Dragon Talisman

Chapter 477: 1 cut

Originally, the sphere of wish of life was placed in a parallel space enclosed by ancient dust and sand. As long as it is a master and slightly operates its own mind, you can feel it. That is because the sphere has not yet been completed and can be seen in the faults of space. trace. One novel W≤W≤W ≦. <1YX There is no way to do this. Any cave-level magic weapon that first condenses successfully requires hundreds of years of running-in, familiar with the shielding of space shocks, and then can be perfectly integrated into the space. Can't find it at all.

"Jingxian Si progressed so fast? Is there an expert to help?" The gnome gave up frowning and thought: "Last time someone pretended to have killed a master of the Mingjia Demon Clan, as well as the blood demon clan, the six-armed snake demon clan The strong man made our alliance almost infighting. In the end, I still could n’t clear the suspicion. The father and the god-level masters of several races worked together to calculate and nothing was calculated. The masters of those races felt that my father had concealed the secret with secret methods. . Until now, our ethnic groups are still at odds. The major event has been postponed. I suspect that this Jingxian Division is making troubles, but there is still no evidence. When I return from Wanlong Nest, I will enter Jingxian Division to investigate. "

He didn't make a shot, and it seemed that something important was important, so as not to frighten the snake.


He continued to fly deep into the wilderness.

The barren land, endless, all are poor mountains and waters, hot and humid jungles, covering the sky, and the devil's lair is hidden in it. I do n’t know how many demon and evil monks and barbarian tribes all the way past. In addition, there are ancient Among the heirs of witchcraft.

These buckets are all in view.

Although the wild is a crouching dragon and a tiger, but there is also a real master, that is not the barbaric saint of the barbarians, but the master of the monsters, the master of the dragon nest, and Li Wanlong.

Even the three great apes and the god-level masters of all races must obey the orders of Wanlong Nest.

He is visiting Li Wanlong this time to work together to arrange some things.

"Although the Legalists reached an agreement with us, they can't believe it. It is a little trustworthy. After all, since the ancient times, demons have never separated, demons are demons, demons are demons." The gnome abandoned and continued to fly.



A golden stick appeared silently, but with the breath of brokenness and destruction, when it came, it had reached the top of his head.

The momentum and power of this stick are endless. When the head is pressed, the space is shattered.

"This is ....." The gnome gave up and was taken aback: "The weapon of ancient Hercules, the Vientiane Broken Rod, isn't this stick in the Fajia?"


A weapon appeared on his hand. This weapon was a scepter. Many ancient deities were engraved on it. At the top of the scepter, a supreme **** was sitting. This **** has no face. Black, like white but not white, is the statue of Capricorn.

This magic weapon is also refined by god-level masters.

Two magic weapons collided in the air.


The dwarf's scepter was broken under the Vientiane broken rod, and it was irresistible.

"Unfortunately, my Capricorn scepter is the latest refining of god-level masters in the dwarf demon class, of course, the power is great, can not be compared to such a treasure that spent the life and effort of ancient Hercules to refine." When his own baby is ruined, he knows that there is great danger.

The Capricorn Scepter is a magic weapon recorded in Capricorn's Prison Scripture. As long as it has materials, it can be refined.

So the gnome gave up and let the god-level masters in the gnome demon family make this baby for himself.

But this refined baby is destined not to spend that much effort of the god-level master, how can it be compared with the Vientiane broken rod made by the life-long effort of ancient Hercules? What's more, the god-level master and the **** who owns the gods are very different.

Ancient Hercules was the true God who had long been enshrined.

He can pinch those god-level masters in the dwarf demons.

This Vientiane Broken Rod is a stick, all vitality is in the shattered, no luck at all.


The gnome gave up his body and changed continuously. He has cultivated the twenty-six transformations of the state, and the mana is extremely condensed. Moreover, he is a "born sage", similar to the Fa Wuxian qualification. It has become a true dragon law and a high-power spell, but it is the most important figure among the dwarf demons.

The ancient dust sand urged Vientiane to destroy the stick to attack, in one shot, he could not kill him.

"Brother Wuxian, why do you play such a joke with me? We dwarf demons have reached an agreement with the Legalists." The dwarf has secretly felt the breath of Law Wuxian: "If Brother Wuxian wants to test with me, It ’s okay, but I ’m afraid I ’m going too hard and hurt Brother Wuxian, I ’m afraid I ’ll break the peace. ”

At this time, when the dwarf died abandoning the mental fluctuations, there was already a killing intention.

In his opinion, "Fa Wuxian" destroyed his Capricorn Scepter, which has caused him great losses.

Even if he was the most promising young master among the dwarf demons, he could not order the god-level masters in the tribe to make him a magic weapon. This magic weapon was exchanged for his humanity and face.

