Dragon Talisman

Chapter 436: Latency tracking

From here, you can see that the ancient dust and sand is the God of Holocaust. > One novel W < W≤W. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

His current qualifications are already "born sages", and he has inspired the blood of the Emperor Tianfu twice, and finally he has been promoted to these qualifications. He has gradually gained some insights into the Holocaust God's Law, which is worse than nothing.

The first method of Holocaust is to understand the nodes of the infinite dimension of the universe, understand various formulas, reconcile the energy of countless dimensions, blend with each other, and evolve endless magical effects.

This method can be used to blend immortals and absorb into the body, even if it changes in the realm of the state. It can make the body strong, forge an indestructible shell, and even expand the knowledge of sea points.

Of course, this magical method is only the most superficial method of the Holocaust. It can be said that it has just started.

The real spiritual mystery, operating the heavens, breaking all the words, dominating everything, and doing whatever you want, is almost omnipotent, omniscient and omnipotent.

Guchensha is just getting started.

He mobilized his mind and will to operate the most superficial method of the Holocaust, and sensed the blood veins contained in the multiple dimension nodes in his body as described by Xing Qiongshi.

"I seem to have grasped something." Gu Chensha came to understand this place, and felt that this little couch actually seemed to be the land of Shenzhou, and even the endless big 6, where the nodes of countless dimensions, use this couch metaphor The nodes on my body seem to be just right.

Gu Chen's thoughts dispersed and Feiteng reached high altitude.

His thoughts came to the sky above the old palace, and he seemed to see the entire structure of Shenzhou University 6. On the surface, Shenzhou University 6 is divided into many states, the shape is not very regular, and the area can be said to be vast, but it is quite small compared with the wild and eastern wasteland.

But he now sees that this Divine Land 6 contains many secrets, not just land, but the key point of many communication points in the universe.

Simply put, it is a transportation hub in the world.

Whoever can master Shenzhou University 6 and establish a country can have tremendous luck and gain many inestimable benefits.

Shenzhou University 6 is a key node, and the palace couch is also a key node. There is also a key node in the depths of his body?

The three echoed each other, and Gu Chensha seemed to understand a lot.

He seemed to feel the blood in the nodes of his body, but he was able to summon it and lacked some understanding.

If he can be summoned at any time, his qualifications may be improved.

After a full month, he opened his eyes, his throughput changed, his body shrank into dust, and disappeared. He caught the breath of Dou 19, and the man couldn't run.

This enlightenment has been extremely rewarding for him.

It means that he saw the huge treasure hidden in his body, although he could not get it for a while, but he saw it after all.

This is tantamount to a person showing tons of gold in his warehouse, which can be seen through the window, but the key to the warehouse is not found and cannot be retrieved for the time being.

In the past, he could not see the blood in his body.

"It seems that the day of intense blood is just around the corner." Gu Chensha seized the breath of Dou 19, and now he is still in the old capital.

"That is? The address of Jingwu Chamber of Commerce? No, it should be Mingkong Chamber of Commerce, there is no more business for Jingjia." Gu Chensha looked at this chamber of commerce, and also built high-rise buildings, carved columns, rich and noble, even in There are pearls on the top of the building that shine day and night.

Ming Kong Chamber of Commerce seems to have become a symbol of the city.

In the past year, because the Jingxian Division refined the sky demon tree, both Zhougong Palace and Dragon Gate were absorbed, and the sphere of green wish turned into a long yellow sand. All vitality was plundered, resulting in the inability to create a small star to return to the Dan. Daxing also Dan, Xingzu sword, Xingzu armor.

This caused a shortage of goods, and the market share was quickly occupied by the Mingkong Chamber of Commerce, and even the Fortune Fair, the National Games Party took advantage of the situation and began to divide the market.

However, the ancient dust sand is not worried. After the sky demon tree has begun to grow, Zhuge's teeth have been improved, and after re-supplying "renlongdan", "renlongsword" and "renlong armor", the people in the world, even the immortal Xuanmen, are rushing. .

This family cannot resist this thing.

Changed into dust, descended, and entered the Mingkong Chamber of Commerce directly based on the breath of Doujiu.

Guchen Sha suddenly felt the familiar atmosphere.

That's the taste of "Wudang Kong".

There were two people sitting in a room, one of them was Dou Jiu, and the other was Wudang Kong.

The two don't know when the match will be made.

Ancient dust and sand frowned, Wudang Kong itself is not ambitious, Dou Jiu has many means, and endless cards come out endlessly, even God can't kill him. If the two men join hands, it is not a small threat to Jingxian Division.

"Doujuku, I didn't expect you to come to me here. What the **** is it? You are the son of the Celestial Master, who established the Eternal Alliance, and is also a judge in the immortal path. I am the vassal of the court. You and me It is also an enemy. "Wu Dangkong looked at Douzan, his face was as usual, and he seemed to want something.

