Dragon Talisman

Chapter 472: Cruel family

"This Falun Gong is really cruel. One novel WYWYW <. ≦ 1 ﹤ X≤I ﹤ A

Maybe humane luck will lose these tumors, and it will break through the calamity and usher in a real golden age.

"Hahahaha." The gnome ate and killed a fairy girl, and his eyes flashed with cruel taste: "This time, my father intentionally joined forces with the Legalists to create an era of coexistence between humans and demons. We have to go through countless details. Only a second scrutiny can create an unprecedented era. If our plan is successful, it will be an unprecedented feat. "

"That's right." The elder of the Temple of Penance Law nodded: "Since ancient times, humans and demons have been at odds with each other. Each time spirituality and demonism explode, it will cause endless conflicts and blood flow. This time, we Fajia and your dwarf. The demons will join forces to preside over this, and they can definitely achieve something, but the resistance will be very large. I am afraid that there are many racial oppositions among your demons. "

"The same is true of you humans. According to our plan, a large number of women among humans will be combined with a large number of males of our demons, and a human-magic combination will be born, so that spirituality and magic will be perfectly integrated, and finally be spiritual The unity of magic, but in this matter, I feel that human resistance is greater. You Fajia will give a lot of human women to our demons, I am afraid it will cause a strong rebound. "The gnome gave up his face with a smile.

"Anyway, we Fajias can still do this, but there are obstacles. We have to use your demons to kill some of the obstacles. How?" Fa Liufeng didn't care, "Now there are countless people in the world Ordinary people took some casual experiments, but nothing, for the great cause of the integration of spirits. Someone must sacrifice. "

"That's good. I also did an investigation. In fact, the current threat of your Fajia is Jingxianji, those who have not yet achieved the climate." The gnome gave up deadly: "We are trying to destroy this Jingxianji. , It's almost the same. "

"Then we'll wait for the good news." Fa Liu Shuai said: "I heard that not long ago, the abandonment of the son and the killing of many high-ranking other demons, led to internal conflict, do not know if it is resolved now?"

"It's a bit of a hassle, but it wasn't me who killed it. It was someone who pretended to be me and wanted to provoke civil strife in our demons. How can we do it? The matter has been completely resolved, although some ethnic disobedience will not help." It's extremely murderous.

"The major families do not yet know our plan for the integration of spirits and demons." Fa Liujin said: "In this plan, if these families cannot be convinced, I am afraid they will be passive. If they do not get benefits, they will definitely oppose them. . "

"Anyway, it's nothing more than benefits. There are various natural treasures and ancient ruins. Many of our demon domains only need to take out a part of them to attract them. After the fusion of genie demons, the family is purely human blood. Naturally, It is unquestionable to rule high above everything. I don't believe they will be indifferent in the face of such a huge benefit? "The gnome gave up again and grabbed a fairy goddess, slowly absorbed, listening to the fairy's screams and mourning, pleasing to the eye .

Whether it's taste or spiritual pleasure, this fairy goddess feast is very enjoyable.

"This matter, just leave it to us to contact the Fajia." Fa Liujin said: "As long as the dead and abandoned sons give us those natural treasures and ancient relics, we will naturally contact the family and form an alliance. Great things can happen. "

"That's natural. We dwarf demon clans rely on the Legalist for a lot of things." The gnome gave up suddenly and said, "Yes, what about your Fajia's Fawuxian? I don't know how well you practice now?"

"Fa Wuxian doesn't know where to retreat, but his cultivation is still shallow, only reaching the 23rd change to see the past, and there is still some distance from the abandoned son." Fa Liu Shuai voiced.

"Sooner or later, Fa Wuxian will catch up. He, like me, is a born sage qualification. I look forward to meeting him. We will join forces and we will dominate everything in the future." One more request. "

"It's okay to abandon the boy but say nothing." Fa Liufeng smiled a little.

"I want to meet Falun Gong, I hope that I can get the guidance of Master Falun Gong. Master Fa will shake up many worlds. Even if the Capricorn God breaks the seal, he may not really have obtained Falun Gong. If he can point me to Second, my cultivation must go to the next level. Of course, I will not ask for free advice. I can leave all the contents of Capricorn Town Prison to the Legalists. How about it? " Made a request.

"This ..." The elders of the Eighteenth Hall of the Fa Family looked at each other and were communicating. What the matter was.

The Capricorn Town Prison circulates widely, and the Legalists may not have some, but the full version of this scripture is extremely rare, which includes the dispel of the demon, the demon, the demon, the land demon, the spirit demon, the demon, etc. Wait for the magical effects of countless demon heads.

Any monk is at risk of going into magic, but if he gets the full version of Capricorn Prison, he will be able to turn the demon into the Tao and never be invaded by the demon head.

