Dragon Talisman

Chapter 400: Make a deal

"Oh, how do you make a deal?" Gu Chen was able to speak calmly and talk freely under the envelope of all things in Wudang Kong, which showed that he was superb and skillful. One novel ≧ W

When Wudangkong heard this, he was suddenly shocked: "Senior, you must not trade with this person. When I kill this person and refine his mana, I will urge the jade charm to help the seniors release and break the seal."

"You are too disappointing me." Xing Qiongshi said to Wudang Kong: "I have taught you so many skills to improve your mana quality from the Vajrayana to the true dragon law, you have condensed a long river of all things. You ca n’t refine people who are three levels lower than your realm, and this kid does n’t have any magic weapon body. It ’s all based on your own cultivation. Now, this kid, I'm afraid there is still some hope. "

"Senior, the sacrifice of heaven offering is in my hands, I can urge countless magic methods, seize countless demon heads and soul sacrifices, and use the power of heaven to open the seal for you, how?" Wudang Kong seized hope, absolutely What agreement can be reached between Xingqiongshi and Guchensha? Otherwise, she will suffer.

"Hahaha, Xingqiang, I came here to make a deal with you, but this woman is speculative. According to the truth, she has received so many benefits from you and actually improved the quality of mana, so you should kill Yushan. , To make your thinking more released, but she did not do so, but wanted to squeeze you bit by bit, so that you give her the benefits. "Gu Chensha mental fluctuations, disturbing Wudang Kong.

Sure enough, Wudang hollow **** appeared flaws, the strength of the river of all things weakened.

"Senior, don't believe what he said, the Lord of the Seven Stars just wants to calculate you." Wudangkong tried to stop.

"Wudang Kong, in fact, you want to get the head of Xingqiangshi, and then sacrifice it," Gu Chen said.

"I sacrifice me?" Xing Qiongshi smirked abruptly: "I have seized a trace of immortality, who can sacrifice me? Do you think the ancient emperor does not want to sacrifice me? Will seal me. "

"This statement makes sense." Gu Chensha came out and fluctuated: "Well, Xingqiang, let's talk nonsense, what transaction do you want?"

"It's very simple. I think you have created your own Tao. After many calculations, it has become a microclimate. Compared with the real masters, this is just a joke. I can help you calculate future changes and let you The way is more complete. "Xing Qiongshi seized what Gu Chen hoped most.

Gu Chensha's self-made Cangsheng Butian technique has indeed been calculated many times, plus the will left in the Qinglong Sacred Tree by the last sacrifice of heaven and earth Xuanmen Zhangjiao, letting the heavens to calculate, has become the climate. Compared to those peerless miracles, they are still far away.

Of course, this martial art has evolved from the synthesis of the Supreme Mastery of God, the Great God of Holocaust, and the like, but it must be compared to these mastery of mastery, and Guchensha himself is really a hundred thousand miles away.

This method is just the most suitable for him. It is in line with his mentality, best in line with his ideals, and most personal.

Just like a piece of clothing, it's not very gorgeous, it's not very precious, it's ordinary, but it fits well and is comfortable.

That's it.

If the calculation of Xingqiang's can be obtained, this path can definitely be taken a step further, so that Guchensha can see many directions. This is the supreme treasure that he obtained and the perfect way of heaven and earth.

No treasure is better than the perfection of this method.

However, Gu Chensha still wanted to bargain with Xing Qiongshi: "Do you calculate this for me, do you want me to urge Huayu Run to open the seal of your Yushan? If I guess well, I want to open this Yushan Even if there is the power of the Emperor's Seal Divine Art, it is actually very difficult, and you should encounter a counterattack. You teach Wudang Kong's peerless science, but it is not really good to really help her. It may be that she is not strong enough to resolve this Yushan. It ’s just that, or when this Yushan is resolved, it will trigger a special prohibition that will cause her to die directly. "

Wudang Kong heard the words of Gu Chensha, and his heart moved.

The three parties began to calculate, fighting wit.

"Yes, this Yushan, with your strength, will be backstabbed even if it is dissolved. There will be no doubt that if my seal is so well untied, someone will already do it, and it will not be your turn, let alone wait for it. Now. "Xing Qiongshi did not hide.

"Okay." Gu Chensha promised: "I can help you to open Yushan, but in addition to asking you to help me infer arithmetic, I also need to give me blood, and I must cultivate your life into a combat experience, and you The experience of being different is all to me, how? "

"Boy, you are so greedy." Xing Qiongshi was not angry. "Even my blood, even a trace, is not what you can bear. Even God can't bear it. The sage has contaminated my blood. To lose the sacredness. As for my lifelong cultivation as a combat experience, even if it is instilled in you now, you ca n’t accept it. The sea of ​​knowledge will explode, even if your sea of ​​knowledge has become a cave space, it will not be able to bear the same experience. The same is true. I think you are pondering the way of odd numbers, and you have also figured out some doorways that really need people's guidance. But the way of odd numbers must be found by yourself. "

"I accept it or not, you don't need to worry about it." Gu Chensha knew that Zhugeya wanted these things, and there must be a way. He wanted to use the powerful force of Xingqiangshi to change the stars and get the funeral coffin. .

