Dragon Talisman

Chapter 403: Universe Xuanmen 3 more

The Eastern Wasteland is a collective name. There is no fixed area, that is, the east of Shenzhou reaches the end directly, and they are collectively referred to as the East. ≥1 novel W≤WW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

The concept of east, west, south, and north is centered on Shenzhou University 6.

It can be said that Shenzhou University 6, since ancient times, has been the core and the most central location of Endless University 6. Countless romantic figures, the sacred people, basically all come from Divine Land.

Divine Land seems to have some inexplicable power.

The sacrifice of heaven offering also appeared in Shenzhou University 6, fell into the hands of the people of Shenzhou, and never appeared in the barbaric land.

Since ancient times, only the emperor who unified China can call the emperor orthodox. The others are barbaric, inaccessible, and barbarians.

Even in the Western dynasty, the Emperor Huanglong Emperor is a saint and still does not belong to orthodoxy.

"This ancient wasteland has been where the Immortal Xuanmen has been stationed since ancient times, while the south is wild and deserted, and the north is the desert Gobi Glacier and the west is the ocean. But the Endless Big 6 is extremely wide, and it is really endless, even if it is The sage can't fly beyond the end and edge of this big 6 exploration.

Because of this, Endless Big 6 got an endless reputation.

The entire Da 6 does not know how many scenery, even the mountains and rivers in the east, the ancient dust and sand feel like lingering and returning, endless.

Compared to the sinister nature of the wild, Donghuang is really a man of great strength. Many martial art masters have settled in it, trying to obtain a fairy edge. After being selected by which of the immortal sects, they have the opportunity to obtain the secret of longevity.

Gu Chensha knew that even now, many people from all over the country go to Donghuang to ask for help every year, but most of them die in the mountains.

Donghuang is not very peaceful, the situation is complicated, there are many martial arts characters, and the disciples of Xiandao Xuanmen are uneven, and there is basically no unified law. After most of the disciples of Xiandao killed and surpassed the goods, they hid in the martial arts and could not find out.

Ancient dust and sand are very familiar with the situation in the east.

The thing of Jin Suibo is to collect the data of the major Xiandao martial arts in Donghuang, and the recent events have continuously gathered the submissions, studied and calculated in detail, and mastered the first-hand information at all times.

In addition, Jin Suibo also installed informants in the mysterious gates of the immortals.

These informants also secretly pass on messages.

Under the painstaking efforts of Jin Suibo, Jingxian Division has been woven into a dense net, which has gradually penetrated the interior of the Xuanmen of Xiandao.

Jingxian Division has huge financial resources. In the past, there were two treasure manufacturing factories in Zhougong Longmen, especially in Zhougong. Cooperating with the strength of the sphere of life's wishes, it created a large number of armored weapons and fu fu.

In addition, the magic weapon manufactured by Jingxian Division was also sold in large quantities to the Xuanmen of Xiandao, earning a lot of wealth.

Only recently, because both Zhougong Palace and Dragon Gate were directly absorbed by the Heavenly Demon Tree when it was born, no new treasure was born, resulting in a little lack of control over Xiandao Xuanmen.

This is also a matter of no means. After the birth of the sky demon tree, it has undergone supreme transformation. In the long run, it must be done like this, but within a short period of time, within ten or eight years, the sapling has condensed out. Various baby.

This is still with the help of Tai Yizhu, otherwise within a few hundred years, the sky demon tree will not be able to help it, and even the wish of life can not accumulate any drop of energy in the sphere.

This is the overbearing of the demon.

Both Guchensha and Zhugeya are thinking of ways to make the Tianyue tree rise quickly, otherwise the world is in full swing and it has been delayed for decades. Is it enough for hundreds of years?

Flying high in the eastern wasteland, overlooking the mountains and rivers, some peaks are much higher than the clouds, inserted into the depths of the sky, and there are powerful forbidden laws on it. Needless to say, there are some powerful martial arts gates.

In addition, there are mountains and clouds, which are like mirages. If you want to fly in, it is impossible and you will get lost in it. This is also a method of some martial arts.

Of course, these are only the qualitative means of the second and third-class ancestral gates of Xiandao, and the seventy-two mysterious gates of Taikoo have opened up huge time and space.

The ancient dust and sand did not startle the powerful existence, and evaded the array of mountains in the past along the way, and went straight to the depths of the eastern wasteland, where the universe's mysterious gate is located.

After three days and nights, he didn't stop flying, and then he reached the depth of Donghuang.

In his degree, three days and three nights, the monks at the level of the eighteenth transformation can be flown for a year or even years.

In the depths of the Eastern Wasteland, the scenery has changed again. Between the mountains and mountains, there are often huge plains, and some of the plains are equivalent to a state of the Great China 6 and even a few states.

In this huge plain, there is a lush population, with cities, towns, and villages, and then united to become a country, and there are kings and emperors in the country.

