Dragon Talisman

Chapter 431: Emperor Tianbing 3 more

For the three great respects, Gu Chen didn't think about it. One > Fiction W ﹤ W < W ﹤. Q1YXYI

At present, the layout of the three heavenly gods penetrates the Hongmeng tree in an attempt to gain authority, and their god-level masters have participated in this event, and it is likely that they cannot be separated. In this case, it is the best time for the ancient dust sand killing to kill in one fell swoop Cut out many of the wings left by the Three Heavenly Kings.

Of course, Guchensha still didn't rush to do it, but he was still observing in secret, and he couldn't listen to the words of the fighting nineteen.

He must also scrutinize carefully, watch its changes, make sure that he has mastered many secrets, understand the details of Dou 19, and then capture and kill again.

There are so many magic weapons on this son, he has a lot of cards, and it is not so easy to kill, especially the body may have the Fuyu and other things left by the three celestial deities.

So Gu Chensha felt that he had to steal these things first, and then he could crack down on them to be foolproof.

He is not in a hurry. This is a process of wit and courage. Even if Dou Jiu is strong, he will certainly find flaws.

"You still lurk here and wait for the opportunity." Doujiu came out and instructed: "I will go elsewhere, slay souls, set up altars, and communicate with my father. Before I return, you must not act lightly, know?"

"Yes, it's all under the orders of my brother." Li Rongguang flew away and lurked deep into the underground of King Yuhuang, the king of Nabaoyu again.

The bucket nineteen sleeve robes were unfolded and flew away from nothing.

Gu Chensha immediately performed a brilliant technique of hiding, biting in the back, and refused to relax, so he followed Dou Jiu to see what he was going to do.

Douban actually flew towards Shenzhou University 6.

Within an hour, it had already flown across the ocean, reached Shenzhou University 6, and then passed through the states and provinces, flying to the center of Shenzhou University 6, Yinzhou.

The seal rupture of the bottomless sea of ​​sin was reached before my eyes.


He walked straight through the cracked seal and entered the realm.

"Does this son also have to build an altar in the demon realm, kill the demon head? Establish the altar, and then communicate the three heavenly deities?" Gu Chensha thinks about it, only in the demon realm there are countless souls. , And dare not carry out large-scale killings in Endless Big 6. Only by going deep into the demon realm, slaying the demon soul, and sacrificing a large number of souls, can communication be possible.

Even if Doujiu is the son of the three celestial deities, to communicate with the three celestial deities, you must also perform sacrifices. It is impossible to obtain them for free. Otherwise, the three celestial princes do not know how many sons, descendants, and disciples. Rules, aren't they messy?

This is the same as the imperial court. Even the son of the emperor cannot endlessly request resources. He must make his own contribution and run his own business, at the most, with the help of some forces.

At that time, if the ancient dust sand was miserable, if it was not for the sacrifice of heaven offerings, I am still struggling and doing nothing.

At the entrance of this seal, there is still a huge wrought iron fortress, one is connected to the other, and it is still under construction. Countless demons are converging in the fortress of war, and hundreds of millions of demon heads are moving Capricorn. Divine curse, gather magic energy, in addition to the magic energy rolling from the air, but also into a series of magic dragons, flying in the air, these magic dragons are not life, but the lethality is comparable to the master of the magic realm .

Millions of Pylon Fortresses are united. I do n’t know how many billions, billions, or even billions of demon heads together read the Capricorn mantra.

Not to mention Dou Jiu, even if a god-level master comes and falls into it, I am afraid it is a dead word.

Because in this underworld iron fortress, there must be a demon-level master.

Dou 19 avoided the Iron Fortress and flew into the depths of the Demon Realm. The ancient dust and sand naturally clenched tightly and would not relax him in the slightest.

However, he watched these ghost iron fortresses secretly, and then proceeded like this, the ghost iron fortresses would really block the seals, and he would rarely come in by then.

Full flight day and night.

Doujiu seems to really enter the deepest part of the realm of magic, he is extremely fast, but fortunately the ancient dust and sand can keep up. Demon heads in the depths of the demon field are gradually increasing. There are black magic mountains everywhere. There is a demon spring under the devil mountain, and many plant fruits in the demon field can be grown for the demon to eat.

Demon tribes are scattered among the magic mountains.

Tribes and tribes also fight each other.

Of course, there are also some migrating tribes, called by the devil, to reach the rupture of the seal to prepare for the invasion of the endless 6.

"This is the place to build an altar." At this moment, Doujiu pinpointed a magic mountain, and suddenly opened his mouth, emitting a golden light.

Immediately, the golden light spread out, and it was actually built into a huge altar that was dozens of miles in height and as high as a mountain.

"Great Emperor!" At this time, Doujiu took a gourd from his body, and immediately after opening the gourd, a lot of golden light was sprayed out of it. These golden lights changed and turned into wearing dragon robes.傀儡.

