Dragon Talisman

Chapter 434: Patience 3 more

A clump of bright light is like a mirror, constantly calculating, but every time a critical moment is calculated, there is a blur in the mirror, and it is impossible to show what happened in the past. 1 novel W

"Master, is definitely a master, who has blinded the heavens, who is it? Is it Jingxian Division?" Dokujuku stopped the calculation: "But Jingxian Division does not have a stronger existence than my realm, maybe it may be the commonplace of Xuanmen of the universe. Weiyang, or some of the exiled masters in this magic realm? "

After calculating for a long time, he lost a lot of mana, Dou Jiu basically did not gain anything, and his heart was like a thunderous thunder, but it was nothing.

After losing his life-saving Fu Lu, there is also a jade pendant, and he also lost the Royal Road Gourd and the Emperor's Heavenly Soldier. His strength has dropped a lot. If he encounters a demon-level master again, there will be some danger.

Of course, he still has a lot of hole cards, but he can't use them all, which will make him dangerous.

"Let ’s see how the Dou19 is?" Gu Chensha guessed in his heart: "He lost the Royal Road Gourd and the Emperor Heaven Soldier, and wanted to slay the monster in the demon domain again, and sacrifice again. It has become unrealistic. He can also divide many avatars himself, killing the monsters is not slow, but there are many dangers. If there are so many avatars in the body, the mana is insufficient and it is very unwise in the magic domain. "

Gu Chensha was still not ready to take his shot, and he was very patient.

This time it took advantage of Tianda. He got enough resources, but he was not in a hurry. If he can suppress the war, he will show his wisdom and strength in all aspects. Totally better than Dou 19.

He is the nineteen sons of Emperor Tianfu, while Doujiu is the nineteen sons of Dou Tianzun.

The two are in the midst of a collision, and they must collide with each other.

Gu Chensha took the big advantage in the first round of competition, and he settled down, not anxious and impatient, waiting for a second chance.


At this time, Doujiu thought for a while, collected the altar, and no longer killed the monsters, but flew towards the depths of the demon realm.

After another half an hour, he arrived in an old and abandoned demon palace, surrounded by large columns of sacred iron, and huge stones, carved with various demon statues, of which nothing was valuable. In many years of history, even if there is a baby, it will be ransacked by masters in the demons.

This abandoned magic palace abounds in the magic domain, it is not unusual, the history of the magic domain is long and deep, and the struggle is fierce. There are powerful masters to build the magic palace. It is very popular, but it is also fleeting and killed. . The time in the Demon Clan is also passing very fast, even if it is a demon-level master, it is not without danger of falling.

Because of this, there are also strong in the demons who understand the secrets of time.

The ancient dust sand has entered the Demon Realm many times, and the common demons of the demons are very complicated. Each has races, tribes, attack each other, communicate with each other, and have a business. Some civilizations have even been born.

This seems to be some of the characteristics of the pastoral people in the upper grasslands.

For many years, for the people of Middle-earth China, the barbarians and the prairie people were as horrible as the monsters. As long as they invaded, they would basically bring blood and rain.

Observe the life style of the demons, the trade and conflict between the tribes, and the ancient dust and sand have also gained a lot of insights.

Doujiku stayed in the abandoned magic palace, looked around, and burned a rune, which was used for communication.

After a while, a fairy light descended in the distance, even faster than him.

This fairy light appeared in the form of a middle-aged man monk with green eyes and a green robe covering his whole body.

"Dou 19, it's you." The middle-aged monk was surprised when he saw Dou 19.

"Bishu ancestor, how have you been in the Demon Realm recently? Because of one thing, you offended Xuanmen and Baji Xuanmen. I was going to kill you and annihilate with your martial arts, or my brother. Dou Yiyuan said good things, and only exiled you into the demon realm. "Dou 19 said:" I did not expect that you actually got an adventure in the demon realm, and cultivated to ascend to the present state. "

"Huh!" A killer expression appeared on the face of this Bishu ancestor: "At the time I founded Bishumen, although it was not one of the seventy-two mysterious gates of Xiandao, but also flourished, just because I got the treasure When the martial arts stared, they conspired against me and said that I collusion with demons and destroy my ancestors. How can this hate be relieved? "

"Anyway, it's my elder brother who saved you, now it's time for you to repay." Douban said.

"Douju, I suspect that the events of that year may well be the layout of your elder brother DouYuan. Now that baby has fallen into DouYuan's hands?" Bi Shu ancestor sneered.

"Then it has nothing to do with me." Doujiu waved his hand: "In a word, if you want revenge, if you want revenge, cooperate with me. How?"