"We are not enemies, we are friends, and we have common enemies, that is, ancient step immortals, and his Jingxian Division." Doujiku came out with a tempting voice: "Look, this is my business at the Jingxian Division Chamber of Commerce. The Dan, sword, and armor purchased among them are the latest. "

With a touch of Doujian, a mung bean-sized elixir appeared in front of him, as well as an armor and a sword.

"Renlong Dan, Renlong armor, Renlong sword." Doujiu said to these three treasures: "These three treasures are naturally useless to us, but for ordinary people, even if the state of change is seven, The eight-character characters are very useful. The magical use is infinite. It seems that the fairy tree of Jingxian Division has really achieved. These three sets come out one by one. Your chamber of commerce may not have the power to go back to heaven. I even want to buy a lot of sets and train my subordinates. "

Wudang Kong frowned deeply, and she also knew the powerful relationship. Recently, Jin Suibo of Jingxian Division held several demonstration conferences, inviting the family, Xiandao Xuanmen, and various forces to watch the three sets of Jingxian Division. As a result, on the day of the cloth, showing the magical use, it burst into the world.

Many families on that day paid three sets of money and treasures.

After hearing this, Gu Chensha knew that she had practiced for a month and had a lot of things, and Jingxiansi seemed to be fighting back in business.

These are all responsible for Jin Suibo.

"I think about it, and only if you and I unite, can we deal with Jingxian Division." Dou 19 said: "Jing Xianxian has recently performed too fast, it is shocking. If it is not severely damaged, it will hurt you. They lost their strength and left them in a daze. In a few years, we fear that we will all die in their hands. "

"What's your good opinion?" Wudang Kong asked.

"It's very simple. I know that the sacrifice to heaven is on your body. You are adhering to the fate of your destiny. I want to ask you to borrow this amulet, or something." Douby 19 is outspoken.

Wudang Kong had the sacrifice of heavenly sacrifice, which had been passed on vaguely. The ancient dust and sand once took this news and gained many benefits from the ancient bullet sword.

"Do you want to perform a sacrifice? This is not impossible, what do you want to get?" Wudang Kong's eyes flowed, and her heart moved in the end. She already knew that this sacrifice of heavenly festoons was distorted by Emperor Tianfu, no matter what the sacrifice, ancient The dust can be split in half.

Only she, as well as the senior inside the Jingxian Division, and Xing Qiongshi knew this.

Such a secret, Wudang Kong naturally will not tell Douzan.

In fact, she was also trying to find a way to restore the sacrifice of the Heavenly Amulet and eliminate the distorted things of the Emperor, so that she could enjoy this amulet exclusively.

But now there is no way.

She hated ancient dust.

"I'm going to perform the ancient feudal feast, and get a **** of my own!" Douban said: "Only in this way can I quickly compete with the Jingxian Division."

"Fengshen Great Sacrifice?" Wu Dangkong looked at Douzan as if he was watching an idiot: "You know, Fengshen Great Sacrifice is the ancient emperor's unification of the whole world. After the real world returns to his heart, he summons the group ministers and sacrifices the heavenly path for decades. , Even the centuries-old National Games sacrifice, can the canonization of the throne. If I do this, I will die immediately, like rebellion. "

"I naturally have a series of plans." A sullen smile appeared on Doujiu's face: "You probably don't know yet. Among the officials in this world, I have installed a group of obedience to my existence. You can't go now, just Even your Majesty, there are also my people, not to mention the ancient bullet sword, the Crown Prince ancient Xuansha. "

"Prince Gu Xuansha itself is the person of the three heavenly respects." Wudang Kong secretly was shocked, thinking about going back to check it.

"Gu Xuansha is the faction of the Proterozoic Celestial Sect ~ www.readwn.com ~ and I can be regarded as enemies." Doujiu revealed a message that the three major Celestial Sects are not a piece of iron. Fight, each has its own ideas.

This is unavoidable. There are internal strife in a family, not to mention such a huge system, even the three heavenly lords cannot change this problem.

Jingxianji is okay now, but as the years go by, there will definitely be internal fighting.

If you count the second and third-rate Xiandao Xuanmen, the internal fighting is actually very serious.

"In a word, if you want to hold a god-sacrifice ceremony and obtain a throne, I can't do it. Although the National Games are now prosperous, far from the ancient times, there are actually a lot of disadvantages, that is, the fall of the heavenly path. Such a high sacrifice may be spurned by the Tao of Heaven, and will not obtain the throne. Instead, it will land some horrible things. "Wudang has many calculations in it:" Moreover, even if I can hold such a sacrifice, it will give you promotion. God, what can I get? Just a joke, what can you exchange for this god? "

"I naturally have enough to make you feel good." Douban said: "For example, let my father teach you to accept you as a disciple, and I will talk to my father, send a god-level strong, for you How about being a subordinate? "

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