Dragon Talisman

Chapter 1029: Tumors everywhere

Chapter 1029: Tumors Everywhere

"No, Dragon has been poisoned by the sky."

When the dragon was killed by Mr. Wuxin in the sky, Gu Chensha already knew the news. His inner heart immediately sensed, and his body stopped among the numerous shuttles in the universe.

"Unexpectedly, in addition to Mr. Wuwu, there is another Mr. Wuxin. If this is the case, is there any Mr. Wu who appears. These are the precursors to the birth of that terrible thing. The terrible thing is shrewd and divided into many individuals. The whole world of heaven, earth, universe, and confusion disturbed the wind and rain. It seems that I miscalculated a trick. Not bad. I started to miscalculate, which means that the real battle is coming. "Gu Chensha was not frustrated because of his miscalculation. Instead, he It feels fresh.

He has been manipulating his destiny since his cultivation, and he has never miscalculated everything. Everything is in his own arrangements. Everything in the future will change with his own mind.

And now, he finally can't control the situation. This is a good thing. If everything is under his control, it won't make much sense.

The counterattack of the old world finally gave birth to Mr. Wu Wu, and Mr. Wuxin was actually the same person, the incarnation of that terrible thing.

In the end, these beings will gather together and become that terrible thing, and fight against the ancient dust and sand.

"Mr. Wuxin is managing the universe of this eternal continent. He actually killed the dragon in the sky, promoted his unmotivated mind, and then destroyed those who practice the unmotivated mind. In this case, I am also welcome. I am a mouse-thrower, afraid of fighting with you and destroying many universes. Now it seems that this idea is wrong, and you will be thundered when you destroy it. "Gu Chen's complexion slumped, and suddenly, he stretched out his palm.


The moment he stretched out his palm, the entire eternal continent disappeared.

This is a huge universe, countless spaces, mountains, rivers, oceans, planets, sun, moon, and ancestors. Everything, everything, is evolving rapidly in the universe of this ancient continent.

However, just by being caught by the ancient dust and sand, the universe completely disappeared.

The universe then appeared on the palms of ancient dust, and the universe shrank to the size of an egg. Blocked by a boxy seal.

In the depths of the universe, there was a man with a black cloak. It was Mr. Heartless. He was extremely flustered, flying through the universe, but could not fly at all. The ancient dust and sand directly sealed the entire universe, and the universe became a cage, sealing Mr. Wuxin in it.

"Gu Chensha, how ruthless!" Mr. Wuxin made an angry roar in it, bursting out a mighty burst of power. Suddenly, in the universe of that ancient continent, how many souls were completely destroyed, and the entire universe was full of disasters.

Gu Chensha knew that it was extremely difficult for the universe of this ancient continent to be born. Among them were countless spiritual shows, countless wizards, countless stories, civilizations, and each creature has its own story and independent thinking. He didn't want Mr. Wuxin's existence to destroy this precious universe.

In his mind, every universe, every continent, every space, every existence, even a plant, a soul, is valuable and extremely valuable.

But now, as a last resort, if you let Mr. Wuxin take over this universe and transform it into a universe that only knows to swallow, then it will become a tumor, which will pollute the countless universe of the human world, and this kind of thought will be like a plague. Spread it out, the loss will be even greater, and your plan may go back a thousand years and return to that year.

Therefore, he must sacrifice the universe, so that after the universe becomes a tumor, it will pollute more.

Mr. Wuxin was imprisoned, and the power began to erupt in the universe of this ancient continent, and the entire universe suffered a real disaster in an instant.

"Mr. Heartless, you destroyed this universe, but your cost is greater than mine. I just lost a universe, but you lost everything." As soon as the ancient dust and sand caught, countless forces input this destruction. In the universe, a yoke of order was suddenly formed, which locked Mr. Wuxin tightly, and finally made him unmovable.

"Gu Chensha, you beast, I won't let you go." Mr. Wuxin shouted at first, but then calmed down: "Even if you seal me, you can't kill me, your realm It ’s the ninth layer of immortality, so is my state. Our state is the same. When you reach the state of immortality, you should know that this state is truly immortal. After briefly sealing me, I will still come out. "

"Really?" Gu Chensha shook his head: "When the dragon-free mind spreads throughout the countless corners of the universe, and all souls have practiced the dragon-free mind, you will naturally disappear and be clean. In fact, The matter is not far away, then Mr. Wuwu created the dragon in the sky, but unfortunately, after the dragon has repaired the dragon-free heart method, he abandoned your behavior. As a last resort, you can only kill him. To the point of killing, it means that you have completely failed. "

"Gu Chensha, it's useless to say that, you can't control the whole world."

