Dragon Talisman

Chapter 409: I don't know where to go 3 more

"Xing Qiong's? Xing Qiong's?"

Ancient dust and sand call. > A novel novel ≧ W≤W < W≤. ≤1 ≦ X ≦ IQA ≦ OQS

But there was no response to the call.

This time he was somewhat unexpected, "Is it? Xing Qiong's escape from the trap? Impossible, there is no sign of this Yushan? How did he escape?"

He was a little worried as he thought that things might be out of his control.

"Cang Shengxuan Gong!" Gu Chensha started his own Xuan Gong and lurked violently below.

After half an hour, he just lurked to the deepest point. Now Yushan is still covering all the trenches, and there is still nothing moving underneath. No one knows what is suppressed under Yushan.

The breath of Xingqiang's has disappeared.

Originally, the ancient dust and sand could feel the endless ferocious atmosphere suppressed under the mountain, but now the ferocious atmosphere has completely disappeared, and basically there is no feedback.

All signs indicate that Xingqiong's is no longer under the mountain.

"Can't Xingqiang really come out of the trap? Have me played with it? But if that's the case, then I'm not surprised. If the murderer is so simple and reached an agreement with me, I need to rescue him , Then it is not the first fierce in Divine Land. "Gu Chensha guessed.

He searched again and tried all kinds of methods, but to no avail, he couldn't find the trace of Xingqiangshi.

If Xing Qiongshi wanted to get out of trouble, he would definitely come to communicate with him. Now he was motionless, silent, and very weird.

Fortunately, ancient dust and sand can be used invariably.

Now that Xingqiongshi is out of dilemma, the ancient dust and sand just collect the jade mountain here, and use it as the basis for the material for refining puppets.

This jade mountain was made by many ancient emperors and three celestial masters of that year, and the mysterious energy contained in it is simply unpredictable.

Gu Chensha didn't think the jade was powerful before, but now it is refined, at least comparable to some old antiques. The understanding of this jade is not as good as it used to be, knowing that a small group of jade can be compared to Xiandaoxuan In the door is the top material of the smelter, but there is no flame in the world that can melt this jade.

Except for the jade charm in the emperor's seal.

Moreover, the jade here suppresses Xingqiongshi for a long time, it has been sharpened by its fierce air, and it has become more solid, and has mysterious, almost united with evil.

Even if the ancient dust sand is repaired now, it can only be spent piece by piece.

Otherwise, the ancient dust sand is now repaired, and it can directly move hundreds of mountains.

A big mountain, he is almost backhand, he can use his own fire to refine it, turn it into magma, and then reshape it.

But this Yushan, he urged the Huayu Rune, so he can only grab a small piece.

From the bottom of the sea, standing on the top of Yushan, the ancient dust and sand once again cast the jade amulet, and severely beat it down. At once, a large piece of jade on the human head was cracked down, and then he urged his magical power, kept carving and condensing. Layered into it.

After turning the jade into a jade, the jade ability can be constantly urged to turn this jade into something similar to the jade liquid, which can be shaped at will, and then solidifies, but it can also be destroyed.

Only the Huayu Rune in Tianzifeng Divine Art can possess such power.

After the head-sized jade turned into jade liquid, it continued to circulate under the powerful force of ancient dust and sand, and finally turned into a human figure.

The man was dressed in a shirt, holding a three-pointed, two-edged sword, and raised eyebrows.

This is the image of the God of Cangsheng.

Gu Chensha's cultivation is now complete, and he was extremely arrogant. He used the power of the cosmic thunder pool to run the physical body, and after tempering it, he made up all the imperfections. , The body is no longer the power of 108 Jindan, but hundreds, even thousands.

Because he has already opened many small bodies in his body, and the acupuncture points have been opened one by one, and he is vomiting fairy qi.

These changes have made him not need to absorb jade fluid to strengthen his body, so jade fluid is of little use to him for the time being.

When a monk's own cultivation cannot be improved, in order to enhance the combat effectiveness, puppets will be refined, as is the ancient dust.

That day, when the demon tree was promoted, it not only absorbed the core remnants of the Zhou Palace and Dragon Gate, but also all the 360 ​​heads of the gods of life were swallowed up.

Ancient Dust is now able to re-fine Cangsheng Shenjiang.

Based on the jade of Sealing Xingqiong's family, the refined God of God will go further than the original God.

In a short while, a **** who is one foot tall will condense into a prototype.

This **** of life will actually have two faces, the front face is compassionate, and the back face is determined and enterprising.

This shows the two different characteristics of Cang Sheng Bu Tian Shu and Cang Sheng Ge Tian Shu.

In this way, the God of Cangsheng was formed.