Gu Chensha knows that most of these plains are not born, but are clever monks who use great magical powers to move the mountains and rivers to create plains that allow ordinary people to thrive. One is to supplement the foundation of the martial arts It is the magical monks who do experiments like Jingqiu, and want to use this means to understand time, red dust, and world secrets.

Of course, ancient dust and sand traveled in this eastern wilderness for three days and three nights. I saw that most of the people on the plains were not very strong in national fortune, and their spirits were scattered. The Samar Empire is far behind.

In addition, the characters, culture, and even books read by these people's nations are inherited from Divine Land.

The Nasama Empire, however, is a text created by Jingqiu himself, and even a calculation method. It seems that a saint is creating a brand-new civilization.

From this point of view, Jingqiu's talents are rough, and he is so profound that even Wuxian is not an opponent.


Ancient dust and sand appeared on a plain surrounded by high mountains.

This plain is about two or three sizes of Xianzhou, and the area is vast. The surrounding mountains are also straight into the sky. The mountains are snow-capped and very holy and clean.

"Here, this is where the cosmic mysteries are." Gu Chensha remembered Jin Suibo's information.

On this vast plain, there is also a country, which is very prosperous. The ancient dust and sand even saw some monks flying around and descending towards the surrounding snow mountains.

He glanced at it for a moment. Although the country was peaceful, although it was not as fierce as it was fiery, it had some long-lasting taste of Fukuzawa.


He landed directly inside the capital city of the country, and there was a huge temple built into the shape of a round place with bright rays of light on it, rushing into the sky and staying ancient.

The temple was written with four large characters "The Great Temple of the Universe".

This is the point of contact with the interior of the mountain gate in the secular world.

Ancient dust and sand fell in front of the temple door, and saw two gatekeepers, like tigers, but with horns on their heads, wings on their backs, golden eyes, and hair all over the body like gold.

This is a golden retriever. It is so powerful that it can naturally see through ghosts and ghosts, and it can be swallowed directly. It is almost equivalent to the ability of the thirteenth change of the state to swallow the demon ghoul. Magical powers can be compared with the thirteen monks of the state.

In addition to these two golden retrievers, there are several boys cleaning outside.

Seeing Gu Chen appear here, a few of the boys were not panicked, but just said, "The comer stops, this is where the universe temple is."

"The people in Xia Naxian Road must enter the universe's mysterious gate, and you should report it." Gu Chensha waved his hand, but did not indicate his identity.

The two golden retrievers seemed to understand human speech, their ears stood up, their eyes twinkled, and they looked at the ancient dust.

Gu Chensha released his breath slightly, and the two golden retrievers hurried back, seeming to be frightened.

A few boys were taken aback. They knew that Golden Retriever had the ability to inspect the visitors. This shows that this person is absolutely no small matter.

A boy hurried in, and came out about half an hour later, and made a gesture of please to Gu Chensha.

Gu Chensha followed the boy into the temple. All roads were wide and avenues, simple and vast, without pavilions, pavilions, corridors, revealing a vast universe and boundless mysteries.

This construction style has penetrated the secrets of time and space.

Walking into the door of an ancient and vicissitudes of the main hall, the boy retreated silently.

Ancient dust and sand stepped directly into the temple.

He saw that although it was dark in the depths of the palace, two people were standing, a man and a woman, a male immortal wind bone, and a woman with a graceful attitude.

All are Wizards.

"Unexpectedly, it was the Lord Jingxian Division Dust and Sand King who came here, and our cosmic Xuanmen had a long way to go. The Supreme Master received the news and specially ordered us to greet him. For neglect, please forgive Wang."

Gu Chensha saw that the other party knew her identity ~ www.readwn.com ~. It was not surprising that Chang Weiyang had a deep calculation. She was afraid that she was not under the saint. She would have moved her heart when she came here.

"This visit to the Xuanmen of the universe was very hasty. I didn't bring any gifts. It was me who was indifferent." Gu Chen's thoughts suddenly moved into the sea of ​​knowledge of the young men and women: "This is a point of practice The small skills were created by the ancient seven-star Lord Jiang Gongwang. I think the two practitioners are about to reach the state of the Fourteen Changes and Gods. This set of small skills is to refine the spiritual power in the sea. Make it pure, so the primordial spirit condensed out will be more tenacious, and will not go into magic. Of course, the universe Xuanmen method is deep, but the stones of other mountains can attack jade, and two can learn from one or two. "

In the sea of ​​consciousness of male and female monks, two more groups of exercises appeared in an instant, and looked at each other a little. After seeing it, there was a happy expression on the face. This exercise was simply wonderful and exquisite.

"Thank you for your gift, please." The young men and women walked deep into the palace. Immediately, a huge gate of time and space appeared. Behind that portal, another world appeared. There is no doubt that there is the true position of the universe gate.

Gu Chensha was very curious about Chang Weiyang, a woman who actually felt a sense of eagerness to see her.

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