"This matter is no longer what we can do." After discussing for a while, Fa Liu Fengdao said: "I must go back to the newspaper, everything is decided by the ancestors."

"There is work," said the gnome quickly, "I'll wait here."

Fa Liufeng nodded, stood up, and walked directly towards the inside of the palace.

When Gu Chensha saw this scene, he immediately knew that the Fa Liufeng was going to enter all the legal realms, which was his great opportunity. He quietly followed behind the Fa Liufeng and suddenly fluttered!

The whole person becomes part of the French style.

The Fa Liufeng has also cultivated into mana. Now the whole body is a Fa body, and in the flutter of the ancient dust and sand, it changes into the same existence as his mana, while the Fa Liufeng is unaware of it.

Entering the deeper hall, the Fa Liufeng came to an ancient bronze door. The bronze door was closed, and it was not an ordinary rectangular door. It was a circular arch. From a distance, it seemed like a ring.

"The ring of unified cutting method!" Gu Chensha recognized it immediately. This ring is the true treasure of the Fajia and suppresses the air transport. Naisheng integrates many innate spiritual treasures and has been refined for thousands of years. The savings have become comparable to the existence of Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth. Even the current wishful sphere is simply not comparable to this circle.

This law gave birth to all legal circles and can accommodate all laws and regulations.


The Fa Liufeng urged the tactics, and the whole person entered the circle.

At the moment of entering the ring, Gu Chensha seemed to feel the endless waves sweeping, seems to be distinguishing the identity of the flowing wind, from beginning to end, hundreds of millions of shocks and inspection searches, any alien existence cannot be attached to the law Liu Feng's body.

It is a pity that the ancient dust and sand has completely become a part of the law, which is the law of heaven.

Even if the Fa Sheng has not cultivated to reach this level of realm, the real heaven law has not yet been understood.

Of course, this is also the reason why the ancient dust sand is running more and more exquisitely. Before he can get all the memories of the ordinary universe, the ancient dust sand didn't understand the way of the saints. This kind of practice is vivid.

The means of the saint are also within his knowledge.

So this time, he was not found in all legal circles.

A magnificent world just appeared in front of it. The vast world is vast, the sky is full of sun, moon, and stars. Countless Big 6 floats in this world. On the Big 6 are countless extinct elixir, and Many ancient beasts roamed this vast world.

This is another flood.

But Guchensha didn't feel the breath of Qinglong White Tiger Suzaku Basalt.

There is no four-like sacred beast in the Fajia.

Other ancient gods and beasts are not as good as Qinglong White Tiger Suzaku Xuanwu Gouchen. Among the many gods and beasts in the flood, these five absolute rankings are the first, representing the innate five elements of biochemistry.

Tiandi Xuanmen has an old blue dragon, and he firmly seated Xuanmen in the first place. Even if he experienced the division of the universe, he could overwhelm many Xuanmen.

"Practitioner Fa Liufeng meets his ancestors."

After Fa Liufeng entered all the legal realms, he immediately knelt down to the stars in the sky.

"Fa Liufeng, are there any conditions for the dwarf to die and abandon you? You can't be the master?" A star in the sky radiated violently, and a voice came out.

"Old ancestors, the gnome gave up on wanting to see the Fa side and get instructions. In exchange, he gave us all the Capricorn town prison scriptures." Fa Liufeng knelt down.

"What?" At this time, another star flickered, and was a god-level master: "The gnome dies the ambition formation ~ www.readwn.com ~ actually wants the guidance of Fa Sheng, but the full version of Capricorn prison Only the dead dwarf emperor of the dwarf demon family has ever received the scriptures, and it must have been passed to his son. "

"Old ancestors, I just passed on the words of this demon, and everything hopes that the old ancestors will communicate with the Falun Dafa." Fa Liufeng dare not speak more.

"The plan of the gnome demon's genie and demon unity is indeed a bold plan, and it is also one of the tests of the Dharma. If it is successful, I am afraid that it will be able to count the robberies of all ages. But human beings will be in pain." The third star fluctuated, Another god-level master: "Master Fasheng is already running the heavens at this time, entering the deepest level of time and space, and secretly peeking into the future changes. It is also difficult for us to communicate. You go out and let the boy go back first, etc. After we communicated with Fa Sheng, let him come again. "


"Also, Jingxian Si's group of little farts have actually infiltrated the power into our state of France? You have no limit policy? Do you want our old guys to take action?" The fourth star took the murder, Violent fluctuations: "Also, the baby sphere in Jingxian Division, we actually felt that the four elephant holy beasts were gathered together. What is the situation, have you inquired about it?"

"The old ancestors were angry." The French wind continued to hoe.

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