Dragon Talisman

Chapter 428: Dan armor sword 3 more

Gu Chensha himself knew his own affairs, and wanted to break through to reach the realm of mana, and practice the qualities of the Tao of Heaven. As Zhuge Ya said, he was a thief. > ≧ One novel W < W ≦ W≤. ≦ 1 ≦ XIAOSHUO. Com

This is different from different numbers.

The odd number is a clear sign of rebellion.

The thief steals national luck and court finances from the court.

This is not easy.

Gu Chensha decided to make preparations with both hands. While stealing the mana of heaven, he learned the difference, rebelled against the heaven, and gained some incredible great power.

"The sky demon tree is stable." Baby Xuanwu came out and said, "This time, even if the top sage comes to attack us, it is impossible to break the defense of the sphere of the wish of life, and our Jingxian Division is now stable."

"It's not stable yet." Zhuge Ya's face was very dignified: "But we have the ability to protect ourselves, but the attack power is still not very large. To truly wield the power of this sphere, we must have god-level masters who can Cui Dongdong's power. "

"This is necessary, Mr. Zhuge, you should have already seen the Twenty-Three Changes in the past." Condensed for three months in the sphere of the wish of life, at this time has reached the twenty-three days of Tianfu, ancient Dust knows that in addition to cultivating Zhugeya here, he incarnates in folk travels and learns many secrets of time.

With his instinct, Guchensha felt that the realm of Zhugeya had been unknowingly elevated.

Now the spiritual power of Guchensha has reached two million with one heart, and the qualifications are already born saints. These are all caused by the second blood of the Emperor Tianfu.

However, he could not yet stimulate the power of this bloodline at will.

If you can reach that point, you will certainly be able to break through all obstacles and break any obstacles, and any cultivation problems can be solved easily.

Originally, the twenty-three changes in the state of affairs "seeing the past" was a threshold, which was difficult to achieve. Many masters are stuck here, and even Fa Wuxian was unable to break through when he fought with Jingqiu, but Zhuge Ya is the master of the seven stars. Even if there is no adventure, he can definitely reach 36. The highest realm of alternation.

Therefore, Zhugeya got stuck here for a while, and it broke directly.

Zhuge Ya itself has been in the folk for a long time, and it only took a few years to enter the Jingxian Division. It is very clear that the people's livelihood is suffering, old and sick.

So he broke through, but Lou Baiyue stayed in the realm of the twenty-two changes in the state of the law, and he couldn't break through. He needed to learn more at this level.

"This time the Tian Yao Tree has finally grown up, and its own strength is stronger than us." After Zhuge Ya and Gu Chensha discussed the cultivation for a while, they looked at the Tian Yao Tree: "The next thing is to expand our Jing The influence of Xiansi, recruiting and buying horses, it ’s time for expansion. The larger the number of people, the stronger the luck. Anyone who agrees with our philosophy will strengthen the power of this sphere of life, the so-called wish of life, It is only by concentrating between the heavens and the earth that strength of life can be strengthened. "

"In order to expand the influence of Jingxian Division, the key point is the elixir, armor, and weapons, which must be exported in large quantities, especially the elixir. It must be practical. Our former star also has some improvements that can be improved. There is also a shortage of supply, but since the days of the demon tree have been trained, our supply has been in short supply. Now Jingxian's business has fallen a lot. Now. "

"Yes, the sky demon tree has absorbed so much milk of the earth, and there are countless treasures of the ape family. The value of the nurturing will definitely pass those treasures, and even the Tianlu from your collection has been fully integrated into it, and the milk of the earth Together, this makes the demon tree have supreme power. After calculation, I can make the most suitable elixir condensed on the demon tree. This dan is called 'renlongdan'. "Zhugeya slightly urged.

Suddenly, there was an elixir the size of mung beans on the demon tree.

The elixir fell like raindrops, and then he grabbed one and placed it on the palm. The elixir was pure gold, but there were green stripes on it, as if the green beans were inlaid with emerald green. This is the case with gold inlaid jade.

"This person, Long Dan, I have improved it. For every ten tablets I take, I can improve myself to a slight qualification, and then take a hundred tablets, I can upgrade to a medium qualification, and if I take a thousand tablets, I can upgrade to a high qualification. Taking 100,000 tablets, you can become a genius qualification. In addition to improving your qualifications, this Dan also contains extremely pure innate aura, which is great for cultivation. It can also destroy the demon, exorcise magic and magic, After taking it for a long time, even if it enters the demon realm, it will not be demonized. It can also strengthen its own flesh and blood strength. Even if you do n’t practice martial arts, after taking a hundred pieces, you will have the power of four cattle. If you cooperate with martial arts cultivation, That will have the power of six cows. "Zhuge Ya said:" This Dan is the elixir after Xiaoxing also improved Dan. It can definitely be popular at home and abroad. "