"Fa Wuxian, people say that you are extremely arrogant. It seems that you think that I am a natural sage, not as good as you, a natural sage? In this case, I will let you know that your cultivation is still a lot worse, this Vientiane Compensate the broken rod, and I won't hurt you! "At this time, the gnome gave up a rune, and wrapped around the Vientiane broken rod.

Hum ...

As soon as the falcon came out, it turned into dark light, wrapped around the Vientiane Broken Rod.

Then the gnome gave up the palm and grabbed it, and the **** hand appeared, urging the Capricorn black jail hand to suppress Wuxian.


Just in the moment.

The body of Fa Wuxian in the air changed into a gourd.

The boundless murderous spirit emerged from that gourd, even if it was the overbearing spirituality of destroying the stick with Vientiane. In the face of this murderous gas, a child shivered like a child.


Among the gourds, a flying knife appeared. This flying knife scared the heavens and cut off all the immortals and demon gods. Everything was destroyed and everything was killed.

Any existence that has been stared at by this flying knife, whether tangible or intangible, will almost certainly die.

This is the first killing treasure of the heavens condensed on the Hongmeng tree, "Cut the Immortal God Gourd".

Gu Chensha was killed by the knife gas in the real gourd. He died when he was chopped. However, after the death, the blood of Emperor Tianfu was also really activated, but the knife gas was merged.

Originally, although the ancient dust and sand changed this gourd's lethality, it was huge, but it was not sure to cut off such purity as the gnome gave up, because he could not fully urge the power of the sword.

But in all the legal circles of the Legalist School, he took a Hongmeng Shengdan, which was completely different.

The cut gourd **** gourd itself is condensed from the Hongmeng tree, and the Hongmeng Shengdan is made from the fruit of the Hongmeng tree. This Dan contains the supreme mystery. After the ancient dust and sand have been swallowed, it begins to truly understand Hong Mengshu's secret.

As a result, the twenty-two changes in his own realm to change the "law of heaven and earth" to change into a fairy gourd is simply complementary.

The gourd appeared, and the knife was out of breath.

The gnome was shocked to death, feeling extremely dangerous, and never before felt death so near.

He tried hard to change, trying to avoid this sword. But the whole person was like a nightmare package, unable to move. Since ancient times, there has not been any case where people have escaped from cutting the gourd from the holy gourd.

The sword will strike, and everyone will die.

Even the magical powers of Xingqiang's are still torn apart.

At this time when the gnome gave up, I knew the horror of this sword. The key is the ancient sword dust, not the change simulation, but the real original sword spirit. Although there is only a trace, if you can complete it, you can cut it.

The silk knife Qi itself was sealed by the three heavenly gods with supreme mana and handed over to the bottom of the box at the bottom of the box. If it was not forced to the extreme by the Emperor Wu and the ancient dust, it would not urge come out.

If this silk was not absorbed by the blood of Emperor Tianfu in the body of Guchensha, I am afraid that even Emperor Wu will be beheaded.

Rao is so. Emperor Wu was affected by the remnants of the knife gas, but was still severely chopped and fell into the realm.

At the time, Emperor Wudi's cultivation was a twenty-nine change, which was extremely horrifying.


Changing the gourd from the ancient dust and sand, urging the knife gas, locking the gnome to abandon, is this moment.

The dwarf's death and abandonment will not help, even if it changes a lot.

No surprise, he was cut by the sword.

Not even the screams came out, all vitality, memory, luck, and even the number of lives were all cut off and taken away with one shot.

Gu Chensha mastered this knife with ease, and he should cultivate the heavenly law for him.

The body that the gnome abandoned was so beheaded.

No suspense.

With the qualifications of a natural sacred demon, and the cultivation of the twenty-six states becoming "one way to one," he was cut by the ancient dust and sand!

The ancient dust and sand changed back again, and saw a quaint ring left behind by the dwarf. This ring seems to have been forged by some kind of bone, but it was not cut by the knife.

As soon as he caught it ~ www.readwn.com ~ the ring was caught by him, and then the Vientiane broken rod was recovered and disappeared.

Originally, nothing could be kept under the flying knife from the Xianxian God Gourd, but in the end, the ancient dust and sand just got a little bit of knife air, not the real gourd.

However, what can be left behind in this kind of knife is definitely a good baby.

The ancient dust sand eyes knew that the baby ring was an object of storage, and it was definitely a bone of ancient power.

For example, the Giant Spirit Ring is forged by the skeleton of the Giant Spirit God.

With a single blow, it disappeared immediately.

"I do n’t know if the gnome has left a mark on the demons, or is there an incarnation? If not, it will be cut off by me, but there must be a mark on his level that can be resurrected, but the real body is What I cut, at least 99% of the loss of strength, is no longer a concern. "When Gu Chensha disappeared, he calculated in his heart:" Unfortunately, my realm is not enough, and I cannot fully use the power of this sword. The real power cut off the other person's true body, and the incarnation and all imprints were eliminated at the same time. "

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