The burial of the burial world is deep in space and time. Zhuge Tooth can sense it, can it really be obtained? With all the cultivation of Jingxianji, at least it must be practiced for hundreds of years before it can be obtained.

But if you get the power of Xingqiangshi, it doesn't matter.

Although it is not known how Zhugeya will pass on this power, Gu Chensha knows that the Lord of the Seven Stars will never make a joke, nor will he fight unsure.

Since the acquisition of Zhugeya from the Jingxian Division, everything has been smooth and smooth, and it must be said that it is the credit of Zhugeya's calculations.

Without Zhugeya, Tian Yao Shu could not form a sphere of wish for life, nor could it defeat the conspiracy of Jingqiu, and Guchensha could not obtain some of the powers of the Great King Sacrifice and Hundred Sacrifice.

A Jingqiu alone can cause chaos in the world.

Even if the current Jingqiu is dormant in the desert, building its own empire and civilization, and accumulating luck, it is very terrifying.

Fa Wuxian did not take any advantage in front of Jingqiu.

There is also the resurrected Emperor Wudi.

In addition, the "rulers" stationed in the mansion of King Jade of the Jade Emperor formed the "Eternal Alliance". These ambitions are ambitious and disturb the generations of the world. A little carelessness will cause the world to be turbulent. Jingxian must have sufficient strength. .

For this, Gu Chensha didn't mind gambling.

He really wanted to make a deal with Xingqiangshi.

"I don't have any power or blood in this thread of thinking. The memory it contains is just a few tricks for cultivation. It doesn't contain a huge number of different experiences. It can't help you infer algorithms. You have to turn Yushan first. Free my mind, and I will be able to give you these things you want. "Xing Qiongshi thought for a while:" I can feel your sincerity, and I want to see what methods you can use to accept My blood and memory? "

"Did you open the Yushan Mountain first?" Gu Chensha knew that Xing Qiongshi was right. The murderer was suppressed and his thinking was difficult to operate. He released him by himself, but only a very small part of his thinking. The information contained in it was already there. There are many: "In fact, the various means contained in this part of your thinking were also released by me last time. You will not deny this cause and effect. Then let us return to one horse, and I will release you. Thinking, you should pass me the information in your thinking, how? "

"The boy is very cunning and cares." Xing Qiongshi smiled.

"It's not enough to deal with your existence. If you are not good, you will end up in a state of immortality. You have already touched the immortal way. We haven't, but we are naturally in a disadvantaged position to negotiate with you. Gu Chensha was sufficiently confident that he felt that Xingqiang would agree to deal with himself.

The main reason is not that Xing Qiongshi wanted to get out of trouble, but that he had something he was very curious about, that is, the blood of Emperor Tianfu.

This is something stronger than when he was heyday, and something he couldn't pursue. This kind of bloodline is absolutely enough for Xingqiang's appeal.

And Wu Dangkong has nothing to pay attention to, and he has seen the Fu Xing Fu Xing Xing Qi many times, and the ancient emperor with this object has also been killed by him.

"Both of you stop!" Xing Qiongshi suddenly came out of a mental wave, piercing the depths of Wudangkong's all things.

Wudang Kong was shocked ~ www.readwn.com ~ I was afraid that Xingqiangshi would use other means to show off everything, and he would be transformed into his own body.

"Wudangkong, this Xingqiang clan does not have any power. You can continue to fight with me without fear." Gu Chensha saw many clues: "I want to see if your cultivation is true. Refine me? "

"Senior, don't believe his rhetoric. I'll kill Yushan for seniors now." Wu Dangkong became fierce, suddenly turned into jade charms, and patted Yushan under his feet.

Seeing this woman's behavior, Gu Chensha shook her head in her heart and almost yelled: "This Wudang Kong is simply crazy and negotiating with the existence of Xing Qiongshi, it is to soften the hard bubble, once impulse, it will break the big thing. This Wu Dangkong didn't reach a deal with Xingqiangshi, but he really dared to open Yushan. "

He naturally would not let Wudangkong do this.

The body suddenly moved and had reached the other side. He picked up the sacred palm, and then gave the jade charm.

Wudang Kongzhang is stiff and soft, and secretly contains mystery. He actually resisted the power of Xunxianzhang, and was not taken away by a trace of mana. Instead, the entire body of ancient dust and sand was directly eliminated.

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