Dragon Talisman

Chapter 402: Huayushan

Zhuge Ya just got some Tao Yun from Tianyi Tianzun in the deep sphere of the wish of life, and the ancient dust immediately felt it. In his knowledge of the sea, he immediately absorbed these words, refined them, and calculated them to become his Taoism. portion. One novel W ≦ W

"Boy, I've taught you all my experience in this will. It's rare that you cracked down on the evil spirit. Next, let's do things according to our transaction?" Xing Qiong Road.

"We're saying OK, as long as I use the jade charm to deconstruct this jade mountain, I can get your bloodline and all memories?" Gu Chensha confirmed again.

"Yes, as long as you can accept it, I have no problem." Xing Qiongshi was simply.

"Also, it is enough for me to get rid of this Yushan alone." Gu Chensha continued: "This useless woman Wudang Kong is not necessary. You must have seen a lot of things in this month ’s battle. Even if you cultivate her like this, she won't be able to become a climate. This girl is my enemy. If you insist on letting her participate in the development of Yushan, then we have nothing to say, and I will try my best to stop it. "

"Good boy, I have never seen anyone who dared to bargain with me. I admire your courage." Xing Qiongshi almost smiled.

"After you come out and see my father, you won't say that." Gu Chensha held his hands and seemed to eat the taste of Xing Qiong's.

"I really want to see this person." There is an impatient expectation in Xingqiang's tone: "Well, I promise you, since that's the case, let's start."

"Senior, don't promise him." At this time, Wu Dangkong appeared again from the sun and moon altar.

"Oh!" Gu Chen's eyes shot out with fascination: "Now Xingqiang has taught you all the things contained in this thought, but you still can't help me, and you just urged the Rifting Sacrifice to be Riding on my inability to digest fierce thoughts, you are already poor. "


Ancient dust and sand burst out of unprecedented power, just one palm split the past.

Wu Dangkong didn't dare to resist at this time, and started to run away with a long shout. If she wanted to run away, Gu Chensha could chase her down, and she was sure to catch up with her, but even if she caught up with it, Will hide into the depths of the sun and moon altar space, why not.

This was his own means at the time, and now he is being used as a sanctuary by Wudang Kong.

Moreover, the transaction with Xingqiangshi is the most important right now.

As long as the transaction is successful, what is Wudang Kong? Sooner or later, seizures will be seized.

"This nasty fly is gone, and we start trading." Gu Chensha sighed. "I knew it already, why did it? It wasted so much time for you and me."

"I don't feel that I'm wasting time. I have touched the immortal way. Time doesn't make any sense to me. Besides, although I have been robbed, I haven't died. This is an opportunity for me to let me realize. A lot of good things. "Xing Qiong's voice came out, unhurried:" And you have got a lot of benefits this time, sharpen your physical body like no other before, at least I have seen a lot of powerful existence, in your realm At that time, it was basically not as strong as you. "

"What about yourself?" Gu Chensha has achieved great achievements in the past month or so. He used Wudang Kong to sharpen himself without saying anything, and shattered the cave sky that combines the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge and Qihai. Go one step further.

"I was born so arrogant." Xing Qiong said: "You don't understand my realm now, but it doesn't matter, let's start."

"One more detail, I won't melt all of this Yushan." Gu Chen said: "It's still the same as before, I will open up some, and you should be able to liberate some of your thinking, and you will teach me some. Let us A drop comes, and it is impossible for me to directly open Yushan. "

Guchensha has long been calculated, and the transaction with Xingqiangshi has been detailed.

Every time you open a mountain of jade, you must get the memory of Xing Qiong's liberation, so that you can slowly progress, digest slowly, save a lot of trouble in the future, and prevent Xing Qiong's remorse.

"You're not leaking, be careful, it seems I don't agree with it?" Xing Qiongshi stared at Gu Chensha for a while and said, "That's all it can be."


Gu Chensha stood on top of Yushan Mountain and looked at the mountainous terrain. The seawater around him had no pressure on him at this moment.

He has been on the bottom of the sea for more than a month. According to the truth, even the strongest person, as long as he is physical, will not be able to survive on the bottom of the sea for so long.

Even when Fa Wuxian was in the 19th state of Taoism, he wanted to lurk in such a deep place on the ocean floor, basically there was no such state.

The ancient dust sand is more than easy.

Hum ...

Gu Chen's hand urged the Huayu Rune, which was running in the palm of his hand, and suddenly caught it.


On top of this jade mountain, another fist-sized jade was captured and turned into astral liquid in his hands, and then absorbed into the body.

The solidness of the Yushan ore here cannot help even the gods, and the saints are powerless. The only thing that can dissolve the Yushan Mountain is the Huayu Rune of Tianzifeng Divine Art.