At this time, a person was actually passed from behind Gu Chensha.

This man is wearing a black cloak, and there is nothing in the cloak, that is, Mr. Wuwu.

Mr. Wuwu suddenly reached behind Gu Gusha and struck out with one palm.


The palm of his hand changed over and over again, converging into a torrent, dark and flashing, but also the ninth layer of immortality, without immortal power. This power directly began to penetrate into the body of the ancient dust and destroy it. His A smirk appeared on the face: "Gu Chensha, I have been born, we have the same strength, but you are the one I created, so in the end I have to return to the body. My body contains all of your father Gu Ta Xian. Strength, you are not my opponent at all, I will restrain you and let you end up on my body and absorb! "

Oh oh ...

A huge vortex appeared in Mr. Wuwu's body, and he began to absorb the immortal power in the ancient dust and sand.

"Just that?" Gu Chensha smiled.

His body turned into countless universes, which Mr. Wuwu absorbed.

I saw that the number of universes like Hengsha were in a moment and entered Mr. Wu Wu's body. Mr. Wu Wu's complexion changed, that is, in an instant, his body became full. Exploded.

"Don't you say that the power of the Dragon Heart Method can even burst through the void? In fact, it doesn't matter. I see you, Mr. Wuwu, the infinite power, can I be completely blasted by me?" Gu Chensha Still putting power into Mr. Wuwu's body.

Mr. Wuwu's face changed. He did not succeed in sneaking into Guchen Sand. Instead, he encountered such a fierce blow from Guchen Sand. He wanted to absorb the power of Guchen Sand, which was absorbed by Guchen Sand and supported him instead. explosion.


Suddenly, Mr. Wuwu was directly exploded by the power of ancient dust and sand, and turned into countless black gas.


As soon as Gu Chensha waved his hand, the eternal continental universe in his hand once again sealed Mr. Wu Wu into it. At this time, in the universe of eternal continental, he became two people wearing black capes. Mr Wu Wu and Mr Wu Xin.


Mr. Wuwu and Mr. Wuxin, who were sealed in, actually combined together and turned into a stronger existence. Just like the emperor and the oldest ancient Warsaw combined, the power increased by dozens of times.

At the moment when they were combined, the entire universe of the ancient Continent was directly blown up, and the vitality was scattered. All the creatures and everything in this universe were brought to naught, and many of them who had become dragonless minds also died. .

The universe exploded, and the seal of ancient dust and sand was also blasted ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mr. Wuwu and Mr. Wuxin came out of trouble again, but their power was consumed a lot, and they were divided into two people again, deeper into the human world. Escape everywhere: "Guchensha, you are indeed very powerful. The two of us teamed up and spent countless energy to escape your seal, but you will not be able to jump for a long time. In addition to Mr. Wuwu, Mr. Wuxin, There are still many existences, one by one, reaching the realm of the earth. At that time, your backyard is on fire, and smoke is everywhere. I see how can you? "

Gu Chen sand captured the past, but the two have disappeared without a trace. There seems to be some secret method to get rid of the control of Gu Chen sand.

"Sure enough, it is an immortal force. I don't really have a way to destroy it for the time being." Gu Chensha didn't go after the two men. With his strength, in fact, if he started, he could really suppress them again, but In the process of hunting, it is not so simple to destroy the universe of an eternal continent, but to destroy the half-human world.

The immortal state of immortality on the ninth level is completely different from the realm of heaven, and it is a force that transcends the heaven, and it is not impossible to describe it in an incomprehensible, inconceivable, or indescribable way.

The power of this realm, even a little bit, can cause devastating damage to all things. In that year, Emperor Tianfu never reached such a realm.

However, Emperor Tianfu and Tiandao combined together, and after a long period of gestation, this terrible thing was finally born and became an immortal realm.

Gu Chensha finally knew how the ancient **** of ancient charms was born. He was born in the whole world, and it was new and old.

To a certain extent, Emperor Tianfu is the opportunity born of the new world, and Tiandao is the stubborn force of the old world. When the two are combined, they will become a huge number.

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