Dragon Talisman

Chapter 1006: Livestock

Chapter 1006

"You are on alert."

Jingqiu heard this from the giant spirit god, and he has been on the alert for a long time. In the middle-earth gods, Jingqiu and Fa Wuxian actually had festivals. In that year, they fought for the uprising of Ziwei Xing. In the hands of Fa Wuxian.

Later, because of this matter, Fa Wuxian was stunned, and Gu Chensha found the underwater cave where he was hiding, instead he seized his adventure.

This is a thing of the past.

Although it has been a long time ago, Jingqiu does not think that Fa Wuxian has put down this hatred. On the contrary, Fa Wuxian must report. In these days, Fa Wuxian actually hunted Jingqiu many times, but Jingqiu also has some means to hide Hidden, even more horizontal and vertical, but was not swallowed by Fa Wuxian.

Gu Danjian, Gu Changjian and others were also extremely jealous of Fa Wuxian.

Everyone formed a large array, ready to join forces at any time to fight against Fa Wuxian's brutality. After Fa Wuxian became the ancestor, he was moody and devouring everything at any time, and he must not take it lightly.

Ripples appeared.

Everyone saw that a dog appeared first.

No, to be precise, it is the existence of a human head and dog body. This head is the head of Fa Wuxian. On the neck of the head of Fa Wuxian, there is also a dog chain, and the back is held by people.

Desperate devouring power is transmitted from the monster in the human head and dog body.

There is no doubt that everyone who is present knows that this monster with a dog head is Fa Wuxian. I don't know who turned him into this. This is simply a great shame, even more than killing this person. Much more uncomfortable.

"How is this going."

Huge fear enveloped Jingqiu's soul.

In addition to Jingqiu, Gu Danjian, Gu Changjian, Wanxian Shi, and others are also extremely scared. Who can turn Fa Wuxian into a dog with humiliation and hold it with a dog chain?

Then the truth became clear.

Leading to Wu Wuxian is ancient dust.

Gu Chensha appeared in front of the crowd, and his eyes surrounded him a little: "Dear everyone, don't come without fear? In Middle-earth China, there are all old people. You gather together to discuss something, can you give me something to listen to? Xian is not obedient and makes troubles everywhere, so I turn him into a dog and temper his temper. What do you think? "

"Gu Chensha, I won't let you go. You just killed me, I hate it, I hate it, you beasts, Jingqiu, Gu Danjian, Gu Changjian, Giant Spirit God, you all do n’t have The things I have used for so many years have been hiding, and now a big disaster is imminent. If you knew it earlier, it would be swallowed up, so that my power reached the limit, and I wo n’t be afraid of ancient dust. Fa Wuxian would actually fall into such a field. "Fa Wuxian once again made a hysterical howl.

He was turned into a dog, and it appeared in front of so many people, this feeling of humiliation was even more multiplied.

He just felt that no one in the world was more humiliated than himself.

"Gu Chensha, you ..." The Giant Spirit God fled when he moved.

However, the ancient dust and sand moved a little, and already controlled the whole scene. All the time and space were completely sealed off. This place became an independent space. No matter how the giant spirit **** changed, it would not help.

"Gu Chensha, what do you want to do?" Gu Danjian was also quick to use his brain, afraid to shoot.

"What?" The throne appeared between the fingers of the ancient dust, and he sat up: "You, I want to establish a dynasty that unites the human world, become the only emperor, strengthen order, and do something. You can all be mine. Courtier, how can I sit down? If you don't agree, Fa Wuxian is an example. Of course, Fa Wuxian who colluded with that terrible thing and tried to destroy the human world would be imprisoned. "

"I'm willing, I'm willing to surrender." The giant spirit god's eyes turned around, and he immediately agreed. He could see the wind's ability to show the rudder, and he could bear the humiliation.

"Very good, giant spirit god, you take the lead to express yourself, it is very good, but your sins are so serious, even if you take the lead to express yourself, it is of no use, and your thick-skinned person does not matter if you suffer even greater humiliation. You still have use. "Gu Chen said:" So you, like Fa Wuxian, become a dog. "

"No!" The giant **** body exploded, trying to escape in all directions, but Gu Chen sand siege with his hands, immortal forces everywhere, once again gathered all the giant **** god's cultivation together, and then also changed It became a monster with a human head and a dog, with a dog chain on it, and lingered side by side with Fa Wuxian.

"It is impossible for these two people to repent, so I am harsh on them." Gu Chen said, "Jingqiu, what do you say?"

"Gu Chensha, your dragon-free mind is about people's freedom and great freedom, and now you have to come out to deter all beings. This is against your will. Your cultivation will definitely be dragged down, what do you want to do? ? "Jingqiu pretended to be calm.

