Dragon Talisman

Chapter 464: Another visitor 3 more

Gu Chensha came this time to negotiate with the god-level masters of the Legal School, real antiques. > A novel ≥W ﹤ W ≦ W ﹤. Z1 Even the patriarchs of the current Fa family did not come.

The legal system is actually the same as that of the ape clan. The old antiques of god-level masters basically do not come out. The abbots are elected every thirty years by the abbot. The clan head handles various matters within the clan. Only when there is a real life or death event, those old antiques will come out.

Based on the information of Jingxian Division, the cultivation of the head of the Fa family is now the pinnacle of the twenty-sixth transformation "one way to one", and it will soon break through to the realm of the twenty-seven transformation.

This is intelligence from a few years ago, and it is possible to break through now.

The patriarchs of the Legal family did not come out, and the old antiques did not show up. On the surface, the six elders were very polite, in fact, they were holding out negotiations.

Of course, this strategy of the Legalists is many times better than that of the Kings.

"I don't know where the head of the French family is?" Gu Chensha entered the banquet. Now there are some rare fairy fruits on the banquet. If there is a special medicine from the Fa family, the hospitality is extremely rich.

"Our patriarch has not retreated, and several old ancestors are also retreating. It seems to be a breakthrough. This time, he was not able to come out to meet the grandfather, but he was indifferent. But what the grandfather came to talk about, our elder of the six temples is fully able to dominate You do n’t have to alarm the patriarchs and ancestors. ”Fa Liufeng said lightly, the underlying meaning is very clear, that Gu Chensha is really not qualified to see the patriarchs and some ancestors.

The Legalists had respected status throughout the dynasties. Even if the emperor came to visit, the patriarch would not personally receive them, and the legalists would not marry the royals of the previous dynasties, because they felt that the royal family had no background and the blood was low.

In fact, this is true for those thousands of years of saint family.

Generally speaking, the family of saints is intermarried and will never marry to the people.

It is rumored that when the Emperor Tianfu had not yet established the Yong Dynasty, the visiting Fa had eaten behind closed doors, but later the Fa did not know how to marry a woman to him, and also assisted him in establishing the unification of the Yong Dynasty.

From the perspective of Gu Chensha, it must be that the Fa school began to look down on the Emperor Tianfu, and was later surrendered by powerful means.

The same was true of the former Wanlong Nest.

Tiandi Xuanmen is even more so.

Gu Chensha suspected that if the Jingxian Division had recently defeated the Ape, the Legalists would probably have ignored them. What is the imperial royal emperor in the face of thousands of years of the Big Mac family? It's just a bit of luck, a mud-leg pole.

"I'm here on behalf of Jingxian Si to talk about cooperation with the Legalists. The Legalists must also know that in the bottomless and evil sea demon domain of Yinzhou, countless demons are gathering, and masters of the level of the demon **** are always ready. Invading Middle-earth China, humans and demons are incompatible. As the first family, the Fa family should join forces with the court to fight against the demons. "Gu Chensha said directly.

Although the Fa school had a meaning to reject people thousands of miles away, Gu Chensha also had to say the meaning and see what the Fa school meant.

"That's natural. Our Fajia will definitely cooperate with the court to cut off demons and demons, and we have no responsibilities. The prince and the concubine of the empire set up a world alliance, and came to see me." Fa Liufeng answered very slickly. : "Our legalists have reached an agreement with the Alliance of the World. Of course, we can also reach an agreement with Jingxianji. I don't know what Jingxianji thinks?"

This is obviously the word of false promises.

Gu Chensha sneered in his heart, but said in his mouth: "About the Fa school also knows that our Jingxian Division has gained the method of raising the dragon and the heart of the dragon. In order to combat the evil, we are willing to announce the world and let the people in the world, Everyone has achieved genius and worldly talent, but the minds of the people in the world are difficult to speculate. If it is released after the law is released, many lawbreakers will obtain it. Depending on this method, they will disturb the world and the future of the disaster. If the family has sincerity, we Jingxi Si would like to cooperate with the Legalist School, how to run these two invincible techniques? After all, the family in the world, the Legalist is the most orderly, can also disrupt the situation anyway, and help Qiankang. "

He came up with the dragon mind and the dragon mind as bait.

Sure enough, when he heard this, each of the elders of the Six Palaces changed his face, exchanged glances with each other, and hurriedly communicated with mental fluctuations.

Any force will covet the dragon mentality and the dragon mentality, especially the Legalists. If they acquire it, they will be able to consolidate the family power and live in the first place forever.

"The mentality of making dragons and the mentality of raising dragons are really too bad. Our Jingxian Division is now starting a long-cherished wish school, but what we can teach is only the first paragraph of the mentality of raising dragons. There is enough dragon-breathing energy gathered in the body, and the qualifications cannot be changed. As long as the second paragraph is taught, those dragon-breathing energy can be penetrated into the body and immediately achieve great achievements. "Gu Chensha continued to seduce," If it is a legalist When a disciple can practice, he can even increase his strength. "

"Jingxian Division is really willing to share the Dragon-Raising and Dragon-Building Minds with our Falun Dafa?"