"After taking it, destroying the demon, exorcising the magical spirit and the magical nature, this is simply a weapon against the demons. In the past, the most troublesome of the invasion of the demonicity was the magical gas. Any monk invaded by the magical gas will be enchanted and completely lose his reason. Do not talk about killing everywhere. Over time, people will be transformed by magic gas and become monsters. ”Gu Chensha overjoyed:“ Now, after taking this elixir, people can not be invaded by magic gas. In this way, Even if the demons break through the seal, we humans can calmly resist, and we will not be helpless as we have learned many times in history. "

"This is the most important thing. If this Dan is popular, human beings can also enter the demon realm to explore." Zhuge Ya stroked this "human dragon Dan" with emotion, "As soon as this Dan is manufactured, we will have infinite merits. At least, it can at least subvert the ending of the confrontation between humans and demons. This is actually the supreme secret learned from the picture of the demonized man. Man is the spirit of all things. When all the demon races reach the end, they must understand the human body. The mystery of operation is superb, so that you can incarnate as an adult and out of the realm. To a certain extent, the birth of human beings is actually a kind of out of control of the heavenly creations, and human beings are species that the heavens cannot control. "

"This is true. Human beings are indeed species that cannot be controlled by heaven and earth, because only among human beings can there be different numbers." Lou Baiyue seemed to understand what truth was reached: "There is a human in the picture of a million demonized people. The core mystery is this. In fact, even if it is a demons, the ultimate purpose is to be human, and to gain humanity, it is possible to comprehend the supreme mystery, and they have to dispel their magical properties. "

"Yes, even the demons must finally understand human nature. In fact, humans are dragons, dragons are humans. There is no difference between the two." Zhuge Ya said a shocking statement: "The final end of the demons, It's all about exorcism and gaining humanity, and so is Wan Yao. In fact, Wan Yao also includes Wan Demon. Demon is nothing more than some demon. "

"In this way, Renlong Dan contains the mystery of thousands of demonized people, then the natural magic can not invade?" Gu Chensha fully understood the mystery of this Dan.

"This dan spreads to the world, then you will not be afraid of the demons, even in the future, many adventurers, rivers and lakes, and monks, radicals will kill into the demon realm and gain wealth. After all, the monsters in the demon realm, in fact, It is also very valuable. After killing the monsters, you can get rid of the magic. Many of the monsters' flesh and blood are great supplements, not to mention the souls of these monsters are extremely valuable. "

"That's the meaning. Since ancient times, human beings have been passive defenses against the explosion of magic disasters. They have never taken the initiative to attack, because the magical erosion of the magic domain is more difficult to penetrate than the wild jungle. Now these problems have been solved by our Jingxian Division. In the future, even Moyu will become the land of our eternal dynasty! "Lou Baiyue was relaxed.

In history, the barbarians attacked humans countless times, creating a history of blood and tears. Humans organized the army to resist many times because of environmental reasons, unable to enter the depths of the jungle, and ended up losing ground.

And the Yong Dynasty can make a large amount of horned armor, and then equip it to the army to penetrate the dense forest without any harm. This is a huge threat to the barbarians.

And now, Jingxian Division has been able to make large quantities of armor that is ten times stronger than horned armor, as well as anti-magic elixir.

So in time, the demon domain is just the next barbarian.

Moreover, the ancient dust and sand may extract magical energy and magical qi, and turn the magical realm into a beautiful countryside that can live and survive.


Zhuge Ya beckoned again, and an armor fell from the tree.

This armor is a dragon head, and with a little urging, wings appear behind it. The ancient dust and sand is a try. When the idea is moved, the armor is worn on the body. Immediately, everything is wrapped tightly. Not to mention, no guns, no fire and water, and a mysterious martial arts will pour into the sea. Among them, the automatic battle mode was turned on.

In other words, this armor contains the martial will and huge combat experience, and it can fight automatically, even like a teacher's boxer.

This armor is also capable of flying.


A dragon-shaped sword light also fell into the hands of Zhuge Ya ~ www.readwn.com ~ turned into a sword. This sword is engraved with many runes and sword meanings, and can even cause great damage to spirit bodies.

"Renlong Dan, Renlong Armor, Renlong Sword." Zhuge Ya said: "This is the latest production of our Jingxian Division. It replaces the original small star return Dan, the big star return Dan, and the star death sword, star death armor. .Sell all over the world. "

"When these three things come out, what Jingwu Chamber of Commerce, the Fortune Fair, and the National Games Party all have to rest. But Renlong Kai and Renlong Sword are too strong. If they are sold at a cheap price, we ca n’t make it. . "Gu Chen said.

"Of course that's not the case. Human dragon armor and human dragon sword are divided into levels. One star is the lowest and two stars are more powerful. They are divided into seven levels." Zhuge Yadao said: "Moreover, the price is very expensive. This is one side. , But our main business is leasing. "

"Lease?" Lou Baiyue glanced.

"Yes, it is renting. The swords and armors we produce contain the will of the sky demon tree. They are closely related and can be recovered with a little movement. In this way, you are not afraid of others renting them. The price is naturally a thousand times cheaper than that obtained directly after purchase, so that it can be popularized. "Zhuge Ya is also very business-minded.

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