"No." Bi Shu's ancestors flatly refused: "I have now worshipped under the gate of the Immortal Lord, and the Immortal Lord will leave the magic realm the other day, and I will go out, open a sect, and surrender to the Seventy-two Mysterious Gates of Immortal Tao, to be the billion group Lord of the Immortals, at that time, my vengeance will be reported. Working with you is like making a hide with the tiger. "

"Immortal Lord?" Douban frowned: "You are really confident in your immortal Lord, not even the three heavenly deities? Since ancient times, the three heavenly masters have mastered the world, and there is no place between heaven and earth. Dare to disobey their existence. In this way, if you take refuge in me, I will certainly intercede in front of your father and let you worship His Majesty. From then on, the palmistry of 72 Xuanmen will not dare to disrespect you. . "

"I will not betray the Immortal Lord. Besides, fighting nineteen, you are nineteen sons under the honor of Dou Shengtian, and you are not in a high position, far less than your elder brother. You are qualified to intercede?" Bi Shu's ancestors still sneered again and again, and did not give Doujin face.

"Be calm and restless." Doujiu is not angry: "In fact, my brother and I are not at odds. If you are angry with my brother and want revenge, then I ca n’t ask for it, but I am afraid that your current cultivation is why Not my elder brother. My elder brother's cultivation has also reached the realm of saints. "

"The immortal master can completely kill your elder brother." Bi Shu's ancestors flicked his sleeves: "What are you saying the three heavenly gods are invincible? In fact, they are also shrinking turtles. Once Emperor Tian Fu was born, they hid in fear of being hit. Kill, fight nineteen, I know you have a lot of tricks, but these tricks are like a child ’s trick in front of the immortal master, you should go back and practice more time. "

"Bi Shu, you will work with me sooner or later, I am waiting for you to contact me." Douban frowned, leaving his body with a movement.

Bi Shu's ancestor looked at his leaving body, just sneered.


A figure landed next to him, showing his form, but it was Hong Wending who had turned to Jingxian Division.

"Hong Wending, the Lord of the Immortals asked you to take refuge in Jingxian Division. Why did you appear here?" Bi Shu ancestor asked.

"Although I have trusted in Jingxian Division, they are not actually trusted by Zhuge Ya. They are still in the test period. They just use me to protect the altar in the demon domain, kill the demon sacrifice, and squeeze out my value." Hong Wending "I haven't come into contact with the core secrets of Yasuji, and I can't step in."

"That is nature. If the wisdom of the Lord of the Seven Stars is so easily confused, it is still called the Lord of the Seven Stars." Bi Shu ancestor said: "The immortal Lord wants you to work diligently and continue to do things without any slackness. "

"I know." Hong Wending and Bi Shu's ancestors discussed for a while and left here.

"Immortal Lord?" Gu Chensha heard something, but he didn't have much time to think about it. Controlling Hong Wending was a means of Zhuge Ya. He was responsible for tracking Doujian to see what he wanted to do.

After leaving here, Doujiu did not stay in the demon realm, but flew all the way, and left the demon realm from where the seal broke.

During this trip to the Magic Realm, Dou 19 was a big loss.

He was extremely reconciled, Gu Chensha knew that this man was scheming and had various identities, and he would definitely use any conspiracy and tricks.

After leaving the demon realm, Doujiu came out from the ruptured seal of the bottomless sin sea, and flew all the way to the original capital.

As early as a few years ago, Emperor Tianfu relied on public opinion and rebuilt the capital on the barren land outside the border. Now the new capital has begun to operate. The palace is directly floating in the white clouds in the sky, compared to the original capital. The palace doesn't know how many times better.

The original capital was no longer as prosperous as that of the Crown Prince.

But after all, this is the place of Longxing in the Dayong Dynasty. In addition, the population has increased very fast in these years, and the original capital has not declined.

Another point is ~ www.readwn.com ~ As a node connected to the border, here is the earliest city that has access to railways and rail cars, and transportation is very convenient.

In the original imperial city, there were still many eunuchs and women who were stationed in them as palaces. It's just that many of the important supplies have been evacuated.

Dou 19 reached the sky above the capital, and landed directly. The point of entry was actually the Central Palace.

Gu Chensha felt a sorrow in her heart when she saw the capital that she had lived for more than ten years.

He lived here since he was a child, until the summer of the fourteenth year of Tianfu, he obtained the offering of the Heavenly Sacrifice. After starting the trace, he went to the border to resist the barbarians, first killed the four demon heads, and then stole the mestic demon temple and established a fiefdom. All the way to practice, almost ten years later, finally reached the realm of the present.

All this is like yesterday, but the capital is no longer the capital of the year. It is both familiar and unfamiliar.

Time is like water, never return, this is the feeling of ancient dust.

He entered the palace with Douzan, but he was a little puzzled: "What did the Douzan come to the palace? It has been evacuated here and is of little value?"

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