"That ’s nature. I can share it with everyone in the world. In the end, it ’s the people in the world. Everyone is a genius. Everyone is a genius. Everyone is a sage. This is what countless great sages are after. The pattern of the world is the ambition of all generations. The Legalist is also a member of the world. Why ca n’t you share it with the Legalist? ”Gu Chensha said righteously:“ I know some things about the Jingxian Division. It doesn't match, but there is one thing to say. The Legalists have defended China and China in recent years, and they have countless merits. They are the mainstay of the human race, and we also look at it. "Gu Chen's speech also makes people wonder.

"Here, it is difficult to deal with." The elder of the Six Temples came to hear this. They were not happy at all, but frowned. They felt that Gu Chen was not a leisurely character. It was a difficult character to play. Things are also very tempting. They originally wanted to have a banquet and destroy the ancient dust and sand, but if it is destroyed now, the ancient dust and sand will turn to other families and say so, other families are very It may be promised that the status of the Fa school will be threatened.

For example, the Wu family, the Brahma family, the Wen family, the Lei family ... If these families have gained the dragon mind and dragon mind, hundreds of years later, the first family in the world may not be sure who it is.

However, from the ancient dust sand to obtain the dragon mind and the dragon mind, the legalists will not easily relax, it must be a lot of blood.

Thinking of this, Fa Liufeng suddenly had a thought in his heart: "It's better to turn around and urge all the power of the Fa in the legal world, suppress the son, seize his memory, and dig out the dragon mind from his head. In addition to the dragon-building mentality, there are all kinds of heavenly demon secret methods, massacre **** methods, and so on. In this way, even if our Fajias are united by the great families of the world, they are not opponents. "

When he thought about it, he looked at the other elders of the Fa school and all had the same thoughts.

"Although the Jingxian Division has been trained into a sphere of life's wishes, coupled with the sky demon tree, it is terrific to calculate. But after all, the sphere is thin and young, and it has only been accumulated for a few years? It can't compete with all our legal circles." Thinking in medicine.

Gu Chen looked at these people coldly.

The other person's thoughts cannot escape his peep.

"The elders of this group of Legalists are not very good. They actually thought about killing and winning treasures. They are almost the same as the demon demon tribe. The same was true of the ape tribe. The layout of the ape tribe plus the dragon's nest, No one can help Jingxian Division. Of course, the strength of the Fa family is ape, but it is better than Wanlong Chao, I don't believe it. "Gu Chensha already knew what these families were all about.

"The Legalists don't know what the attitude is. If I don't want to, I would like to do business with Taiyi Xuanmen and Cosmic Xuanmen." Gu Chensha said directly: "Tai Xuandu teaches and Chang Weiyang teaches is right. Our Jingxian Division agrees very much. At present, the son of Taixuandu's teaching is too enemies in our Jingxian Division. Last time, the two teachings helped me and broke the ape race. "

This sentence awakened the elders of the Six Palaces. They immediately came to their senses. Behind the Jingxian Division, there were these two mysterious gates, and the Legalists had to be cautious.

"This matter is very important. We have to report it, at least three days, and at least seven days. Our Fajia will personally send someone to the Jingxian Division to discuss the cooperation." Fa Liufeng stood up and went out now. The thought of killing ancient dust and sand.

"That being the case, I will leave first." Gu Chensha came this time to test the truth and truth of the Fajia. He secretly urged the mana to explore. The huge potential of the Fajia Palace was hidden, and he couldn't easily. Lurking into it, disturbing the wind and rain, or it is extremely dangerous ~ www.readwn.com ~ Unfortunately, although I am now in a state of law and heaven, if I can go further, I will see the past in the 23rd change, and I may be able to see The gap between the Fa School's formation and the operation of the formation, the first opportunity was calculated, and it lurked deeper to obtain many secrets of the Legal School. "

Gu Chensha already knows that, after all, the Legalists are legalists. It is impossible for them to obtain some key things for a while.

After he resigned, he came out of the Legal School.

The elder of the Six Temples looked at the figure he left, his eyes flashed coldly, and Fa Liuyun froze coldly: "I still feel that I should suppress this son directly and seize his dragon-building and dragon-cultivating methods. This method fell into the hands of other forces. "

"I can't start yet. The key is that we don't know what the Seven Star Lord is. Maybe we must be prepared. It's not even calculated. We haven't received the news that Tian Fudi has disappeared. . "French medicine waved.

"Now the patriarch doesn't know how to talk to that gnome's dead emperor." Fa Liu Shuai said: "The gnome demon hosted the demon disaster. He wanted to release the Capricorn King. He didn't expect this demon to come in person. My legalists talk about things. "

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