Dragon Talisman

Chapter 475: Giant Witch Ancestor

There is a chaos in all the legal realms, everywhere is broken in time and space, sweeping into any matter, any matter is turned into powder. 1 novel W≤W≤W <. Z1≤X

But Guchensha was very happy.

At this time, it was his chance.

His body turned into a mana, and between the flashes, he avoided many fissures of time and space, and now many treasures originally stored in all legal realms are floating with the current, and some are smashed. Others are blooming to resist the chaos of time and space.

The magic weapons that can withstand the turbulence of time and space are very tyrannical, all of them are too ancient and rare.

The thirteen god-level masters are all on the sky, but want to stabilize the situation, but how easy is it?

Many masters of the Legal School have also appeared one after another. They are too senior elders to help those god-level strong men stabilize the situation.

"A lot of ancient and precious treasures ..... The Legalist's savings of seven or eight thousand years are simply amazing." Gu Chensha saw a lot of magic weapons, a large seal, blooming thousands of ripples, a little shock, and turbulent space All suppressed.

This is clearly the "Seal of the Three Realms" in the record, which was convened by ancient emperors to refine.

Then, there is another golden giant stick that runs through time and space and spreads its majesty, with an ancient pattern inscribed on it. In a flash, Huanyu was cleared.

This is the "Vientiane broken rod" held by ancient deities in ancient classics.

There is also a long urn, which is also densely packed with Scriptures. Numerous bald monks like ants come out to brahana to sing and suppress ten parties, but this is the ancient Buddha who has long lost his story and sits on the treasure “Midaya Sutra”.

Another pagoda appeared, on the thirteenth floor, with magic repression on each floor. In each of the pagodas, there seemed to be powerful puppets living in it, saying the truth. This is another piece of Buddhist treasure "Little Muni Stupa".

Then, a palace also flew up. The palace temple was strangely constructed, the weather was magnificent, and there were countless sesame-sized gods. The beasts surrounded the palace. In the depths of the palace, there seemed to be a golden giant sitting in the town, or an ancient Buddhist gate. Xiaoleiyin Ancient Temple. "

"In the end, did the Fajia rob the ancient Buddha door or something? Why so many strong treasures?" Gu Chensha was shocked.

"That's it?" Gu Chensha later saw a big tree appearing from all the space in the legal realm. The big tree covered hundreds of miles, and the root system penetrated into the void: "Tian Yaoshu? No, this is essentially The sky demon tree, but it has been transformed by Fa Sheng, and has become another form. It should be that the Fajia also got the wreckage of the sky demon tree, and then stimulated its vitality. This is how we made the sky demon tree. Like the wish tree, if I get it, it will be brought back into the wish tree, again saving hundreds of years of savings. "

Gu Chensha saw the ancient and rare treasures appearing here in the Fa Family, each of which has earth-shattering power and wants to obtain it, but he cannot act lightly now.

The chaos here is very strong. If it weren't for him having a too mysterious capital, Wen Hong, and Fu Wei, the three masters of Chang Weiyang, who had been refining together, they would be sacrificed by the heavenly law to protect themselves silently, and they would probably be injured. After all, his current strength has not been able to resist the force that can ignore the tearing of space.

He is still waiting for opportunities, waiting for more turbulent moments.

The "giant spirit god" and "witch ancestor" came together to kill the saint and obtain his body. At this time, it may be the weakest moment of the saint. If it can be grasped, I am afraid it can be refined into Supreme.


The invading black-and-white big hand once again prestige, hitting the strongest blow. At this time, all the legal realm was almost broken again, and even those Taiko Qizhen that appeared appeared to be dimmed.

It was at this instant that he felt the power of the sphere of life.

"All the legal realms have been breached. The giant spirit **** and the witch ancestors are prepared, and it is really powerful." Gu Chensha really saw the power of the giant spirit **** this time. He was both worried and happy in his heart.

"what is that?"

In this chaos, when all the god-level masters of the Fajia were too diligent to take care of themselves, Gu Chensha saw the turbulence, and there seemed to be an elixir.

This elixir is transparent throughout, and there seems to be a phantom of a tree in it, and the momentum of that tree is far from being comparable to the demon tree and the wish tree.

This is Hongmeng Tree.

"Hongmeng Shengdan! The seven human saints of ancient humans were severely injured together. They took a Hongmeng tree fruit from the Hongmeng tree and refined some elixir, which is Hongmeng Shengdan!" Gu Chensha immediately remembered this allusion.

It seems that there is a Hongmeng tree fruit in the palace treasure house.

Emperor Tianfu easily picked it from the Hongmeng tree, but with the retreat of Emperor Tianfu, the treasure house of the palace was closed, and no one could open it.

"This Dan is actually in all legal circles, although it is not as good as the real Hongmeng tree fruit, after all, it contains a part of the medicinal power, which is of great benefit to me!" Gu Chensha urged her change, and flew away, in a violent In the turbulence, it has penetrated into Hongmeng Shengdan.