"Your state is too low." Gu Chensha waved his hand: "I'm useless to tell you, you can't understand it at all."

"Gu Chensha, what if we don't surrender? Are you going to turn us all into dogs?"

"Oh, Master Wanxian, of course you are in Middle-earth China, disturbing the world, and actually tied my subordinates to the pillars. Later, I practiced successfully, but I have been busy with other things. I have no time to deal with you. Now You jumped out by yourself, but I had some thoughts. In this way, you imprisoned Yuhuan Lu and tied her to a pillar to show the public. Today I will turn you into a horse-drawn cart ride. You pull a car for Yuhuan Lu.

Between the words, Gu Chen was a little sandy, and a space-time tunnel appeared in front of him. Yuhuan Lu stepped out of it, and Yingying bowed down: "See you, your subordinates."

"This is Wanxian Shi. Although he has become the realm of heaven, he doesn't call him the ancestor. Now I degenerate him into a cart-riding mount for you to drive." Gu Chensha, a car appeared in front of him, And once again, Wanxian screamed again and again, and it turned into a horse, but it was just a human horse. The head is still Wan Xianshi's head, and the body becomes a horse, which is put on a car.

"Gu Chensha, I and you are incompatible, this curses you, curses you must fall." Wanxian Master sent a fierce curse.

Seeing the giant spirit **** turned into a dog, Wanxianshi turned into a horse-drawn cart, everyone in the presence was scared and scared. They would rather die than shame.

"I offended you, Gu Chensha, what do you want to turn me into?" Jing Qiu calmly said.

"Jingqiu, you are talented and bold, and even the first one dared to revolt against the court. Although it was suppressed, it was actually courageous. I am not ready to clean you up, as long as you submit to me, Help me do things, I can not bless you with humiliation. "Guchensha naturally has plans.

"Subordinates listen to orders." At this time, the person was under the eaves and had to bow his head, Jingqiu knelt down.

"Gu Chensha, how do you deal with us." Gu Danjian coldly.

"Are you?" Gu Chen said: "You were originally my nephews. Unfortunately, you are stubborn and indiscriminate, but you are an endless sword. The reincarnation of the endless sword can be restored and become a sword. , As the ceremonial honor of the dynasty. Change! "

Between words, a lot of power was blessed on the body of the ancient sword.

Suddenly the ancient bullet sword shouted, "Gu Chensha, you turned me into a sword. I would rather die than do it."

"You can't help it." Gu Dust fluttered.

Suddenly a sword appeared in the sky. It was changed by the ancient bullet sword and ancient constant sword.

"Kim Suibo."

Guchensha called out.

"Subordinates are here." At this time, a man with the breath of the unparalleled conspirator appeared. This was the elder Wuji Tianzong who had followed Gu Chen in the early days. Jin Suibo was originally in Middle-earth China. Jin Suibo was the conspirator behind the Seventh Prince Gu Fasha, but was convinced by Zhuge Ya.

Now Jin Suibo has become the "ancestor".

And Zhuge Ya is the ancestor ~ www.readwn.com ~ The quality of this sword has surpassed the endless sword completely. The endless sword can be used as the magnificence of the new dynasty. "Gu Chen said.

唰 唰 唰 ...........

Later, Lou Baiyue, Wen Hong, Zhuge Ya, Wu Sheng, Chang Weiyang, Chang Universe, Yu Hanlu, Long Yuyun, and so on. These people who followed the ancient dust and sand in Middle-earth China.

They have all become ancestors.

"Jingqiu, Valley disaster, you people, I can give you some errands. The new dynasty is established, the world is dominated, the real world is managed, and the world is unified. The soul does not have to absorb the nutrients from the human world to live, or to lose * points to the human world, this is the real merit. "Gu Chen said.

"That being the case, we have nothing to say and are willing to surrender." Jingqiu and Gu Zhou knew that at this time, there was no room for manoeuvre.

Seeing that Wu Wuxian has become a human head and a dog body, the same is true of the giant spirit god. Ancient bullet swords, ancient Chang swords have become swords, and Wanxian Shi has become a horse pulling a cart. It really shocked the two.

Gu Chensha didn't do it. Once he shot, it made people feel worse than death.

"You started to build a dynasty, a palace more powerful than heaven." Gu Chen said: "I'll talk to the emperor and let him be my courtier."

"Dust, I am afraid Tiandi will not agree." Wen Hong smiled.

"It doesn't matter." Gu Chensha held the two dogs, Fa Wuxian and Giant Spirit God. "This is to change the dog to show the emperor. If he dares to disobey, it will be the same in the end. Without the use of Thunder, now is the most critical time for the layout. The previous methods will also change. I was too loose before, and these people between heaven and earth knew nothing about my power. "

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