Dragon Talisman

Chapter 1038: Standing spire

1038 Chapter 1038

"Sure enough. The latest version of Vertex's novels did not expect that the fourth and Zhang Ziran actually had this hand, and we did not even think of this hand." Lou Baiyue saw that many senior masters such as the fourth and Zhang Ziran were praying, which actually inspired them. The force of the origin of countless universes in the human world, these universes have begun to activate, then released their power, speeding up the operation, and also joined the ranks of counterfeit immortals.

"This is also the reversal of Fa Wuxian's persecution, which has devoured many universes. In addition, he has begun to realize the immortality of the immortal ninth layer. He has already committed anger. Although the instincts of those universes are very weak, they still feel that if Fa Wu was Immortal's successful promotion, all can not escape the end of swallowing, this is the lawless immortal self-injustice can not live, if you change another person, even if Zhang Ziran and the fourth son call to death, it will not cause resonance in these universes "Wen Hong said:" This is what Qianfu refers to, Fa Wuxian is finished this time. "

"I am afraid that Mr. Wuwu and others will not let Fa Wuxian be so finished." Jin Suibo said.

"This is the layout of Dust. Dust has secretly locked Mr. Wu Wu and others. As soon as these people show up, they start to capture. Therefore, in this battle, Mr. Wu Wu and others are powerless." Zhuge Yadao : "But we can't control the situation. Now countless universes have begun to awaken and speed up the operation. Many of them will be born, and the masters of the heavenly realm will spring up like bamboo shoots. These masters will join the seal siege method Wuxian Among the ranks, if there is no accident, Fa Wuxian will be sealed, refined, and turned into the world's first magic weapon. The first artifact, who has obtained this magic weapon, will truly achieve the invincible magical powers, which can be used. There is no immortal power. No one knows who this artifact will fall into. "

"We do not fight for this artifact." Fushou Shinto: "The idea of ​​our new world is to create everything by ourselves. Everything is foreign except for our own soul. Everything will be created, so I saw the Supreme Artifact. The first thought was not to get this artifact, but to create the same artifact. "

"Yes, this is the concept of our new world. In the face of anything great, we have no greed, so that we can implement the method of dragonless heart and practice to reach the highest state." Lou Baiyue said: "This is The problem of ideas is the idea of ​​our new world. Any great artifact is far inferior to our soul. If you rob this artifact, it is tantamount to having countless Jinshan and Yinshan, but grabbing a **** with a beggar. This is How ridiculous and stubborn. "

"Let's watch it here to prevent accidents. Anyway, this time we can't let Fa Wuxian escape from birth. But I don't know which lucky person can get the magic weapon that Fa Wuxian has trained. Once he gets it, his Strength is still above us. "Jin Suibo said.

"Look at it. You see, many universes have born the children of the heavens. Those children of the heavens have appeared, and they are all masters of the heavens. The universes are awake and speeding up. When we speak, some universes have passed a thousand directly. Millions of years, even hundreds of millions of years. "

Lou Baiyue pointed to many universes.

Everyone saw that the time in many universes began to accelerate, in which countless wonderful stories occurred, and some protagonists were born. These protagonists are like the ancient dust and sand in the endless continental universe. Any danger can be turned into evil. Growing all the way, comprehending, defeated one powerful enemy after another, and even two universes merged with each other, and two sons of heaven were born and killed each other. Finally, a stronger existence was selected, just like raising an uncle.

A few hours passed, Zhang Ziran, the fourth child and others joined forces to trap Fa Wuxian, and Fa Wuxian started to counterattack, killing several masters of the ancestors, and at the same time arranged the old four Zhang Ziran and others. The array started to shatter.

"Hahaha ........." Fa Wuxian laughed wildly: "You are all going to die this time. I am not at all able to cope with your group of ants, even if you unite all the universe, I It can also be suppressed. When it comes to this, I also want to thank the beast of Gu Chensha. If it wasn't for him to humiliate me so much, I would never have realized that the hatred in my soul is so strong. In order to thank him, I would not Let him die, and I will give him unthinkable pain. "


Fa Wuxian turned into a mass of black gas, rolling arrogantly.

Countless universes have felt his malice and the strongest resentment that must devour the world.


Suddenly, several universes trembled, all the origins condensed, the power of the heavens contracted, and they blessed the protagonists of their choice. Those protagonists were immediately promoted to the masters of the heavens.

"Unexpectedly, in the human world in the cosmic ocean, such a demon that threatens countless universes and countless creatures must be killed." One of the protagonists, named "Yan Fu Universe", appeared as a young man with a face. Fortitude, it seems to have experienced countless life and death, strong character.

