Dragon Talisman

Chapter 1012: All selfish

Chapter 1012: All Selfish

"You guys, come and see."

The Emperor of Heaven did not wait for the fourth child to start estimating how many ancestors there were, and then sent out a mental fluctuation directly.

This spiritual wave suddenly spread to every corner of this universe, shocked to operate countless powerful beings in this universe, this universe is the base camp and old nest that many ancestors co-founded and operated many years ago, and it is already very tyrannical, But the strength of the Emperor of Heaven is no small matter, and it has spread out and can shake the origin of this universe.

"The emperor came, it should have been far away, but you are now enemies." At this time, a shadow appeared, this shadow condensed into a person, holding a book, exuding a strong Confucian atmosphere, is a middle The young man, Sanliu Changxu, is the "Confucian ancestor".

"Confucian ancestors, why don't they come out?" Tiandi asked.

"Tiandi, have you also surrendered to that ancient dust and shame? But we are powerful and unyielding, rich and rich cannot be lewd, so you want to come here to persuade and have no effect." Ruzu said: "Of course you two It ’s terribly unfortunate, and one thing is that we have so many ancestors united together, and we can already exert the power of the heavenly realm. Even if you two forcefully suppress it, it will not help. "

"Confucian ancestor, you are one of the strongest ancestors born in the past millennium, but you should also know the reason that eggs should not touch stones. The ancient strength of Guchensha is not what you can handle at all, even if you are now united. When you get up, you can exert the power of the heavens and the heavens, and it is also useless. "The old fourth ancient Warsaw said:" But now you, the people, have worked hard and united to create this universe, and in this universe to spread benevolence and morality, all kinds of truths The minds of all beings are gradually brewing, and it becomes the truth. This is the power of Heaven and Heaven, but this power is not stable and is still in its infancy. If this universe expands for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of millions of years, Then this heavenly power will be truly stabilized, but this is still useless, and it is not good to say, even if all of you ancestors have been promoted to the heavenly realm, and once again united, they are not the opponents of ancient dust. . His strength has completely surpassed Heaven. "

"You were frightened." Confucius laughed, "Without ancestors, you are the first of all ancestors, claiming nothing. It can be said that the glory reaches the extreme, but you are actually a deceitful and tough person. For morality, What about death? We are not afraid of dying you, but you are afraid of dying. If Confucianism and Taoism are afraid of death, it is not true Confucianism. "

"It's not a matter of not being afraid of death." Gu Huasha waved his hand: "It's hard for you to want to die, but I don't talk to you much now. If you surrender or not, you will be in great danger."

"How? You and Tiandi want to do it?" Ruzu was not afraid, "To be honest, if I fight alone, I am not your opponent at all, but you know, how many ancestors do we have here now?"

"Don't hide, just come out." Tiandi waved his hand.


The whole universe was shaken, and then a bunch of light people appeared, and finally they appeared in shape.

"Benevolent ancestors, righteous ancestors, rational ancestors, intellectual ancestors, faithful ancestors, loyal ancestors, filial ancestors, festival ancestors, concubine ancestors, positive ancestors, pure ancestors, ancestor ancestors, Yongzu, Lianzu, Wenzu, Hezu, Da Ancestors, deities, ancestors, ancestors, straight ancestors, respectful ancestors, ancestors, ancestors, majestic ancestors, fierce ancestors, fierce ancestors, good ancestors, kind ancestors, compassionate ancestors, gentle ancestors, gentle ancestors, ancestors, Love ancestors, Pingzu has seen the emperor and Wuzu. "

Thirty-five sounds rang out.

Together with the Confucian ancestors, there were 36 ancestors.

The thirty-six ancestors are all concentrators of positive emotions. Together, they make this universe full of positive emotions. Masculinity and arrogance fill the world. The temperament almost breaks through the limits, breaks through the ages, and converges. Became a true Supreme Power.

Their thirty-six ancestors are united with the entire universe, and their power has changed both the emperor and ancient Warsaw.

"It really is overbearing." Ancient Warsaw was slightly discolored: "I thought I was already standing on the peak, but I also have the strength to compete with me, especially some of you, such as human ancestors, Zhengzu, although not as good as me, can have strength It ’s second only to me, and I do n’t know how to cultivate. It ’s unimaginable to be able to cultivate to such a state. The most unfathomable of them is the ancestor except the Confucian ancestor. I can feel this love. The ancestor's body contains mysterious power, and the power of love can often erupt beyond the existence of truth. This is also a kind of spiritual power, which is the same as the dragon-free mind.

Tiandi is also observing luck.