These puppets, with high mana, far surpassed the Heavenly Dragon Soldiers.

At a glance at the ancient dust and sand, these heavenly soldiers are actually twenty-two changes in the state of affairs, and the realm of law, heaven and earth can be changed at will.

This is simply the limit of cricket.

"This thing is called the Emperor Heavenly Soldier?" Gu Chensha was secretly shocked. The self-refined God of the Crowd would also be regarded as a powerful character in the sorrow. However, compared with this Emperor Heavenly Soldier, there is still a lot of difference. How is it refined?

The current demon tree cannot condense out of this kind of maggot.

But think about it, this is the son of the three celestial deities, and the strong man who has become undead in the twenty-fifth state. It is not uncommon to work hard to make these emperors.

There are 360 ​​heads of the Heavenly Emperor here, which is exactly the number of Zhou Tian.

"Great Emperor Tianbing, go and arrest the Demons! Come to the altar!" Doujiu Duan sits on the altar that he built and directs the Emperor Tianbing.

Suddenly, each of these emperor soldiers turned into a huge whirlwind with a radius of tens of miles. The whirlwind flashed with thunder and lightning. When the thunder broke out, it lost its potential.

"This is simply amazing. The mana of each Emperor Tianbing is so powerful! It is much stronger than Jing Fanxing at the beginning. Doesn't that mean that Jing Fanxing can't even beat a cricket?" Gu Chensha felt it at this time. The richness of the three heavenly respects is definitely not comparable to the seventy-two mysterious gates of Xiandao.

Even if it is the first sect of Heaven and Earth, it is necessary to surrender to the three heavenly deities, and the entire immortal road is observant of the three heavenly horses, otherwise it will be punished.

These "Great Emperor Soldiers" are already twenty-two changed to "French heaven and earth." They can evolve into huge whirlwinds, dark clouds, lightning, and wind power. They often see a tribe in the demon domain, and they are covered by thousands of monsters. Tens of thousands of monsters were drawn into the wind, and the blood and soul were transformed into blood scarlets.

These 360 ​​"Emperor of the Emperor" turned into a lightning bolt, a whirlwind and a thunderstorm of 360 maps, flew around, swept across a tens of thousands of miles and entered.

After a while, these sweeping "Great Emperor Soldiers" came back, throwing many blood amulets onto the altar.

But Doujin was sitting on the altar and divided into many incarnations. The inscriptions were inscribed on the altar, and many runes penetrated into it, causing the altar to start to run continuously.

"The 19 kills of the demon head in this battle can alleviate a lot of pressure for us." Gu Chensha nodded secretly: "The strength of these emperors is really powerful, and they can form a lot of formations if they are combined. If I get it, Jingxian Division Add another powerful force, but now it seems that there are many treasures on this Doujiku. I ca n’t be anxious, I do n’t say anything else, it ’s just the combination of him and these 360 ​​emperors. , I ca n’t help it. "

Gu Chensha was very patient and he was ready to kill in one hit.

"Killing the Demons here can help Jingxian Si a lot, but I don't want to. Unfortunately, communicating with my father requires a strong sacrifice, otherwise I won't be able to get something out of thin air." Doujiu at the altar Collect those blood charms.

Each blood amulet contains a large amount of soul and essence, all monsters killed by the Emperor Tianbing.

However, these blood charms are far from enough.

He was not prepared to sacrifice.

Fully here for half a month, Doujiu has been collecting, and he has directed the Emperor Tianbing to sweep away monsters more and more.

Moreover, he was still shifting the position of the altar, and after the sweep of the tens of thousands of miles was completed, he moved to another place.

This is a flying altar.

After moving to dozens of places ~ www.readwn.com ~ Doujiku accumulated more and more blood talisman, but he still hasn't started sacrificing, he seems to be accumulating something.

Among them, there are some demon heads above Jindan level, but where are nineteen opponents, they were killed and sealed, and they became blood talisman.

Gu Chensha looked very envious. This bucket of nineteen was like a huge thief, sweeping in the demon realm, getting faster and faster. Wherever he arrived, the monsters there basically had no resistance.

Jingxian Division also has an altar in the demon domain, but it is impossible to learn Doujiu so arrogantly, and the killing rate is far less than him.

At present, it is the Liu Yu five people who guard the altar. Their cultivation is that the state of the twentieth has become disorganized. Together, the five can challenge the monks who are higher than them.

However, now Gu Gusha has calculated that Liu Yu's five people will join forces, and I am afraid that they will not be able to cope with the five-headed Emperor Tianbing.

Not to mention the three hundred and six Great Emperor Tianbing swarmed up.

Gu Chensha felt that the 360 ​​Emperor Tianbing still had a trick to kill and could be combined. Can put themselves in danger.

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