This newly refined **** of generals, on both sides of the body, although a one-foot-tall villain, reveals an immense power that is almost enough to sweep the world, and between the waves, Countless immortals gathered on the body.

"Very good, perfect." Gu Chensha was very satisfied with his masterpiece. The strongest place in this world is actually the ferocious spirit of Xing Qiongshi. Because the refined jade suppresses the Xingqiongshi for a long time, and over time, it is infected with the power of fierce evil. This fierce meaning even the gods and saints feel horror and have strong spiritual coercion.

After the Cangsheng God will be successfully refined, there is no movement below, it seems that Xing Qiong's really has left.

The ancient dust sand horse kept on refining, continued to refine, and then collapsed a large piece of jade charm on the human head, refining the God of Cangsheng, and the first God of Cangsheng who had just been refined also came out to help him refining together.

As a result, it is much faster.

Subsequently, the second God of Cangsheng was also successfully refined.

The ancient dust and sand collapsed again into the third jade.

Crackling! Three days and three nights passed, and around the body of Guchensha, there were three hundred and sixty gods floating around, all of them were one-foot-tall villains, but each of them had torn the heavens and the earth, dominating the sky Unparalleled momentum and power. These mighty powers gather together, and there are few who can compete between the sharp sweep.

The great thing about these blessed gods is that their bodies are strong and can hardly be destroyed.

Because their raw materials are jade that even saints cannot destroy.

Only the jade amulet of Tianzifeng Divine Art can disintegrate it.

"The three hundred and sixty gods will not be enough. I must refine more." Gu Chensha knew that now the three hundred and sixty gods will be trained, and they can help themselves to increase some power, but The power of these common gods to unite, in fact, can be able to trap the twenty-three change "see the past" characters such as Skeleton Demon Emperor, it is very difficult to kill.

Skeleton Demon Mana's mana quality is the dust method, not even the rock method.

It is mainly because the God of Cangsheng has just been refined and has not yet accumulated enough power.

After the successful refining of any magic weapon, it will take a long time to prepare, nourish, and nurture before finally reaching the state of great consummation.

In the Universe Thunderchief, Tai Xuandu and Chang Weiyang all saw this scene.

"This jade is really one of the best refining materials between heaven and earth. It is almost close to innateness. Unfortunately, we ca n’t even refining. Only the jade amulets of Tianzifeng Divine Art can be refined." Chang Weiyang observes the ancient Everything that dust does.

"Xing Qiong's absent, this is bad news." Tai Xuandu's face was very ugly: "I am afraid something will happen, and a catastrophe is approaching, although it is also bad for the three deities. News, but for us, I am afraid there will be no peace. "

"Yeah, the calamity is coming. We will never be alone. We are one of the figures standing at the pinnacle of this world. In the midst of it, we are also implicated by huge cause and effect. In the future exhibition, we are patronizing the calamity first. Object. "Chang Weiyang also felt that the matter was urgent.

Just as the world is turbulent, the most striking are the emperor, the court, and the nobles. In the storm, these people will eventually fall, and some civilians may live in seclusion somewhere and not be involved.

For Chang Weiyang and Tai Xuandu, it is impossible to avoid the catastrophe.

"It seems that this boy really knows that the emperor can seal the magic, and there is no doubt about it." Chang Weiyang admired it very much: "Although his refining technique is still shallow, it can be vaguely deep and profound. Below, this puppet really can reach a very high level and has great lethality. "

"Yes ~ www.readwn.com ~ The material of this jade is amazing. Many ancient princes worked together to make it, sealed the Xingqiang, and infected with the evil spirit, but it became more wonderful." Taixuandu appeared on his face. Some thoughtful look: "In fact, we can share some of these jade."

"That's nature." Chang Weiyang said, "This boy can't refining all of Yushan at all. The sea bottom of Yushan is hundreds of miles away, as high as ten thousand feet. He can continue to do so for decades."

It took Guchensha for three days and three nights to get 340 pieces of jade, the size of a human head. Compared with a mountain, it is not even a cow or a hair.

"I think he wants to make three, six hundred heads of this maggot, which should be almost the same." Tai Xuandu said: "But without the churning of Xingqiangshi, it is not so much to deal with the three great apes. It's simple. I originally thought that the son would reach some agreement with Xing Qiongshi, and then made a fierce attack against the three great apes. We knocked on the side drums, but now Xing Qiongshi can't take the shot, should we go up? "

"Waiting at the changes, this son's strategy can always surprise us." Chang Weiyang said: "We don't take any action now, and the three big deities are the ones to be jealous. It holds down the three celestial beings, and we have nothing to do with the three great apes. "

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