Because of this, this jade contains extremely powerful energy, which is transformed into agar slurry and liquid, which is extremely nourishing for ancient dust and sand.

Even this jade contains divinity, and even some of the essence of the three heavenly deities are in it.

These essences will condense into the Qiongjiangyuyu, and in a blink of an eye, it will turn into its own bosom. The body can be tempered, and it can even be stored, to nourish the sphere of the wish of the future.

Think about it, how arrogant Yushan can be, even the saints are helpless? How pure is the energy contained in it?

Gu Chensha would like to obtain this Yushan even if he did not reach an agreement with Xingqiangshi.

The vitality contained in this jade mountain has probably passed a lot of Qinglong Shenmu. The ancient dust and sand gained a little last time, but unfortunately, I did not realize the mystery, only absorbed some aura, and some of the purest things were lost in vain When I fell, I couldn't feel it at that time, I thought I swallowed all the essence of this jade liquid. But I do n’t know many of the most core things. After being swallowed, I could n’t digest it, and then I was excreted from the body and dissipated between heaven and earth.

But now, the improvement of Gu Chensha is to improve his vision, and there will be no mistakes.

After a mass of Qiongjiangyuyu blended into the body on the palm, the ancient dust and sand meridians, the acupoints, actually condensed out again.

First, Jin Dan, the master of Tanzhong Point, followed by Baihui, Laogong and Yongquan.

After these Jindans condensed, with the thoughts of ancient dust and sand, they suddenly dispersed and combined with their own blood. It was a move of thoughts, and they condensed again.

If this situation makes the master of Xiandao Xuanmen look, I am afraid it will be scared.

Any master who refines Jindan must carefully consider Jindan and slowly purify it. Otherwise, problems will easily occur.

Moreover, we must also guard against going into magic and becoming a magical person.

Where can there be such a random condensate, random throughput, random dispersal and re-condensation?

But Guchensha now fully understands the secret of Jindan, which is a combination of Yuanshen and Qi, which is compressed to produce a great energy accumulation. The so-called Dan is very easy to use if it is used well.

Grabbing a large piece of jade on the fist, this Yushan seems to be slightly shaken, and the shape of the Xingqiang Family in front of it seems to have become a bit more real.

"Xing Qiongshi, you can pass me the part of the unblocked memory now. After playing this transaction, we will make other plans." Gu Chensha refused to relax.

"That's nature." Xing Qiong's did not regret it, but was an idea, passing on the memory experience of unblocking. One of them still carries a terrible meaning.

However, Gu Chen has the original experience, and this time he has improved a lot, he actually runs in secret, absorbs it again, and sends it into the sphere of the wish of life.

This is the will, not the energy, nor the real thing. Therefore, the teleportation does not consume much of the sphere itself.

Zhuge Ya in the sphere of Cangsheng's Wish obtained the idea again, and calculated deeply to perceive the mystery with his own wisdom.

Hum ...

The shape of the Taiyi Tianzun in that Taiyizhu is also much clearer, among which there are more rhymes, and the sermons are also flowing one after another, which is almost endless.

Some of Tai Yizhu's own abilities have also been activated, and she has also begun to absorb the power of chaos.

"Miaoyu, it is indeed the supreme treasure of Taiyi Xuanmen. Unfortunately, Taiyi Xuanmen cannot be used." Zhuge Ya admired: "With the help of Tai Yizhu, the sky sapling grows quickly, and It was incomparable before. What we lack most in Jingxian now is time. It is troublesome to release Xingqiangshi, but we can only bet on it. "

The ancient dust and sand completely digested the essence of the astral pulp in this jade, and the whole body was relaxed. When it was repaired for pure operation, the physical body seemed to spread out at any time, and it really turned into mana.

The huge amount of his savings ~ www.readwn.com ~ has been ancient and rare. Even if the three great deities are in this state of his cultivation, it is impossible to have such huge savings.

But the more so, the more vigilant he was, because when the seal was opened, the atmosphere of Xingqiang became more secretive, I am afraid that he had some magical powers.

However, he secretly communicated with Zhuge Ya. Zhuge Ya let him relax his mind and have his own way.

"Well, you can use the jade charm again." Xing Qiongshi urged.

"It seems that you are also very anxious." Gu Chensha observed for a long time, and felt it necessary to go on again, and grabbed again, and once again reduced the size of the fist jade.

The entire Yushan is hundreds of miles in radius, and the bottom is in a trench that does not know how deep. The ancient dust and sand have been reduced to such a degree, and I am afraid that it will not melt for a thousand years. This is almost a child, picking up stones and throwing them into the sea In an attempt to fill the ocean.

However, with the improvement of ancient dust and sand, it is definitely not as simple as digging a small stone.

In this transaction, he will first promote the Twenty Changes of the Tao and develop the quality of the heavenly law as never before. King of Mana.

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