Hongmeng Shengdan is extremely difficult to digest, but the quality of the heavenly law of ancient dust and sand penetrated into it at once, and immediately this Shengdan disintegrated, all melted, silent.

The ancient mana only felt that the mana had doubled sharply, especially his own soul and will, which had reached the point where it was used with all his heart.

He controlled the heavenly law, and was more sure to resist the call of heavenly law.

In this chaos, he silently absorbed Hongmeng Shengdan, but no one was present, and there was chaos in all the legal circles.

"When I came to all the Fajias, I got the Hongmeng Shengdan. I was nourished by swallowing them, but I want to overthrow the behemoths of the Fajia and the Demons. It is still a long way off. You must get the secret of Fasheng. When all of the legal realm is chaotic, if I can find the hub of the legal realm, I can steal secrets. "Gu Chen's heavenly law is still transformed into the same vitality as the legal realm, wandering everywhere and quietly swallowing Hongmeng Shengdan He worked more subtlely, wandering, and better observing the essence of all the legal realms.

His original mana was not enough to thoroughly observe all the legal realms, but after swallowing Hongmeng Shengdan, his soul rose again, his mana became more vigorous, and he motivated it to work as intended and invigorate. This feeling is that he may not be able to obtain it for hundreds of years of hard work.

"This Hongmeng Shengdan is indeed very strong. If I take it to Fa Wuxian earlier, I am afraid that his cultivation is not under the dwarf's death and abandonment. I would have had some trouble killing the dwarf's death and abandonment. Now I have taken this Dan After that, you can be sure of beheading this person, but you have to find a weapon. The Vientiane broken rod is good. Under one stick, Vientiane collapses. It is said that the weapon held by the ancient Hercules is purely lethal. Nothing fancy. But let's get the tree first. "

The ancient mana's mana drifted directly into the large tree that could cover hundreds of miles, then directly penetrated into it, and began to want to refine this tree.

He is familiar with the light demon road, and has the condensing experience of the Sky Demon Tree. He is definitely not comparable to those who do not know how to do it, even if it is Fa Sheng, he does not understand the method of condensing the Sky Demon Tree.

The ancient dust and sand use the cultivation of the heavenly method to stimulate the vitality of the tree itself. Walking around the tree, there are layers of bans. It is a legacy of god-level masters, but he can now communicate the sphere of the wish of life. With a little movement, I borrowed the power of the sphere itself, using the heavenly law as a cover, and one by one breaking those prohibitions.


Much of this tree's message passed into his heart.

It turned out that the ancient human saints united and waged war on demons. The saints combined with other saints to defeat the saints of the demons, broke some of the refined demon trees, and then seized the remains. The saints according to their own methods, It was made into a tree of law, but before it was completed, Fasheng was summoned by the Tao and disappeared.

This means that this tree is actually a semi-finished product.

For semi-finished products, ancient dust is very easy to handle. It is not a finished product. The prohibition is very thin and easy to crack.

He cracked the tree silently, suddenly operating his method, and began to transform.

This huge tree began to shrink, with an incredible degree, in a blink of an eye, shrunk to a palm-sized sprout.

Then the space collapsed slightly, and the shoot was teleported away.

This is a rare opportunity. After this village, there is no such shop.

In the sphere of the wish of life, the space is opened, and the palm-sized saplings show a strong vitality and appear inside the sphere. , Trying to obtain the weakest saint in the weakest age, is this the luck of our Jingxian Division? Should n’t we stop it? ”

At one point, the little sapling disintegrated and merged directly into the wish tree.

The wish tree immediately began to swell, and once again became as tall as a few people. The branches and leaves spread out, like the old banyan tree spreading out, exuding a soft and incomparable breath.

"Once you get this big tree of Falun Gong, the wish tree will save hundreds of years of evolution again, so I will be a lot easier." After this wish tree grew into a big tree, countless rays of light spread out, letting The qi in this sphere is more closely regulated ~ www.readwn.com ~ The sphere's peristalsis is vigorous and powerful.

At this time, if you look at it from the void, the sphere of the wish of life has been completely combined with the void, and the shape has been hidden.

"The next target, the Vientiane Shattering Rod! This rod is extremely destructive, which is the naked way to destroy it. It is left over by the ancient God of Hercules. I happened to have completed it without any weapons in hand." Gu Chensha sent Upon reaching the tree, he felt the immense power raging, and he swept up again, wrapped around the Vientiane broken rod, and rushed directly into the rod with the power of the sphere of the wish of life.

Then, he does not want to absorb all the power accumulated in the legal realm and inject it into the sphere of life's wishes.

This is tantamount to stealing.

All the legal circles are now extremely turbulent. The forces in the entire world are violent, turbulent with each other, and have not stabilized. The ancient dust and sand just stole these forces and entered their own wishful spheres. This is equivalent to the Legalist ’s savings of 8,000 years. Stealed by Gu Chensha year after year.

Energized by the Heavenly Method, the Vientiane Broken Rod was also reduced in size, and finally turned into a needle, wrapped in the ancient dust and sand mana.

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