Lou Baiyue had seen his destiny when he looked at this heavenly master. The son of this heavenly universe of Yan Fu Universe was originally a small figure named Fang Xie. He suffered humiliation, got an adventure, and passed a lot. Love and hate, and then the tens of thousands of years of time, in the universe, finally achieved the realm of heaven and earth, now rushed out, and understand their mission, joined the camp of the fourth nature and others, siege lawless immortal.

At the same time, dozens of universes also catalyzed at the same time, brewing out the protagonists of heaven and earth level.

Some of these protagonists have honed tens of thousands of years in their own universe, and some have even honed hundreds of millions of years. Only then have they got rid of the shackles of the universe, achieved the realm of heaven and earth, stood out, and began to besiege without immortality.

Finally, the masters of the heavenly realm appeared one after another under the agitation of many universes.

Each universe can only have one master of the heavenly level, but there are also some special universes, where two to three figures of the heavenly realm appear.

"Fa Wuxian actually affected the transformation of countless universes in the human world. This is also the layout of the dust." Wen Hong asked Lou Baiyue.

"Yes, Dust has long expected Fa Wuxian's perverse behavior. He deliberately turned Fa Wuxian into a **** and turned the giant spirit **** into a male dog. The constant humiliation brought Fa Wuxian's hatred close. The immortal realm destroys many universes in the universe, which is equal to the potential for those universes to accelerate their development and to force out the infinite universe. Now, under the lawless immortal madness, have the potentials of these universes been forced out one by one? Lou Baiyue can see very clearly: "Those universes have accelerated their potentials, and they have been born one after another heavenly characters, have they added a lot of variables to the heavens and the earth, a new big era is coming, and since then After that, the heavenly realm is as many as the previous ancestral realm, and even people who have no immortal realm can appear. In this way, the world is enriched and the whole is improved, and it is possible for the dust to gain more food. Ten floors, there is no immortality. "

"The original idea of ​​dust and sand is like this. Indeed, as the beings get stronger and stronger, he gets more and more food. If all beings are cultivated as low, then the height of the dust and sand standing on top of all beings is actually not the same. Very high. "Zhuge Ya suddenly understood.

Ancient dust and sand always stand on or open the way for all beings, but they must also follow closely, such as a pyramid, the higher the beings, the higher the dust and sand on the tower can be lifted higher .

This is complementary.

Therefore, there are more and more masters in the realm of heaven. For Gu Chen, it is not a bad thing, but a great thing. Gu Chen is easier to understand the immortality of the immortal tenth layer.

Therefore, all this is the layout of ancient dust.

At this time, Gu Chensha looked at a sphere in the void. Among the spheres, four black gases were circling. It was actually Mr. Wuwu, Mr. Wuxin, Mr. Wuwei, and Mr. Wuxiang.

These four people are forming a large array and confronting Guchensha ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mr. Wuwu said: "Guchensha, you are really great. You can't want anything from us, I'm afraid it's not possible. We will fight each other for a long time. "

"Did you not feel that, in the human world, the tens of billions of universes are speeding up? Many heavenly masters have been born." Gu Chensha said to Mr. Wu Wu and others: "This is my layout, but it is still I want to thank you for cultivating Fa Wuxian and allowing him to go back and forth, so that it can completely resonate with the universe and my plan can be realized. "

"You ........" Mr. Wuwu understands what Gu Chensha is going to do: "The more masters in the human world, the stronger your strength is, and you are stepping on the heads of sentient beings and rushing forward Whether the human world is against you or agrees with you, as long as you are a master, it is equivalent to indirectly becoming your stepping stone, making you stand higher. Now there are more masters in the realm of heaven and earth, for you Of course, many of these masters will not become your subordinates, and they will even deal with you, but they are still your food. Your understanding of immortality will be deeper, and it will be closer to your imagined immortality. The tenth floor is immortality. "

"That's it, Mr. Wuwu, you understand. In the future, I will even find a way to make people in the immortal realm born, just as there are many masters of heaven and Taoism at that time. At that time, you were nothing special. I ’m not in the crowd, I ’m not killing, you ’re not comfortable with it. In fact, when I was in the endless continent of heaven, the three heavenly lords in the world had dominated the world for a long time. They did not kill them, but left them behind. Now they are already in the crowd, more uncomfortable than death. In the future, the end of the three heavenly deities will be yours. " It laid a certain truth that would never change but changed.

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