensha passed through a lot of thoughts into the soul of the people present.

Suddenly, these people immediately lost their fear of immortal power.

The tenth layer of immortality is not without immortality, but it is far above immortality.

Even if it is some ideological framework, as long as it is integrated into the sea of ​​knowledge, the soul will not be eroded by the immortal force.

"The ancestors of the Three Thousand Thousands gathered together, and killed and swallowed each other. Finally, after a new ancestor was born, it eventually stabilized. At that time, my layout was almost complete. This is a good way to attract the immortal and terrible things Trap. After the ancestors of the three thousand are completely born, I will unify the human world, regardless of the willingness of the emperor and the fourth child, and form a large array, emitting the most delicious breath, attracting the terrible things into it . "Gu Chen said.

"Let's get ready now." These people dispersed.

The ancient fate is still observing the long river of fate, it seems that the variables in the long river of fate.

This long river of destiny is getting bigger and bigger. Numerous destinies are entangled with each other and brewing with each other. It seems to be fermenting. Something terrible is brewing.

"I created a new river of destiny. Countless creatures and tangible and intangible beings are fighting each other in the river of destiny. This is tantamount to creating some of the strongest lives. If I guess well, the children of destiny will also be brewing. "Gu Chensha said with interest.

The long river of destiny is also an experiment he did.

He is like a scientist in a scientific and technological civilization. He is constantly experimenting. In the experiment, there may be unexpected accidents that he is hard to grasp. Maybe a strong existence is created, but this is all necessary for the experiment. This is Exploring the unknown process.

If it wasn't for his constant exploration, he would not be able to comprehend the immortality.

"The battle between the six empires really started to separate the victory and defeat." In the observation of ancient dust, the six major dynasties of the Great Qin, the Great Han, the Great Tang, the Great Song, the Great Yuan, and the Great Ming, second only to the adult dynasty, After thousands of years of evolution, the battle of the millennium has finally been divided.

Twenty-six nations began to unify.

The unified person is not any one of the six countries, but a small person who suddenly rises. It is also worth mentioning that the emperor designated by the emperor, the prince of Qi country, was actually destroyed by people. The people of Qi Kingdom are also a small person.

This is the case. The prince of Qi Kingdom traveled a thousand years ago. The carriage of the convoy scared a group of ordinary people. It happened to be among the horrified people. The prince looked at one of the beauties twice. Understand my heart, immediately grab this beauty to the prince.

I happen to be, this beautiful woman's fiance is a kid, so she went to the door to sue, but was beaten to death, and it was impossible to see the prince.

The half-dead boy started his revenge plan. He first got a lot of adventures, then gradually grew, and after a series of stories, the prince also became a magnificent emperor, began to expand the territory, and swept the world, but this boy After growing up, he began to fight with the emperor. In the century-long struggle, the boy actually killed the emperor and destroyed his country.

Although there are tens of billions of countries in the human world, almost every day a country is being established, and some countries are being destroyed. But Qi is different. Qi is the son of Heaven ’s destiny chosen by the Emperor himself. This country represents the future. With human existence.

However, just now this Qi country was prosperous and was destroyed by a kid.

After the boy annihilated Qi Kingdom, he did not establish a country. He became the emperor himself. Instead, he brought a group of beauties and disappeared to enjoy Yanfu.

However, in the long river of fate of the ancient dust, the kid's energy is very huge, and he has become a true dragon. He himself calls himself "inverse ancestor".

Because he had killed the emperor who was the son of the destiny that day, he already knew the truth. He knew that this emperor was chosen by the heavenly court of heaven. What he did was to change his life against the sky, so he called himself "inverse ancestor".

And the small man who destroyed the six Great Dynasties, "Great Qin, Great Han, Great Tang, Great Song, Great Yuan, and Great Ming", was originally a low-level slave. In addition to getting adventures, he was even more scheming and did not say more. With great perseverance, great wisdom, and great courage, in the process of gradual promotion, they became bigger and bigger. Finally, they took advantage of these six dynasties to fight each other, slowly eating away, and actually killed Da Qin, Da Han, and Datang. The emperors obtained the causal system, the qi system, and the good and evil system, and finally leveled the other three dynasties to unify the world and achieve domination.

Now, he established a dynasty, called the "big dynasty", and he called himself "the ancestor of life".

Originally, the systems of the six empires and the treasures of the country were the things that swallowed the ancestors and immortals. He was ready to swallow it many times, but because of the existence of the "fate ancestor", he always opposed him, even if it was Fa Wuxian swallowed the fierce power of his ancestors, but he did not know what this "life ancestor" was.

The birth of these two little figures, one "inverse ancestor" and one "life ancestor", did not even expect the ancient dust.

Gu Chensha is like a farmer who cultivated a field of farmland and planted rice. He was busy on his own, but after a long time, I found that peaches and plums were growing strangely in this farmland. s things.

"This inverse ancestor, the ancestor's cultivation can compete with Fa Wuxian, but it has some meaning. Although it is not as good as human ancestors, Wuzu also has Tiandi, but the difference is not great."

Ancient dust and sand nodded secretly.

He has absorbed all the experiences of the ancestral ancestor, he has already absorbed them, as if he had experienced them, and the experience of that ancestor was also absorbed by him.

The experiences of these two great ancestors are very rich. After absorbing their experiences, Gu Chensha feels as if he has separated out some avatars to make them happy in the human world, but these avatars are out of their control and become independent individuals. .

The experience of all sentient beings in the human world ~ www.readwn.com ~ is the food of ancient dust.

Now, many ancestors have appeared. The first step is the emperor and the oldest ancient Warsaw. The Heaven Emperor and the Fourth Son alone cannot do anything to Zhang Nature. The three men sit on an equal footing, but if the Heaven Emperor and the Fourth Son are combined, Zhang is naturally not an opponent.

The second step is Zhang Yiren, Hong Zhuosha, as well as Lawless Immortal, Inverse Ancestor, Destined Ancestor, worshiping the Moon in Zulou, Xinzu Wenhong, and Zhuzuya.

As for the third step, there are some ancestors such as Fazu.

It can be said that after becoming an ancestor, the celestial realm was brewed in the body, and the level of cultivation as strength lies between the seven real immortals and the eight eternal immortals. This can become the realm of the human world, and even the real great person in the universe of heaven and earth. Exposed to many truths about things.

"Go and see Nizu and Mingzu. After all, these two people can be regarded as super protagonists." When Gu Chensha moved, he also left here, and waited for the next moment, he reached a very high mountain. This There are two teenagers playing chess on the mountain.

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