"This ancestor-loving spirit is looming, and it is not very strong in the long river of fate, but I always feel that he is hiding. In fact, he can burst out the strongest power." Tiandi did not dare to snub.

"You, we are united, afraid of the ancient dust and the dynasty? I do n’t know the strength of the ancient dust, these truths, he ca n’t be righteous and moral, he ca n’t be loyal, filial piety, and justice and compassion. Confucian ancestor said: "No ancestor, Emperor of Heaven, you must do what you can, you must not be the accomplice of the ancient dust and sand, otherwise it is really possible that it will never be lost again, you know, we will never perish."

"You look down on ancient dust and sand too much." Ancient Warsaw, the fourth ancestor, laughed abruptly: "But we are not here to kill you, but to let you know how powerful ancient dust and sand are."

"Haha, I know you are not sincerely following Guchen Sand." At this moment, Aizu spoke.

Aizu is a young man, only about twenty years old, with red lips and white teeth, full of youthful breath. From his body, you can feel the passion and youth, and anyone can look at him and get endless motivation and Power, no negative emotion can make people shake.

This is the power of ancestor love.

"Love ancestor, what do you have to say." Heaven Emperor said.

"Two people, we can take refuge in Guchen Sand temporarily."

"Love ancestors, you ..." Confucian ancestors, Ren zu and others all grew up and couldn't believe it.

"Everyone, don't be impatient, I don't mean it that way." Aizu waved his hand: "I will never surrender ancient dust, but I also have to be indifferent, because ancient dust can no longer use all human emotions. By measuring him, he has no good or evil love or hate, nor any emotions. Even we can't figure out his realm. It can be said that if we resist, he will definitely degrade us to death, and it will be eternal torture. It is not necessary for us to suffer from this loss. I believe that in the near future, he will definitely suffer a calamity. At that time, it will be our greatest opportunity. "

"Then according to the ancestor's meaning, what should we do?" Tiandi wanted to observe it.

"Heaven understands, why do you ask this again?" Aizu waved his hand: "You two have a plan already, and in the future, the two of you will join together, and you can even ingest the will to arrange things. By that time If you combine, you will become the strongest existence. At that time, you can compete with Guchen Sand. I also know that you are actually the most dangerous existence around Guchen Sand, but Guchen Sand does not care. It seems that the bamboo is in the chest, and we cannot escape the package of Gu Chen's destiny, which cannot threaten him at all. So we can only surrender now. Moreover, Gu Chen's spread of dragon-free heart method is also an opportunity for us. If we can conform to him and let all of us in the universe practice a dragon-free mind, then it will be a great nourishment for us. "

"The Dragon-Free Mind is not able to control people's minds." Wusong, the oldest of four ancestors, said: "I have studied for many years. Even if I have developed the Dragon-Free Mind, I just cut myself off and everything in the world. The cause and effect of world time and space is only ~ www.readwn.com ~ and it will not change my own heart. For example, I have cultivated the method without the dragon heart, but now I still do n’t recognize the idea of ​​ancient dust and sand. That ’s why. The dragon mind method and understanding the mystery can enhance your own strength. Now Gu Chensha does not require you to change your mind and become his minions thoroughly. "

"Gu Chen's behavior does not conform to our philosophy. He must not be able to unite the human world, but in the future there will definitely be masters of all things in the world. But we also need our Confucianists to select them. Only those who conform to our philosophy can be the masters of all things. If you do n’t meet it, you do n’t have this character. ”Ru Zu said:“ Now the ancient dust is very strong. We really ca n’t violate it.

"It is true." Heavenly Emperor said: "If you take refuge, you can gain a lot of status in the imperial court. We can form a force and we can also protect ourselves and check and balance. In many dynasties, many civilizations, Confucianism is not a rebel. It's the balancer who can restrict the tyrant, isn't it your idea? "

"This point is about the idea." Ruzu moved in his heart and said, "Our idea is indeed not rebellion. If a tyrant is born, we will make checks and balances. This is the true right way. I think it ’s Yongchao now. In addition to the original old people, in fact, they are only temporarily surrendered to the ancient dust and sand, such as Fazu, Daozu, and even Fawuxian, the **** ancestor and giant spirit god. These people can use it. "

From the perspective of Confucian ancestors, although Fa Wuxian has suffered unprecedented humiliation, his hatred for ancient dust and sand has also strengthened, and this hatred can be used.

"Fawuxian's hatred is increasing every day, and this spiritual power is almost endless." Aizu said: "If we re-inspire Fawuxian's hate again, it is likely that he will come out of difficulties, A more severe lethal blow to ancient dust. "

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